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Human Sexuality

Human sexuality…
In all species of animals, including the human species, sexual behavior is
directed by a complex interplay between hormone actions in the brain that give
rise to sexual arousal and physical experiences with a sexual reward. In most
animals, sexual activity and responses are primarily a matter of biology.
Human sexual behavior is different from
the sexual behavior of other animals,
however. While "lower" animals or
species partake in sexual behavior
because they are driven by a "force" to
reproduce, humans are not sexually active
just for the sake of reproduction. There
are a variety of complex factors that lead
people to have sex. Human sexuality is
the way in which we experience and
express ourselves as sexual beings.
Human sexuality… From 1938 to 1963, biologist

Alfred Kinsey (1894-1958)

used interviews to research human sexual behavior and responses.
Although controversial, society was intrigued with findings that
showed men and women were more alike in their sexual instincts
and preferences than previously thought, and their sexual behaviors
were shaped by social and
The cultural
Kinsey forces.
Institute used interviews to collect
data about human sexual practices, including
intercourse, anal and oral sex, masturbation,
extramarital sex, erogenous zones (parts of the
body involved in sexual arousal), sexual fantasy,
homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual experiences,
foreplay, nudity, orgasm, premarital sex, and sex
with prostitutes. Those and current research
findings have concluded that the lower the
socioeconomic class, the more permissive the
sexual behavior.
Human sexuality… Human Sexual Response
by William Masters and Virginia Johnson
summarizes the research they did over a 30 year period starting
in the late 1950’s. They used direct observation to examine sexual
responses, which was controversial but gave a reliable picture of
Their primary contribution happens to help
been to the body during sexual behavior.
sexuality as a healthy human trait and the experience
of great pleasure and deep intimacy during sex
(rather than just to procreate) is a socially acceptable
goal. They focused on sexual functioning, sexual
problems and therapeutic interventions (sexual
therapy) for these problems, and helped move
society toward a more open discussion of sexual
practices and experiences. Findings were published
just prior to the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, when
attitudes toward sex became much more permissive.
Human sexuality… Sexuality in human beings is
influenced by society, but not
A. Laws concerned with the preservation of all societies agree on what
public sensibilities. These outlaw public they consider appropriate or
sexual activity that is found offensive, desirable. There are 3
such as exhibitionism (displaying one’s categories of laws in the
genitals to those not wanting to view United States that govern
them), voyeurism (peeping), locations of sexuality:
strip clubs, sex shops, etc., and
obscenities (vulgar language or gestures).
Human sexuality…
B. Laws concerned with the protection of the person.
These are based on the element of consent. Society
views minors (pedophilia), mentally ill, and mentally
handicapped individuals as too immature or incapable
of giving consent. Others choose not to give consent.
Sexual acts with these individuals is called rape.

Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to,
including unwanted touching; putting something into the vagina; sexual
intercourse; rape; and attempted rape. Date rape refers to sexual assault by a
‘date’ or ‘an acquaintance’, rather than by a stranger. Date rape, or ‘club drugs’
can easily be slipped into a drink; they often have no color, smell, or taste. The
drugs can make the victim weak and confused, or pass out, or lose their
memory. Date rape drugs are used on both females and males, the three most of
which are: rohypnol (roh-HIP-nol), GHB, and ketamine(KEET-uh-meen).
Human sexuality… C. Laws maintaining sexual
morality. This constitutes the
They include laws about incest (having
sexual relations with someone too majority of legislation written, and
closely related by blood to be married are heavily influenced by historical
to), prostitution (sexual acts sold for and current religious perspectives.
money), beastiality (contact with an
animal), transvestism (dressing like the
opposite sex), pornography (written and
pictorial material intended to sexually
excite), and homosexuality (same sex
contact). Laws concerning sexual
conduct and morality are far more
extensive in the U.S. than any other
nation, but are controversial. There are
strong opinions that sexual behavior
among consenting adults is private and
not subject to public scrutiny.
Male reproductive system…
To understand the biology of human
sexuality, you need to know the anatomical
parts and related functions.

The male genitalia are the parts that are

visible from the outside of the body… the
penis and scrotum.

