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Constructing Research Instrument

Group 10

One of the most important components of a research

designs is the research instruments because they
gather or collect data or information.

These research instruments or tools are ways of

gathering data. without them, data would be impossible
to put in hand.
5 of Constructing Research Instruments

1. Test
2. Questionnaire
3. Interview
4. Observation
5. Documentation

Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group

The test is an instrument or tool to collect data about

the ability of the subject of the researcher by means of
measurement, for example to measure the ability of the
research subject in mastering certain subject matter
used a written test of the material.

Criteria :
1. Objective Test
2. Subjective Test
Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group
Steps to Compile Test Instrument
There are several steps that must be taken before compiling a test, so that the tests
given are not different from the objectives of the test. The steps in preparing the
test include the following:

1. Formulate or determine the test.

2. Identify learning outcomes (learning outcomes) that are to be measured by the
3. Mark specific learning outcomes, which are behaviors or activities that can be
observed and in accordance with ICT.
4. Detailing subjects or lesson material to be measured.
5. Prepare the specification table.
6. Using a specification table, as a basis for conducting tests

Purwanto, Ngalim. 2009. Prinsip-Prinsip Dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran. Bandung: Rosdakarya

1. Objective Test
– true false
– multiple choice
– matching
– completing
2. Subjective Test
– Extended response
– Restricted response

S., Eko Putro Widoyok. 2012. Teknik Penyusunan Instrumen Penelitian. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar
Questionnaire is a research instrument in the form of a list of questions or
statements in writing that must be answered or filled out by the
respondent in accordance with the instructions for charging.
Questionnaires can be used by researchers for qualitative and
quantitative research.

Criteria :
1. Multiple choice / closed questionnaire
2. Open / open questionnaire
3. Check list
4. Rating scale (multilevel scale), for example, from the agreed level to
strongly disagree.

Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group
Steps to Compile Questionnaire Instrument
Some instructions on how to compile a questionnaire :

1. Make a foreword beforehand briefly before the questionnaire questions are arranged.
2. Make instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire clearly and concisely.
3. Avoid terms that can cause misunderstanding.
4. Formulate in short, clear and simple sentences, so as not to drain the respondent's
energy and mind when reading the questionnaire.
5. Each question should only contain one problem that was asked.
6. If there are words that require emphasis, makia should be given a sign, such as by
thickening words or sentences, underlining, or infecting in different colors the word.
7. The question of each questionnaire item did not lead to the answers desired by the
8. Questionnaires must be made as attractive as possible.

Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group

Interviews are techniques of data collection carried out by

means of dialogue both directly (face to face) and through
certain media channels between interviewers and those
interviewed as data sources. Interviews are data collection
techniques that are often used in qualitative research.

Criteria :
1. Structured
2. Semi-Structured
3. Unstructured
Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group
Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidkan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta
Steps to Compile Interview Instrument

1. Determine to whom the interview will be conducted

2. Preparing the subject matter that will be the subject of
3. Start or open the interview flow
4. Carry out the interview flow
5. Confirm the summary of the interview results and end it
6. Write down the results of the interview in the field notes
7. Identify follow-up results of interviews that have been
Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidkan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta

Observation is a technique of collecting data by observing

directly or indirectly about the things observed and taking
notes on the observation tool.

Criteria :
1. Participant Observation
2. Systematic Observation
3. Experimental Observation

Sanjaya, Wina. 2015. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Kecana Prenada Media Group
Dewa, Katut Sukardi, 1985. Pengantar Teori Konseling : Suatu Uraian Ringkas. Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia : Jakarta
Steps to Compile Interview Instrument
1. Determine what object will be observed
2. Make observation guidelines according to the scope of the
object to be observed
3. Clearly determine what data needs to be observed, both
primary and secondary
4. Determine where the object will be observed
5. Determine clearly how observations will be made to collect
data to run easily and smoothly
6. Determine how and record the results of observations, such
as using notebooks, cameras, tape recorders, video recorders,
and other stationery.

Documentation, from the origin of the word document,

which means written goods. In carrying out the
documentation method, research investigates written
objects such as books, magazines, documents,
regulations, minutes of meetings, etc.

Criteria :
1. Privat Document
2. Official Document
Steps to Compile Document Instrument
1) Identify types of documents that can provide useful information to answer your
qualitative research questions.
2) Consider public documents and personal documents as a source of information for
your research.
3) After documents are found, seek permission to use them from the appropriate
authorized individuals, who are responsible for the materials.
4) If you ask participants to keep a diary, give specific instructions about the procedure.
These guidelines may include what topics and formats will be used, the length of journal
entries, and the importance of clearly writing their thoughts.
5) After you get permission to use the document, check its accuracy, completeness, and
usefulness in answering your research questions.
6) Record information from documents. This process can take several forms, including
making notes about documents or, if possible, optically so that there are text files
(words) for each document. You can scan stories in newspapers to form qualitative text
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Eds.). Boston,
MA: Pearson Education

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