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The following is what in

my opinion is essential
for personal care
starting with personal
care products
Personal Cleanliness
1. Cepillo de dientes - toothbrush 2. Crema de dientes - toothpaste

3. Shampoo - Shampoo 4. Jabón – Soap

5. Crema para peinar - styling cream 6. Cepillo para peinar - comb brush

7. Perfume - fragrance 8. Desodorante - deodorant

9.Crema corporal - body lotion 10. Talcos para pies - talcum powder
The following is what in
my opinion is essential
for the care of the
physical appearance
1. Crema hidratante – Moisturizer 2. Suero – Serum

3. Base de maquillaje - make-up base 4. Contornos - outline

5. Rubor - Blush 6. Sombras de ojos - eye shadows

7. Delineador – eyeliner 8. Polvos compacto - compact powders

9. Labial - lip 10. iluminador - highlitter

11. Pestañina - eyelash

The following is what in
my opinion is essential
for proper exercise.
1. Pesas - gym weights 2. Bandas elásticas - elastic fitness bands

3. Caminadora - tramilla 4. Mancuernas - dumbbells

5. Bicicletas - stationary bikes 6. Colchonetas - Mats

7. Multigimnasio - multi gym 8. Tenis deportivos - tennis

9. Ropa deportiva - sportswear

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