The scrotum is the sac behind the penis that

holds the gonads, or testicles. Muscles
attached to the scrotum raise it up or lower
it away from the body, to regulate the
temperature that is ideal for sperm
production. Sperm cannot be produced if
the testicles are too hot or too cold.
Male reproductive system…
There are two egg-shaped testicles (or
testes) in the scrotum. Each is filled with
compartments called lobules, and each
lobule is filled with seminiferous tubes
where sperm are produced.

The male hormone

testosterone is
also produced in
the testes.

On the outside of each testicle is a coiled tube where

sperm are stored and allowed to mature. One end
connects to the testicle; the other end connects to
the vas deferens. It is called the epididymis.
Male reproductive system…
The male sperm, or reproductive cells called
gametes, have 3 parts: the head that contains the
genetic information from the male; the midpiece that
serves as an energy source, and the tail or flagellum
that provides locomotion. The coating on the head of
the sperm contains an enzyme which allows it to
penetrate the outside of the female egg.
About 100 million sperm are
deposited inside the female
vagina during sexual intercourse,
when the male has an ejaculation.
Unhealthy or limited numbers of
sperm can be caused by smog or
other environmental toxins,
cigarettes, alcohol, illicit drugs,
or anabolic steroids.
Male reproductive system…
There are two tubes called vas deferens,
each leading from the epididymis on the
side of the testicle to the urethra. At least
in part, the vas deferens is also referred
to as the spermatic cord. Each vas
deferens is a tube that is approximately
30 centimeters (about 11.8 inches) in
length and protected by smooth muscle
mass. This muscle mass contracts
reflexively during ejaculation in a
process called peristalsis, allowing the
sperm to flow through it. On its way, the
sperm collects secretions from the
prostate gland, bulbourethral (Cowper’s )
glands, and seminal vesicles, all male
accessory sex glands.
Male reproductive system… The prostate is about the
size of a small kiwifruit or a
large walnut, normally weighing between
20 and 30 grams, while a diseased
prostate can weigh up to 100 grams and
partially block off the urethra. The
prostate secretes a milky substance that
makes up around 20 – 30% of semen. It
also has muscles that help to expel the
semen during ejaculation.

The prostate can be

affected by a
number of
disorders, all
characterized by swelling and inflammation. The doctor
will conduct a prostate exam to check for unusual swelling.
Male reproductive system…
The two seminal vesicles hold the
liquid that mixes with sperm to form
semen. (Semen contains fluid from the
epididymis, seminal vesicle, prostate
gland, and vas deferens) The seminal
fluids help the sperm swim toward the
egg and keep the sperm nourished
during the traveling process. Each
seminal vesicle is about two inches
long. This gland releases a fluid rich
in sugars, which feeds the sperm. The
fluid also has clotting properties that
make the semen sticky. This ensures
the semen clings inside the vagina for
enough time for the sperm to travel to
the egg.
Male reproductive system…
The two bulbourethral glands, or
Cowper's glands, are roughly the size
of a pea and are located at the base of
the penis, beneath the prostate and
slightly behind the urethra. They have
ducts that lead to the urethra. When
the male is sexually aroused, the
glands produce a few drops or even
about a teaspoon of a mucous like
fluid called pre-ejaculate. The pre-
ejaculate fluid is a viscous, clear, and
salty liquid that lubricates and
neutralizes any residual acidity in the
urethra. The now neutralized urethra
is a better environment for the sperm
to travel in.
Male reproductive system…
The male urethra is a narrow
fibromuscular tube that
conducts urine and semen
from the bladder and
ejaculatory ducts,
respectively, to the exterior of
the body through the penis. It
has an average length of
about 8 inches, extending
from the bladder to the
opening or meatus. It is a
single structure composed of
Male reproductive system…
The human penis contains 3 chambers surrounded
by a sheath called the bucks fascia. Before sexual
arousal, the penis hangs flaccid (soft and limp).
During sexual arousal, the brain sends messages
to the nerves in the penis, causing muscles to relax
and allowing blood to flow into the chamber filled
with erectile tissue. The blood creates pressure,
allowing the penis to expand and extend away from
the body. This is called an erection.
At birth the prepuce (foreskin) is attached to the rounded head of the penis,
called the glans penis. Circumcision is the surgical removal of this foreskin,
sometimes done for hygiene and/or religious reasons. At the end of the glans
penis is the opening to the urethra, called the meatus. At the base of the glans
is a ridge called the corona. The glans is covered in nerve endings, creating
sensitivity to stimulation. Smegma, a lubricant, accumulates under the
Female reproductive Female
genitalia or vulva: The labia
Mons Pubis
majora are two larger folds of skin
extending from the front of the vaginal
opening to the back of it. The outer
surfaces of the folds have darker-colored
skin and stronger hairs, while the inner
folds are smoother.
The labia majora join to form the cleft
shape of the female genitals.
Inside the labia majora are the labia minora, two folds of skin that also extend
down from the clitoris and around the vaginal opening. The labia provide
protection over the vaginal opening and help with the cleaning of the vagina,
eliminating the need for internal cleansing or douching in the average woman.
The fatty tissue over the pubis bone, covered by pubic hair, is called the mons
pubis, also part of the vulva. The vulva also functions as a sexual organ, as the
many nerve endings in this area can provide pleasure when properly stimulated.
Female reproductive system…
The clitoris is the female sexual organ
found where the labia minora meet. It
consists of a rounded area or head,
called the glans, and a longer part,
called the shaft, which contains
chambers similar to those of the penis.

