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Learning Objective
• 1.Consciousness and levels of consciousnes
• 2.Why sleep and how sleep works
• 3.Purpose of sleep
• 4. Stages of sleep
• 5. Problems during sleep
• 6. Sleep deprivation
Lo.1 Consciousness
• Consciousness - a person’s awareness of
everything that is going on around him or her at
any given moment.
• Waking consciousness - state in which thoughts,
feelings, and sensations are clear, organized, and
the person feels alert.
• Altered state of consciousness - state in which
there is a shift in the quality or pattern of mental
activity as compared to waking consciousness.
Altered state of consciousness
• There are also many common experiences
that create altered states of consciousness
(ASC), such as sleeping or daydreaming, sleep
deprivation, euphoria or panic. Dream state,
hypnosis, and meditation are also considered
as ASC.
Altered state of consciousness
• Many forms:
1. being under the influenced of certain
2. daydreaming
3. being hypnotized
4. achieving a meditative state
The Biology of Sleep
• Sleep is one of the human body’s biological rhythm,
natural cycles of activity that the body must go
• Other biological rhythm:
 menstruation
 heart beat
 rise and fall of blood pressure &body temperature
 production of certain body chemicals
LO 4.2 Why sleep and how sleep works

LO 2: Sleep-wake cycle
• Circadian rhythm - a cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over
a 24-hour period.
– “circa” – about
– “diem” – day
• Controlled by an area within the Hypothalamus – tiny
section of the brain that influences the glandular system.
– suprachiasmatic nucleus – deep within the hypothalamus; the
internal clock that tells people when to wake up and when to fall
• Tells pineal gland to secrete melatonin, which makes a person feel
sleepy: used to treat a condition called jet lag.

Pineal Gland
Factors contribute to sleep
• Serotonin : if the levels of serotonin increase
seem to be associated with sleepiness
• Body temperature: the lower the
temperature, the sleepier the person.
L.0 3 Purpose of Sleep
• Energy Conservation
• Cellular Restoration
• Brain Function
• Emotional Well – being
• Weight maintenance
• Proper Insulin Function
• Immunity
• Heart Health
L.O 4 Stages of sleep
• Two kinds of sleep:
1. REM sleep (rapid eye movement:
active type of sleep when most of a
person’s dreaming takes place; the
movement of the person’s body is very little
2. non-REM sleep: much deeper, more
restful kind of sleep; the person’s body is
free to move around
LO 4.4 Stages of sleep
Brain Wave Patterns
• Electroencephalograph (EEG) - allows scientists to
see the brain wave activity as a person passes
through the various stages of sleep and to
determine what type of sleep the person has
– Alpha waves - brain waves that indicate a state of
relaxation or light sleep.
– Theta waves - brain waves indicating the early stages
of sleep.
– Delta waves - long, slow waves that indicate the
deepest stage of sleep. Menu
LO 4.4 Stages of sleep

LO 4.4 Stages of sleep
Stages of Sleep
• Non-REM Stage One – light sleep.
– May experience:
hypnagogic images – vivid visual events (bits and
pieces of what eventually become dreams but are
most often seen as flashes of light
hypnic jerk – knees, legs, or whole body jerks.
• Non-REM Stage Two – body temperature drops,
heart rate slows, breathing irregular. EEG show
sign of sleep spindles (brief bursts of activity only
lasting a second or two).
Stages of Sleep
• Non-REM Stages Three and Four – delta
waves pronounced.
– Deep sleep – when 50%+ of waves are delta
– The growth hormone are released and reach their
– The body is at the lowest level of functioning.
LO 4.4 Stages of sleep

LO 4.4 Stages of sleep

REM Sleep
• REM sleep is paradoxical sleep (high level of
brain activity).
• If wakened during REM sleep, almost always
report a dream.
• REM rebound - increased amounts of REM
sleep after being deprived of REM sleep on
earlier nights.
Sleep Disorders
• Nightmares - bad dreams occurring during
REM sleep.
• REM behavior disorder - a rare disorder in
which the mechanism that blocks the
movement of the voluntary muscles fails,
allowing the person to thrash around and
even get up and act out nightmares.
LO 4.4 Stages of sleep
Stage Four Sleep Disorders

• Sleepwalking (somnambulism) - occurring

during deep sleep, an episode of moving
around or walking around in one’s sleep.
• Occurs in about 20 percent of the
• Partially due to heredity
• More common in childhoo
Sleepwalking is more common
among children than adults.
Although this young girl may
appear to be awake, she is still
deeply asleep. When she
awakens in the morning, she will
have no memory of this
sleepwalking episode.

Stage Four Sleep Disorders
• Night terrors - a rare disorder in which the
person experiences extreme fear and screams
or runs around during deep sleep without
waking fully.
• More likely to occur in children and disappear
as the child grows older
Nightmare vs Night terrors
• A person who has had nightmare will actually
be able to come awake and immediately talk
about the bad dream.
• Nightmares occur during REM sleep, which
means people dot move around in a
nightmare as they do in a night terror
LO 4.6 Sleepwalking

Can Sleepwalking be a Crime Defense?

• Steven Steinberg case

• Kenneth Parks case
• Scott Falater case

LO 4.7 Problems during sleep

L0 5 : Problems During Sleep

• Insomnia - the inability to get to sleep, stay asleep,
or get a good quality of sleep.

Psychological Physiological
Trying too hard Too much
to sleep caffeine,
Having anxiety Aches or pain
Problems During Sleep
• Sleep apnea - disorder in which the person
stops breathing for nearly half a minute or
excessively sleepy in the daytime
cause heart problems
Problems During Sleep
• Narcolepsy - sleep disorder
in which a person falls
immediately into REM sleep during the day
without warning.
– Cataplexy – sudden loss of
muscle tone.
– hypnagogic images may also occur
LO 4.4 Problems during sleep

L0 6 : Sleep Deprivation
( Symptoms and Effect )
• Typical symptoms include
Trembling hands
Staring off into space
Droopy eyelid
General discomfort

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