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My grandfather Simon was born on January 15, 1920

He grew up in the city of Lima - Peru

But later they moved to the city of Arequipa
He started school at age 7 and finished in 1938.
He graduated in civil engineering
He started college at age 25
He met my grandmother in college and they got engaged at 28
They got married in Arequipa and had their first child who is my father
They got divorced at 34 but after a few months they came back and had a daughter who is my aunt Maria
My father was born and raised in Arequipa. Study at the American Independence College
He entered the National University of San Agustin and studied medicine
He met my mom in a hospital where she worked as a nurse
They got engaged and married a month later.
For their honeymoon my parents traveled to Mexico and when they
returned they bought a house
They had my sister Rosa first, then my brother Miguel was born and
finally I was born. I was born in Arequipa on November 26, 1996 and
grew up with much affection and affection
I started school at 6 years old and was very studious, when I finished
primary and secondary I decided to enter the University and study civil
engineering after finishing I decided to continue studying and entered
My brother Miguel studied electrical engineering and married his
workmate, they have a son.
My sister Rosa studied medicine just like my dad and married a
lawyer,they have 2 children
My grandfather died last year at the age of 97 and we cremated
him .
My grandmother also died after a few months and she was buried next
to my grandfather

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