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“General Methods of Teaching”

EDU (301)
Lecture # 08

Topic: “Educational Equity”

Lecture objectives

By the end of the lecture, you will have:

 Reflected upon the concept of ‘educational equity’

 Reflected upon dimensions of diversity, these
dimensions are: socioeconomic, physical, language,
ability, and gender.
 Devised ways to promote socioeconomic, physical,
language, ability and gender equity in your school.
Educational equity
Educational equity, or equity in education, is the study
and achievement of fairness in education. The study of
educational equity is often linked with the study of 
excellence and equity. Fairness is often equated with 
equality, but equity deals with accommodating and
meeting the specific needs of specific individuals. Such
needs-based accommodation will not result in equal
treatment of all students.

It means that all students are treated equally well and
that all school resources are shared equally.

Diversity means the differences

between things or people; the variety
or assortment that makes us unique.
Every person has unique talents,
characteristics, and challenges to
share with the world.
Types of diversity

1. Socioeconomic diversity
2. Physical diversity
- Age
- Physical attributes
- Impairment and disabilities
3. Ability diversity
Categories of

A learning disorder characterized by
specific behaviour problems over such a
period of time, and to such a marked degree,
and of such a nature, as to adversely affect
educational performance…

 Giftedness
 Mild Intellectual Disability
 Developmental Disability

Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Language Impairment
Speech Impairment
Sensory diversity means that is related
to your senses. There are some
students, who listen loud; some
become threatened because of loud
voice. We must know that there can be
sensory diversity in our class.

Physical Disability
Blind and Low Vision
Multiple Exceptionalities

 Dyslexia

 A combination of learning disorders, impairments,

or physical disabilities, that is of such nature as to
require, for educational achievement, the services
of one or more teachers holding qualification in
special education and the provision of support
services appropriate for such disorders,
impairments, or disabilities.
Language Diversity

Bilingual education
Immersion model
Strategies to integrate address
language diversity

1. Avoid forcing pupils to speak up immediately.

2. Give them some print material.
3. Try to talk individually to the students.
4. Start lesson with simple questions having ‘yes’
or ‘no’ answer.
5. If possible, use satisfactory or unsatisfactory
Gender Bias
"Sitting in the same classroom, reading the same
textbook, listening to the same teacher, boys and
girls receive very different educations" (Sadker,
1994). In fact, upon entering school, girls perform
equal to or better than boys on nearly every
measure of achievement, but by the time they
graduate high school or college, they have fallen
behind (Sadker, 1994).
Strategies to avoid
 Call on girls as often as you call boys.
 Pick those texts, pictures and movies
which do not instill gender
 Rotating responsibilities.
 Provide same learning opportunities to
boys and girls.
Encouraging equity in

 Observe carefully
 Set the tone
 Involve others
 Promote autonomy
 Organize support groups
 Celebrate learning
 Celebrate diversity
 Instill pride in workmanship

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