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DMT125 Materials Science

Chapter 2: Atomic Bonding & Structure

Part 1
Atomic structure & subatomic particles
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Electronic structure of atoms
Periodic variations in atomic size,
ionization energy & electron affinity
Primary bonds
Secondary bonds
Atomic structure & subatomic
Atoms – matter is made up of small
Identical having same size, shape, mass &
chemical properties
Democritus Robert Boyle John Dalton
(atomos) (simple bodies) (atoms)
460-370BC 1627-1691 1766-1844
Atoms in all matters are made of smaller
particles (Joseph J. Thompson, 1856-
Atomic structure & subatomic
 Electrons

◦ Negatively charged
◦ -1.06 x 10-19 C (Coulomb)
◦ Charge unit: -1
 Protons

◦ Positively charged
◦ +1.06 x 10-19 C (Coulomb)
◦ Charge unit: +1
 Neutrons

◦ Particles with no electrical charge

◦ Charge unit: 0
Atomic structure & subatomic
Atomic numbers & mass numbers

 Atomic number Z – specific number of protons in its

 Neutral atom – Z protons = Z electrons
 Atomic mass number A – sum of protons + neutrons in a
nucleus of an atom
 Isotopes – same Z, different A

◦ Ie Hydrogen
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
 Avogadro’s number, An (number of atoms in 12 gram of 12C)
◦ 6.02 x 1023
1 mol – amount of substance that contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms
1 atom of 12C – mass of 12 amu
1 mol of 12C – mass 12g, contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms
 Mol – relative atomic mass / molar mass
Mass (g) of 1 atom = (g/atom)

Law of chemical periodicity

 Properties of elements are functions of their Z in a periodic
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1a

 a) find the average atomic mass of Fe

 b) what is the relative atomic mass of iron?
 c) how many atoms are there in 55.849g of Fe?
 d) how many atoms are there in 1g of Fe?
 e) what is the mass in grams of 1 atom of Fe?
 f) based on the answer in part e), what is the mass in grams of
1 amu?
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1a
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1b
 Given the following information of an element Mg:
◦ 50Mg (85.12%) with atomic mass of 21.3 amu
◦ 51Mg (74.11%) with atomic mass of 19.4 amu
◦ 52Mg (63.21%) with atomic mass of 17.3 amu
 Solve the following:

◦ a) find average atomic mass of Mg

◦ b) how many atoms are there in 24.3g of Mg?
◦ c) how many atoms are there in 1g of Mg?
◦ d) what is the mass in grams of 1 atom of Mg?
◦ e) based on the answer in part d), what is the mass in
grams of 1 amu?
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1b
◦ a) (85.12 x 21.3) + (74.11 x 19.4) + (63.21 x
17.3) = 4344.32
◦ 4344.32/100 = 43.44 amu
◦ b) number of atoms in x grams (x>1) of an
element = Avogrado’s number, An : 6.02 x 1023
◦ Thus, number of atoms in 24.3g of Mg = 6.02 x
1023 atoms
 24.3g is referred in the periodic table. For Mg, A is 24.3
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1b
◦ c) number of atoms in 1g of an element =
Avogrado’s number, An / atomic mass number of an
element, A
◦ An / A
◦ Thus, number of atoms in 1g of Mg =
◦ 6.02 x 1023 / 24.3 = 2.48 x 1022 atoms
◦ d) mass in grams of 1 atom of an element =
◦ A / An (gram/atom)
◦ Thus, mass in grams of 1 atom of Mg =
 24.3 / 6.02 x 1023 = 4.04 x 10-23 gram/atom
Atomic numbers & mass numbers
Example 1b
◦ e) mass in grams of 1 amu =
◦ Mass in grams of 1 atom of an element /
average atomic mass of an element
◦ Thus,
 4.04 x 10-23 / 43.44 = 0.93 x 10-24 g
Electronic structure of atoms
Max Planck (1858-1947) discovered that
atoms & molecules emit energy only in
certain discrete quantities called quanta
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
proposed that nature of visible light is in
the form of EM radiation
 Frequency of the wave: Hz (Hertz)

c = speed of light, 3.0 x 108 ms-1

 = wave length
Electronic structure of atoms
Energy of a single quantum of energy
 E = hv J (Joule)
◦ H: Planck’s constant, 6.63 x 10-34 J.s
◦ Inserting the frequency of wave, v into the
equation above,
◦ J (Joule)

