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Third written work in English VIIIth grade

Name and surname_____________________________________________________ Group A

I. Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, mustn’t, should and shouldn’t.

1. You _______________be energetic if you want to be a waiter.

2. We can go faster now. We____________________drive at forty km per hour.
3. You__________________go to school every day.
4. We__________________be careful. We_______________drive too fast because
there might be camels on the road.
5. I’ve got a headache. You___________take a medicine.
6. He’s got a stomach ache. He______________eat all those chocolates.
7. They____________wear an umbrella. It doesn’t rain.
8. You_____________drink that. It’s poisonous.
9. You_____________play football in sandals.
10. Sally’s a nurse. She often_________-work at night. _____/10

II. Complete the conversation by using the correct form of “used to”.

1. He____________________(play) football when he was a child.

2. ___________you__________(go) to the cinema?
3. They____________________(not argue) with their parents.
4. Bill never________________ (be) easy going.
5. She__________________(go) out with a boy called Darren. ______/10

III. Complete the sentences using the second conditional.

1. If I______________(win) a lottery, I__________ (buy) a new car.
2. If my parents_________(not be) so stressed out, we__________________(argue).
3. If I_________________(have) more time, I___________(play) computer games
every evening.
4. If I__________________(not have) a mobile phone, I_________________(not be
able to keep in touch with my friends.
5. If I_________________(go) to the USA, I_________________(go) to California.
IV. Write the American English synonyms to these British English words.
1. Wardrobe___________________ 2. Trousers_______________
3. Petrol_______________ 4. Trainers________________ phone______________ 6.lorry___________________
7. biscuits_____________________ 8. Lift____________________
9.pavement_____________________ 10. Shop______________________

V. Write the names of the materials and feelings and emotions and illness and
1. This window is made of____________.
2. The table is made of________________.
3. The necklace is real________________.
4. I like your new____________shirt.
5. She likes him and he likes her, they like _______________________.
6. My sister is using the computer all day long. She really____________me.
7. He’s got_____________. He can’t eat any food.
8. He’s a __________________. He can’t walk.
9. I’ve got a ________________________. My head really hurts.
10. Where’s the ______________________? I have to help the man who has just
fainted. _____/10
Translate the sentences into Macedonian.
1. Don’t get angry, I said I was joking.
2. This photo was taken when I was about five.
3. In Britain seven million plastic bags are used each year.
4. These DVD players are imported from China.
5. This statue is made of real gold.

WRITING _____/10
VII. Write about your country (population, the language which is spoken, the capital
city, the best place to go on holiday, the most popular food, the customs, the
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VIII. 3-53363--------., n[people’s character, how people spend their free time). Use from
50-60 words.
0-25=1 Points:_______/60 Grade:_________________________________
26-43=2 Parent’s signature:_________________________
55-65=4 66-75=5

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