The tissue of the inner lips normally covers the shaft of the clitoris, which
makes a hood, or prepuce, to protect it. The size and shape vary considerably
among women. There is a high concentration of nerve endings in the clitoris
and in the area immediately surrounding it, making it very sensitive to direct or
indirect touch or pressure. When a woman becomes sexually aroused, both the
glans and the shaft fill with blood and increase in size. There is no evidence that
a larger clitoris means more intense sexual arousal.
Female reproductive system…
The vagina is a muscular passage that connects the
uterus to the exterior of the body, where the opening
is protected by the labia. The vagina is lined with
mucous membranes, with ‘wetness’ influenced by
hormones. Mucous levels increase during sexual
arousal; they decrease with aging. During ovulation,
the mucous becomes the consistency of egg whites.
A vagina is about 3 inches long, but can expand in
length and width to allow for insertion of the male’s
penis during sexual intercourse, and in functioning as the birth canal so the baby can
pass through. It is also the passageway for a woman's menstrual flow from the uterus.
Most of the nerve endings are at the entrance to the vagina, allowing for pleasure during
sexual activities. The two pea-sized Bartholin's glands located on either side of the
vaginal opening produce a small amount of smegma, a lubricant during sexual
excitement. The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening to the vagina at
birth. It normally allows for the discharge of menstrual blood; but may break completely
during stretching from vigorous exercise, sexual intercourse, etc.
Female reproductive system…
The 2 ovaries are ductless glands,
firm and smooth and about the size of
an almond, in which the female
reproductive cells called ova are
produced. Each ovary is divided into
compartments called follicles, each
containing an immature ovum. During
ovulation, a follicle expels a ripened
egg under the stimulation of the
luteinizing and follicle-stimulating
hormones. The now-empty follicle or
the corpus luteum, secretes the sex
hormones estrogen and
progesterone, which regulate
Female reproductive system…
The uterus is a female reproductive organ
located between the bladder and the
rectum, in the pelvic area. The uterus has
Fundus three layers: the inner lining
(endometrium); the middle muscular layer
(myometrium) that helps push a baby into
the birth canal during delivery; and the
outer layer (perimetrium). The main
purpose of the uterus is to house and
protect a fetus prior to birth. In
menstruating females, the ovaries release
eggs which travel via the fallopian tubes
to the uterus. If fertilized, the eggs will
The top portion of the uterus is implant/bind themselves to the wall of the
called the fundus. uterus and the fetus will develop.
Female reproductive system…
Isthmus One of the two Fallopian tubes
will carry an egg from the ovary
to the uterus. Each fallopian
tube is about 4–5 inches long
and 0.2–0.6 inch in diameter.
Fimbria The channel of the tube is lined
with a layer of mucous
membrane that has many folds
and projections of tissue.

