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Do you know what Web2.0 is? What about Web1.0?

computers started with the military (1962) and universities to exchange
information, data and research. Web1.0, which really never had this
name, was static, read only and could only be modified by the
webmaster. Web2.0 allows the client, the user to interact such as
commenting on blogs and using Facebook.
First connections were very technical using only text on black or green
screens. First friendly Mosaic web browser started in ‘93. It still
required coding HTML by webmasters.
The idea of Web2.0 started in ’99 and mentioned by Tim O’Reilly at a
conference in 2003 or 2004. Multimedia publishing flourished. The
web became very interactive.
Quick list of some tools. (explain on following slides)
Discuss experience with blogs with students. Talk about different uses:
journaling, news reporting, personal diaries, communicating in
education about peers, with parents and students. Includes multi-
media and gadgets or widgets.
Most famous is Wikipedia. Wiki means “quick” in Hawaiian. Losing
Think about syndicating like Peanuts cartoon, it comes to you, you
don’t have to go to find it. Many sites have a RSS button.
Great for collecting your “stuff” on the Internet, such as email, RSS,
new feeds, following blogs and all your favorite sites.
Early option was for saving useful URLs. Many more
tools now can do much the same thing.
Top names now are Facebook and Twitter. Formerly was MySpace.
Discuss the use of Facebook in education, in class, the affect on
socializing and relationships.

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