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Предмет: Англиски јазик

Oдделение: IX
Наставник: Катерина Јанева
Техничка поддршка:
Директор: Александар Ивановски
Основно училиште: ООУ „ Даме Груев“- Ерџелија

Датум: 14.09.2020
Цели на часот
• Учениците да го повторат образувањето и употребата на сегашно
просто време (Present Simple Tense), сегашно трајно време
(Present Continuous Tense) и минато несвршено време (Present
Perfect Tense);
• Учениците да ја согледаат разликата помеѓу овие три времиња;
• Учениците да можат да ги употребуваат овие времиња во
соодвени ситуации (пишана/говорна форма);
Present Simple, Present Continuous and
Present Perfect
c. Sunday a.

1. I watch TV on Sunday. -
2. I am watching TV now. -
3. I have just watched TV. - b b.
What is the most present of these tenses?

Present Perfect-
Present Continuous
“The most present Present Simple-
“Don’t let my
tense of all” habits and routines
name fool you- I
“ I am doing the “I usually do things
have a little
action at the that are repetitive.”
connection to the
(affirmative form) (affirmative form) (affirmative form)
I/ you/we/ they watch TV. I am playing football. I/we/you they have played
He/she/it plays computer He/she/it(‘s)/ is playing football. football.
games. We/you/they(‘re)/ are playing He/she/it has won a lottery.

(negative form) (negative form) (negative form)

I/you/we/they don’t listen to I am not cooking. I/we/you/they haven’t
music. He/she/it isn’t cooking. found my keys.
He/she/it doesn’t swim. We/you/they aren’t cooking. He/she/it hasn’t read a
do+ not= don’t Is not= isn’t ; are not=aren’t book.
does+not=doesn’t have not=haven’t has
(Interrogative form) (Interrogative form) (Interrogative form)
Do I/you/we/they drive a car? Am I singing? Yes, I am/No, I am Have I/we/you/they
Yes, I/we/you/they do. not. survived the quarantine?
No, I/we/they don’t. Is he/she/it singing? Yes,she is/ Yes, I/we/you/they have.No,
Does he/she/it ride a bike? Yes, No,she isn’t. I/we/you/they haven’t.
he/she/it does.No, he/she/it Are we/you/they singing? Has he/she/it swum the
doesn’t. Yes,we/you/they are. lake? yes he/she/it has. No,
he/she/it hasn’t.
Adverbs of time
I usually teach at school. (PRESENT SIMPLE)-habits, routines and
general truths
Always, usually, often, sometimes ,rarely, seldom, never
Once/twice/three /four times a day/week/month/year
Every day/week/month/ year/summer/winter/Saturday etc.

He is doing his homework now. (PRESENT

CONTINUOUS) –actions happening now/at the
Now, at the moment
I have lost my keys. (they are still missing) (PRESENT PERFECT)
Ever/never (experiences and achievements)
Since/for (past action that continues in the present)
Just/aready /yet- recent past
Let’s practice
Identify the tenses of the sentences.

Present Perfect
1. I have already watched the film.
Present Continuous
2. They are having dinner now.
3. We don’t like dogs. Present Simple

4. She often plays tennis but now she is playing volleyball.

Present Simple and Present

Guess the person
• She is a popular singer. She is from Macedonia. She is tall, she’s got
brown wavy hair and brown eyes.
• She has started singing when she was 11 years old. She has got a
beautiful voice. She represented Macedonia twice at the Eurovision
Song Contest with the song “ Od nas zavisi” and “ Mojot svet se vika
muzika”. At the moment she is spending a lot of time with her family.
• We _______ (be)
are at a party today. Today Nick__________  (have) is having
have already
birthday. Many guests_____________  (already/come)
come to his party.
Everybody__________  (be) happy. Lisa_______  (dance)
is dancing with Mark.
Tina____________  (hold)
Is holding some drinks and ice-cream. Barbara and
Tina___________  (talk) are about
talking the party. They________  (like)
the party. like
Michael _____________ (stand) at is standing
the table.
He____________  (not/eat)
hasn’t eaten anything yet and he ______ (be) He ___________________ (not/have) hasn’t had time for lunch yet.
All of the guests ______________________(have) a good time at
are having
the party.
So today Nick and his friends  __________(celebrate)
celebrating his birthday.
“Many happy returns of the day, Nick!”
Complete the sentences
• I am feeling______________________, I often feel_______________.
• My brother never___________________, but now he
• They ____________just____________________ dinner.
• Have you ever _______________ to China?
• She _________________________in Tokyo for 10 years.
• Sandra __________never done__________________.
• Mark ________finished ___________________yet.
Write as many sentences as you can by using present simple, present
continuous and present perfect

Thank you for your


Stay safe 

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