The fimbria are fingerlike branches at the end of the tube sweeping over the
ovaries, catching and channeling the released egg from the ovary into the hand-
like portion called the ampulla. The isthmus connects the ampulla to the fundus
of the uterus. Conception occurs if a sperm fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tube
within approximately 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovary.
Female reproductive system…
The cervix of the uterus attaches the
vagina to the uterus. It is approximately
1” diameter and 1 ½” tall,
approximately half of which extends
into the vaginal canal, and is made of
cartilage. The cervix produces a mucus
that aids in carrying sperm from the
vagina to the uterus. When the woman
isn't ovulating or menstruating, the
cervical mucus thickens.
Normally, the cervical opening is about the diameter of a
pencil. During childbirth, the cervix thins out (effacement) and
dilates to 10 centimeters to allow the baby to pass through the
birth canal. Once the baby is born and the placenta (afterbirth)
is expelled, the cervix begins to thicken and close.
Female reproductive system…
The breast is the tissue overlying the chest
(pectoral) muscles. Women's breasts are
made of specialized tissue that produces
milk, mammary glands, and fatty tissue. The
mammary glands are organized into lobules,
where milk is produced. The milk travels
through a network of tiny tubes called ducts,
which eventually exit the skin in the nipple.
The dark area of skin surrounding the nipple
is called the areola (ah REE ah lah).Nerves
provide sensation to the breast. The breast
also contains blood vessels, lymph vessels,
and lymph nodes.
Prompted by the hormone prolactin, the first secretion from the breast is
colostrum, a thicker yellow substance that provides easily digestible nutrition
and the mother’s immunities. About 3 days later, milk is secreted.
The average woman
Female fertility cycle… has a 28 day fertility cycle. Day 1 is
assigned to the first day of her menstrual
period. That menstrual cycle lasts an
average of 5 days. From day 6-12 or 13, a
new egg is maturing inside an ovarian
follicle, and a new lining is forming inside
the uterus in preparation for a fertilized
egg. On day 14 or so, the mature egg
erupts from the follicle and is swept up and
into the fallopian tube. Any sperm that were
already present in the tube or that newly
enter the tube may fertilize the egg during
the next 24 hours.
If the egg is not fertilized, it dissolves and the uterine lining continues to thicken.
If the egg IS fertilized, it implants itself in the uterine lining. The empty follicle,
filled with corpus luteum, now produces large amounts of progesterone to signal
the body that a pregnancy is proceeding.
Female fertility hormones…
The menstrual cycle is
hormonally driven, and can be
divided into approximately two
halves: In the follicular phase,
secretions of luteinizing
hormone, follicle-stimulating
hormone, and estrogen
support the growth of the
follicle (the cell complex that
surrounds and nurtures the
egg) in the ovary and build up
the lining of the uterus to
receive a fertilized egg.
At mid-cycle, when the egg is ready, a surge of LH and FSH chemically signals the
ovary to release the egg. This stage is called ovulation, and is the optimum time for
fertilization to take place.
Female menstrual cycle, days 1-5…
In the luteal phase, the remnants of
the follicle (corpus luteum) keep
secreting estrogen and progesterone
to maintain the readiness of the
uterus. If the egg is fertilized, then the
luteal phase continues throughout
pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilized,
then the corpus luteum dies, the
uterus sheds its lining, menses
Most periods vary from light to heavy flows; they tend to get shorter and
more regular with age. The average U.S. girl gets her first period at age
12, called the ‘menarche’, but the range of age is about 8 to 15 years old.

Women usually have periods until about ages 45 to 55, ‘menopause’.

Female menstrual cycle, days 1-5…
Problems with periods include the following: amenorrhea (Ā men ah REE ah)
(no period), dysmenorrhea (painful period), and abnormal bleeding.