Photon – quantum of energy emitted or released in a

form of EM radiation with a specific wavelength &
Electronic structure of atoms

Energy of a photon
 J (Joule)

1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J
◦ To find wavelength, divide with 1eV
◦ To find energy, multiply with 1eV
Ionization energy (IE) – minimum energy
required to separate electron from its nucleus
Electronic structure of atoms
Example 1
◦ When an atom of an element undergo state
transition from n=2 to n=1, find its wavelength, l
 a) delta E = Ef-Ei
 -13.6 ( 1/22 – 1/12) = 13.6 x 0.75 = 10.2 eV
 Wavelength, l
 l = hc/E
 (6.63 x 10-34 x 3 x 108) / 10.2
 1.95 x 10-26
 1.95 x 10-26 / 1eV = 1.95 x 10-26 x 1.6 x 10-19 = 120nm
Electronic structure of atoms
Example 2
◦ When an atom of an element undergo state
transition from n=2 to n=1, find its energy, E
 a) delta E = Ef-Ei
 -13.6 ( 1/22 – 1/12) = 13.6 x 0.75 = 10.2 eV
 Energy, E
 10.2 x 1eV = 10.2 x 1.6 x 10-19 = 16.32 x 10-19 J
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
Lyman series – UV (ultraviolet)
Balmer series – visible light emissions
Paschen & Bracket series – IR (infrared)
Electronic structure of atoms
Example 2

 Solution
 a) the energy of the corresponding photon

 b) frequency of the photon

Electronic structure of atoms
Example 2
c) wavelength of the photon

d) energy is released as its quantity is

positive & the electron is transitioning from
a higher orbit to a lower orbit
e) the emission belongs to the Blamer
series & corresponds to the visible red light
Electronic structure of atoms
 Quantum numbers – to identify the energy & the shape of
the boundary shape
◦ n, l, ml & ms
 Principal quantum number n: Principal energy levels or
◦ n = 1,2,3…
◦ Represent collection of subshells & orbitals with the
same n
◦ When n increase
 Energy of electron will increase
 Probability of finding electron farther from nucleus
also increase
Electronic structure of atoms
 Subsidiary or orbital quantum number: l = subshells
 For every each n, there will be subshell, l
 Shape of electron cloud or boundary space of the orbital
is determined by l
 Designation

◦ l = 0, 1, 2, 3,… n-1 (number)

◦ l = s, p , d, f … (letter)
◦ Example
 n =1, l = s
 n = 2, l = s or p
 n = 3, l = s or p or d
Electronic structure of atoms
 Magnetic quantum number, ml: orbitals & their
 Orientation of the orbitals within each subshell
 Range = +l -> -l
 Example

◦ l = 0 or s, ml = 0
◦ l = 1 or p, ml = -1, 0 , +1
◦ l = 2 or d, ml = -2, -1, 0 ,+1, +2
Electronic structure of atoms
 Spin quantum number, ms: electron spin
 Range = +1/2 -> -1/2
 Maximum number of electron in each shell
 2n2
◦ First orbit = s2
◦ Second orbit = p6
◦ Third orbit = d10
 Pauli’s exclusion principle – no more than 2 electrons
can occupy the same orbital of an atom & 2 electrons
must have opposite spins
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
 Nucleus charge effect – the higher the charge os the
nucleus, the higher the attraction force of an electron &
the lower the energy of the electron ( a more stable
 Shielding effect – as if the electrons shield each other
from the full force of the nucleus
 Orbital occupancy can be in 2 forms:
◦ Electron configuration
◦ Orbital box diagram
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
Electronic structure of atoms
 Nucleus charge effect – the higher the charge os the
nucleus, the higher the attraction force of an electron & the
lower the energy of the electron ( a more stable system)
 Shielding effect – as if the electrons shield each other from
the full force of the nucleus
 Orbital occupancy can be in 2 forms:
◦ Electron configuration – consists of the value of the principal, n
followed with the letter designation of the subshell, l & finally the
number of electrons in that sublevel presented as a superscript
◦ Orbital box diagram – shows the paired spins (opposite spin) of
electrons in an orbital
 1s orbital – lowest energy orbital
 2s orbital – next lowest energy orbital
 P orbital – all have same energy levels
End of Part 1

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