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Test-Module 5 VIIIth grade Group B

Name and surname_____________________________

I. Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer a, b or c.

1. You______________________wear an umbrella.. It doesn’t rain.

a) have to b)don't have to c)must
2. I______________tidy my room. It’s in an awful mess.
a) have to b)don't have to c)must
3. We_______________to wear a uniform at school.
a) don't have to b) shouldn't c)have to
4. I______________________study Biology at school.
a) have to b)should c) don't have to
5. My new DVD player was____________in Taiwan.
a)make b)made c)makes
6. You____________eat something. You look exhausted.
a) have to b)must c) should
7. Should we___________an ambulance?
a) call b) to call c)calling
8. Martin_______________________go to school because he has hurt her leg.
a)don't have to b)doesn't have to c)should
9. Who was the song written ____________?
a) of b)by c)from
10. You____________________go there.It’s dangerous.
a)mustn't b)must c)shouldn't ______/10
II. Make adverbs from these adjectives.

1. late_________________ 3.loud_______________________
2. noisy_______________ 4. early________________________
1. good____________________
III.Complete the sentences with the appropiate indefinite pronoun. Use: anybody,anyone,
anything, somebody, someone, something, no one, nobody, nothing, everybody,
evveryone, everything.

1. I can hear ___________________on the radio. I thimk it’s an advertisment.

2. He doesn’t know________________________in this room.
3. ____________________________ likes to play computer games.
4. ____________________________is afraid of snakes.
5. ___________________________is in your yard. Do you know who is she?
6. ___________________________likes injections.
7. _________________________ here is wonderfully organized.
8. You have________________in your hair. I think it’s a bee.
IV. Illness and injuries.Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. She’s got a t_________________________. She can’t open her mouth.

2. Please open the window. She’s just f_____________.
3. After all that food, I f______ s__________.
4. I’ve h__________ my finger.
5. I have a terrible p_____________ in my chest.

V. Materials. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. This belt is made of_______________________.

2. The shirt is made of_______________________.
3. What ring would you like _________ or ________________?
4. The winow is made of __________________. _______/10

VI. Write an advice for the following problem.

Dear friend,

I have a serious problem with my brother/sister, he/she is always playing computer games so I
can’t use the computer while he/she is at home. When I tell him/her that I want to use the computer
he/she is always like find something else, the computer is mine. My parents aren’t at home very
often so I don’t know how to solve this problem. Can you give me some advice?
Thank you,


0-28=1 Grade:_______________________________________________
40-50=3 Parent’s signature:______________________________________

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