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How to Use This Template

Each slide needed in your submission is provided in this template.
Do not add slides
Do not delete slides (except the “How to Use This Template” slide)
Replace the “blue” font on each slide with your presentation content
Change all font to black
Use bullet points on the slides
Do not type every word you plan to say on the slide
Enter the text/transcript of your talk in the speaker notes section
The speaker notes section is the gray area below each slide
Do not enter your speaker notes in comment boxes
DO NOT include audio, video, or graphics
Delete this slide before submitting your assignment
BUS499 Capstone
Assignment 4
Insert Student’s Name Here
Insert Firm’s Name Here
Impacts on
Impact of Company’s Mission on Success
 insert a bullet or two describing the mission’s impact to overall competitive success
Impact of Company’s Vision on Success
 insert a bullet or two describing the vision’s impact to overall competitive success
Impact of Stakeholders on Success
 insert a bullet or two describing the impact of stakeholders to overall competitive
SWOT Strategy
Strength: Insert strength here
Insert a bullet describing the strategy to capitalize on the strength
Insert another bullet describing the strategy to capitalize on the strength
Opportunity: Insert opportunity here
Insert a bullet describing the strategy to capitalize on opportunities
Insert another bullet describing the strategy to capitalize on opportunities
SWOT Strategy
Weakness: Insert weakness here
Insert a bullet describing the strategy to minimize weaknesses
Insert another bullet describing the strategy to minimize weaknesses
Threat: Insert threat here
Insert a bullet describing the strategy to minimize threats
Insert another bullet describing the strategy to minimize threats
Competitiveness Strategy
Business-Level Competitiveness Strategies
1st bullet point of business-level strategy to maximize competitiveness
2nd bullet point of business-level strategy maximize competitiveness
Corporate-Level Competitiveness Strategies
1st bullet point of corporate-level strategies to maximize competitiveness
2nd bullet point of corporate-level strategies to maximize competitiveness
Profitability Strategy
Business-Level Profitability Strategies
1st bullet point of business-level strategy to maximize profitability
2nd bullet point of business-level strategy maximize profitability
Corporate-Level Profitability Strategies
1st bullet point of corporate-level strategies to maximize profitability
2nd bullet point of corporate-level strategies to maximize profitability
Communications Plan
Communicate Competitiveness Strategies by:
1st bullet point on the plan to communicate the competitiveness strategies
to stakeholders
2nd bullet point on the plan to communicate the competitiveness strategies
to stakeholders
Communications Plan
Communicate Profitability Strategies by:
1st bullet point on the plan to communicate the profitability strategies to
2nd bullet point on the plan to communicate the profitability strategies to
Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsible (ethical) corporate citizen
1st bullet point on the assessment of efforts by the corporation to be a
responsible (ethical) corporate citizen – specific example
2nd bullet point on the assessment of efforts by the corporation to be a
responsible (ethical) corporate citizen – specific example
Impact of efforts on company’s bottom line
1st bullet point on the impact the efforts have on the company’s bottom line
– specific example
2nd bullet point on the impact the efforts have on the company’s bottom
line – specific example
Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2013). Strategic
management: Concepts and cases: Competiveness and globalization
(10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Insert second source
Insert third source
Insert any additional sources

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