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We have been enlightened that in order to pass the
subject (reading Skills) we need to not only meet and
submit all of the given requirements discussed from the
Course syllabus and class schedule but also to revisit and
reacquire the necessary reading skills, strategies and
theories to be better readers. This is important for us
(Teachers) to be effective catalysts that brings true
changes in the academic world most specially to our
educatees to uplift their low performance in reading that
is reflected in the NAT (National Achievement Test) and
PISA (Program for International Assessment).
To do so, we revisited and examined the nature of
reading by taking into accounts its definition given by
different authors and the elaborations made by our virtual
classmates. In doing so, we have learned that reading is a
dynamic interaction between the reader and the text
(Maam Ruhamma); that reading is not just simply
decoding but it is a transaction, that when we do reading,
we actually try to comprehend the text as the ultimate goal
of the reading activities (Maam Karla); that reading
involves imagining or recreating what is said by the author
(Maam Sharon); that reading is the construction and
reconstruction of meaning through the active involvement
of the reader (as discussed by Maam Myrlene); that
reading is interactive, where readers combine what they
can visualize from print with the non-visual that is already
in their minds in order to make sense of what they have
read (Sir Francis); and finally ,we supplement the
understanding of the text by using information from other
sources, as well as using one’s prior knowledge or
schema that match readers’ background knowledge with
text input that facilitates comprehension (Maam Karla).
The lesson about the nature of reading is
not yet done, and we are going to continue
it today.
That’s all for the summary of learnings
regarding yesterday’s discussions.

Thank you!

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