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State Transition Network


● A state transition network (STN) is a method of dialogue analysis on the interface.

One STN should be used for each use case scenario.
What are the three things a State Transition Network (STN) will

1. State - a moment in time

2. Transitions - trigger that causes change in state
3. Paths - prescribed sequence(s) through state
5 State Transition Diagram

1. Abstract Diagram
2. Visual Interface Diagram
3. Annotated Diagram
4. Indexed Diagram
5. Branching Diagram
ABSTRACT State Transition Diagram

● An abstract diagram captures the flow of user activities as abstractions, there are no
visual details and they are easy to modify.
VISUAL INTERFACE State Transition Diagram

● A visual interface diagram captures appearances as it passes through each state, good
for details but is harder to modify.
ANNOTATED State Transition Diagram

● An annotated diagram is a state transition diagram which is augmented to include

explanatory text
INDEXED State Transition Diagram

● An index diagram is a diagram which is used to manage complexity an multiple

 BRANCHING State Transition Diagram

● Most interfaces contain decision paths which leads to multiple transitions. Branching
diagrams can be used along with abstract, visual interface and indexed diagrams to
identify the (multiple) decisions paths and transitions

1. A diagram can become too complex.

2. No simple method for modelling special actions, e.g. Esc. and Help function

1. State Transition Networks provide a documentation of interaction scenarios that

implement use cases of the system.
2. States and actions can be analysed to ensure designs are sound and effective.
State transition networks (STN)

● circles - states
● arcs - actions/events
● Suppose, we are using a drawing interface that allows us to draw lines and circles, by
choosing appropriate menu item. To draw a circle, we need to select a center and
circumference. A line can be drawn by selecting points on the line. How can we
model this dialog using an STN?

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