Women wear a pad

externally or a tampon
internally to collect the
menstrual flow. A tampon
should be changed every 4-
8 hours to avoid TSS (toxic
shock syndrome), a
potentially deadly disease.
Ovulation, day 14…
Each month inside the
woman’s ovaries, a group
of eggs starts to grow in
small, fluid-filled sacs
called follicles. Eventually
one of the eggs erupts from
the follicle (ovulation). It
usually happens about two
weeks before the next

After the egg leaves the follicle, the follicle develops into the corpus
luteum. The corpus luteum releases a hormone that helps thicken the lining
of the uterus, getting it ready for the egg.
Ovulation, day 14…
As the woman approaches ovulation, the
estrogen levels begin to surge, which causes
the cervix to secrete more “fertile quality”
cervical mucus, also known as egg white
cervical mucus (EWCM). It is clear, stretchy, and
less acidic, and is the perfect protective medium
for sperm in terms of texture and pH.
If cervical mucus is thick, sticky, and cloudy, it
has a closely knit fiber structure, low water-
content, and is acidic. Sperm are caught up in
it, and are immobilized by the acidic
environment. Only if cervical mucus is in a thin,
slippery, less acidic state will sperms be able to
penetrate, and survive the fluid, and that is only
naturally possible during ovulation.
Sexual intercourse… Sexual intercourse, also
called coitus, or
copulation, is the
reproductive act in which
the male penis enters the
female vagina. If the
reproductive act is
complete, an average of
100 million sperm are
ejaculated from the male
body into the female.

In human beings, a pattern of physiological events occurs during sexual

arousal and intercourse. These events take place in 4 stages or phases,
identified by Masters & Johnson: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Sexual intercourse…
General characteristics of the
excitement phase, which can last from a few
Activities that create this
minutes to several hours, include the following:
sexual arousal are
commonly referred to as • Muscle tension increases.
‘foreplay’. • Heart rate quickens and breathing is accelerated.
• Skin may become flushed (blotches of redness
appear on the chest and back).
• Nipples become hardened or erect.
• Blood flow to the genitals increases, resulting in
swelling of the woman's clitoris and labia
minora (inner lips), and erection of the man's
• Vaginal lubrication begins.
• The woman's breasts become fuller and the
vaginal walls begin to swell.
• The man's testicles swell, his scrotum tightens,
and he begins secreting a lubricating liquid.
Sexual intercourse…
General characteristics of the plateau
phase, which extends to the brink of
orgasm, include the following:
• The changes begun in phase 1 are intensified.
• The vagina continues to swell from increased blood
flow, and the vaginal walls turn a dark purple.
• The woman's clitoris becomes highly sensitive (may
even be painful to touch) and retracts under the
clitoral hood to avoid direct stimulation from the
• The man's testicles are withdrawn up into the
• Breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure continue
to increase.
• Muscle spasms may begin in the feet, face, &
• Muscle tension increases.
Sexual intercourse…
The orgasm is the climax of the sexual response
cycle. It is the shortest of the phases and generally
lasts only a few seconds. General characteristics of
this phase include the following:
• Involuntary muscle contractions begin
• Blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are at
their highest rates, with a rapid intake of oxygen.
• Muscles in the feet spasm.
• There is a sudden, forceful release of sexual
• In women, the muscles of the vagina contract. The
uterus also undergoes rhythmic contractions.
• In men, rhythmic contractions of the muscles at the
base of the penis result in the ejaculation of semen.
• A rash, or "sex flush" may appear over the entire
Sexual intercourse…
During the final resolution phase, the body
slowly returns to its normal level of
functioning, and swelled and erect body
parts return to their previous size and
color. This phase is marked by a general
sense of well-being, enhanced intimacy
and, often, fatigue. Some women are
capable of a rapid return to the orgasm
phase with further sexual stimulation and
may experience multiple orgasms. Men
need recovery time after orgasm, called a
refractory period, during which they
cannot reach orgasm again. The duration
of the refractory period varies among men
and usually lengthens with advancing age.
Sexual intercourse… The sex act itself is simply biology: chemical
(hormonal) influences and physical stimulation followed by physical responses
that provide sexual release. This can be achieved without sexual intercourse.
Many human beings, however, prefer sexual intimacy within a loving relationship
to achieve full satisfaction.
Men equate satisfaction more with
having an orgasm (physical
satisfaction), while women report
more importance on emotional
It has been suggested that human
beings are supposed to be in a
loving relationship to have a
satisfying sexual experience…
since we are ‘the only animal
species that has intercourse ‘face-
Conception… During sexual intercourse, If one
sperm makes its way into the Fallopian
tube and burrows into the egg, it
fertilizes the egg. That is the moment of
conception. The egg changes so that
no other sperm can get in.
At the instant of fertilization, the
genetic information is passed on, and
the sex of the infant is determined. All
eggs carry the X chromosome. If the
egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y
chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If
the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an
X chromosome, the baby will be a girl.
If the sperm has a Y chromosome, your
baby will be a boy. If it has an X
chromosome, the baby will be a girl.
The fertilized egg, or zygote, stays
in the Fallopian tube for about
three to four days, but within 24
hours of being fertilized it starts
dividing very fast into many cells.
It keeps dividing as it moves
slowly through the fallopian tube
to the uterus.
Ectopic pregnancies result from a
fertilized egg staying in the tube Un-aborted ectopic pregnancies can
rather than traveling to the uterus. rupture the uterine tube causing life-
Un-aborted ectopic pregnancies threatening bleeding or loss of fertility.
can rupture the uterine tube This type of abortion would be referred
causing life-threatening bleeding to as a ‘therapeutic abortion’, rather than
or loss of fertility. an ‘elective abortion’.
The divided zygote,
now called a
blastocyst, moves
into the uterus. It
will burrow into the
uterine wall called
the endometrium;
that process is
called implantation.
Not all fertilized eggs successfully implant and result in a pregnancy.
If a pregnancy occurs, the lining of the uterus gets thicker and the cervix is
sealed by a plug of mucus that will stay in place until the baby is ready to be
born. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) is a pregnancy hormone present
in the woman’s blood from the time of conception; it is produced by the cells
that form the placenta. A blood or urine test will usually detect hCG.
Not all couples who have sexual
intercourse want to have a baby. They
might choose to use methods of
contraception (birth control).

