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Orientalism 3

오리엔탈리즘 3
 “I have begun with the assumption that the orient is not a
n inert fact of nature. It is not merely there, just as the Oc
cident itself is not just there either. We must take seriously
Vico’s great observation that men make their own history,
that what they can know is what they have made, and ext
end it to geography; as both geographical and cultural enti
ties - such locales, regions, geographical sectors as Orient
and Occident are man-made. Therfore as much as the Wes
t itself, the Orient is an idea that has a history and a traditi
on of thought, imagery, and vocabulary that have given it
reality and presence in and for the West. The two geograp
hical entities thus support and to an extent reflect each ot
 Vico and Gramsci’s Observation and Orientalism

1. Man-made History

2. Hegemony
 “One ought never to assume that the structure of Oriental
ism is nothing more than a structure of lies or of myths wh
ich, were the truth about them to be told, would simply bl
ow away. I myself believe that Orientalism is more particul
arly valuable as a sign of european-atlantic power over the
Orient than it is a veridic discourse about the Orient.”
Works Cited
 Orientalism by Edward Said
 이석호 , < 정신의 탈식민화 >

 Next Week

- “Postcolonial Literature and Counter-discourse” by Helen Ti


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