The best way to reduce the risk of unintended

pregnancy among women who are sexually active is
to use effective birth control correctly and
consistently. Birth control failure rates are directly
related to the degree of human error possible with
each method.
The ONLY 100% effective method of birth control,
which is also 100% effective against sexually
transmitted diseases, is abstinence… choosing NOT
to have sexual intercourse.
Natural Methods of Contraception…
Basal body temperature is body temperature when fully at rest. Ovulation causes
the temperature to rise. To track basal body temperature, it must be taken every
day before getting out of bed, using a thermometer designed to measure basal
body temperature or a digital oral thermometer. Temperatures can be taken
vaginally or rectally, but must be consistent. The average change in temperature
is less than one degree during ovulation. During the two or three days when
basal body temperature rises, is when ovulation is occurring.
Do not have unprotected sex during those days
in order to avoid pregnancy. Caution: ovulation
is not the only thing that can change basal body
temperature. Many factors can influence the
temperature including shift work, medications,
stress, illness, alcohol, traveling, interrupted
sleep cycles, oversleeping, and gynecological
Natural Methods of Contraception…
The ‘calendar method’ or ‘rhythm method’ of birth control
is simply charting the woman’s fertility cycle, and
avoiding unprotected sex during the 3 days or so around
predicted ovulation. If the woman does not have regular
periods, this method is very ineffective.

Some women use the cervical mucous method to

determine the days of greatest fertility. When cervical
mucous is clear and slippery, and stretches between
the fingers, unprotected sexual intercourse is

Natural methods of contraception tend to have failure

rates as high as 25%, due to human error.
Hormonal Methods of Contraception…
Implant—The implant is a single, thin rod that is inserted
under the skin of a women’s upper arm. The rod contains a
progestin that is released into the body over 3 years.
Failure rate is nearly 0%.
Injection or "shot"—Women get
shots of the hormone progestin in
the buttocks or arm every three
months from their doctor. Typical
failure rate is 6%.
Oral contraceptives—Also called “the pill,” they either contain the
hormones estrogen and progestin OR the ‘mini pill’ contains
progestin only. They are prescribed by a doctor. A pill is taken at
the same time each day. If you are older than 35 years and smoke,
have a history of blood clots or breast cancer, your doctor may
advise you not to take the pill. Typical failure rate is 9%.
Hormonal Methods of Contraception…
Patch—This skin patch is worn on the lower abdomen,
buttocks, or upper body (but not on the breasts). This method
is prescribed by a doctor. It releases hormones progestin and
estrogen into the bloodstream. You put on a new patch once a
week for three weeks. During the fourth week, you do not wear
a patch, so you can have a menstrual period. Typical use
failure rate: 9%, but may be higher in women who weigh more
than 198 pounds.

Hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring—The ring releases the

hormones progestin and estrogen. You place the ring inside
your vagina. You wear the ring for three weeks, take it out for
the week you have your period, and then put in a new ring.
Typical use failure rate: 9%.
Barrier Methods of Contraception…
Diaphragm or cervical cap: The diaphragm is
shaped like a shallow cup. The cervical cap is a
thimble-shaped cup. Before sexual intercourse,
you apply spermicide and insert them inside
the vagina over the cervix. They block or kill
sperm. The doctor must fit them, as they come
in different sizes. Typical failure rate: 12%.
Worn by the man, a male condom blocks sperm
from getting into a woman’s body. Condoms are
made of latex, other synthetics, or natural/lambskin.
They help prevent pregnancy; latex and synthetics
help prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s).
Typical failure rate: 18%. Condoms can only be used
once. You can buy them over-the-counter at drug
stores. Do not use with massage oils or oil-based
Barrier Methods of Contraception…
Spermicides work by killing sperm and come in
several forms—foam, gel, cream, film,
suppository, or tablet. They are placed in the
vagina no more than one hour before intercourse.
You leave them in place at least six to eight hours
after intercourse. You can use a spermicide in
addition to a male condom, diaphragm, or
cervical cap. They can be purchased at drug
stores. Typical use failure rate: 28%.

The female condom helps keeps sperm from

getting into her body. It is packaged with a
lubricant and is available at drug stores. It can
be inserted up to eight hours before sexual
intercourse. Typical failure rate: 21%, and also
may help prevent STDs.
Intrauterine devices interfere with implantation of
a fertilized egg. They are 99+% effective. The IUD
is placed in the uterus by a doctor, and can be left
in place for years. Some types of IUD’s release a
small amount of hormone, while others do not.
Emergency Contraception…
Emergency contraception is NOT a regular method of birth control, but
can be used after no birth control was used during sex, or if the birth
control method failed, such as if a condom broke. Women can have the
non-hormonal type of IUD inserted within five days of unprotected sex,
or take emergency contraceptive pills up to 5 days after unprotected
sex. Three different types of emergency contraceptive pills, referred to
as ‘morning after pills’, are available in the United States; some are
available over the counter.
IUD’s and emergency contraception are not appropriate for individuals
who are pro-life, as they do not prevent conception.
Permanent Contraception - Sterilization…
The following methods have a failure rate of less than 1%.
Female Sterilization—Tubal ligation or “tying tubes”— A
woman can have her fallopian tubes tied (or closed) so that
sperm and eggs cannot meet for fertilization. The procedure
can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient surgical center;
activities can be resumed in a few days.

Transcervical Sterilization— A thin tube is used to thread a

tiny device into each fallopian tube. It irritates the fallopian
tubes and causes scar tissue to grow and permanently plug
the tubes over a period of about 3 months

Male Sterilization–Vasectomy—The vas deferens are cut and

tied, so the man’s ejaculate never has any sperm in it that
can fertilize an egg. The procedure is done at an outpatient
surgical center; activities can sometimes be resumed the
next day.
Other expressions of sexuality…
Not all men and women
express their sexuality through
intercourse, for various reasons:
curiosity, fear of pregnancy, lack
of suitable partner, low sexual
libido (desire) around partners,
fear of STI (sexually transmitted
infection) or medical conditions
that make intercourse painful or
cause erectile dysfunction.
Ways to achieve sexual satisfaction, without intercourse, might include oral sex
(mouth to genital contact), anal sex (sodomy; using the anus instead of the
vagina for penetration), masturbation (self-stimulation of the genitals),
fantasizing, massage, use of sexual devices (vibrator or
dildo/phallus/representation of erect penis), use of pornography, etc.
No man or woman should ever participate in any expression of sexuality against
their will, or that makes them feel uncomfortable.
The End
Human Sexuality

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