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T E S T 1 / Grade 7

Name:_____________________________ Class: VII

1. Complete the words.

1.che_t_h 6.chi_pa_ze_
2.ex_it_ng 7.t_um_e_
3.b_t 8.a_h_e_ics
4.d_vi_g 9.br_ak_as_
5.b_r_ng 10. _w_ __/20

2. Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer.

1.Ann _______ got a sister.
a.doesnt b.havent c.hasnt

2.Where are my boots? I cant find ________ .

a.him b.them

3.Do you enjoy______________ computer games?

a. playing b. play

4._____________ a good film on TV tonight?

a.Are there b.Arent there c.Is there

5.Can Cindy _____________________ Spanish?

a.speak b.speaks c.speaking

6.I go swimming______________ - on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays.

a.once a week b.three times a week c.five times a week

7.A:Have you got a pet? B:_________________________.

a.Yes, I have. b.Yes, I do. No, I dont.

8.A:Does Bob like athletics? B:_______________________.

a.Yes, he likes. b.Yes, he like. c.Yes, he does.

9.We_____ sometimes late for school.

a.go c.are

10.This is our new house. Do you like ____?

a.her c.she __/20

3.Write the sentences. Put the frequency adverbs in their right place.
1.Richard / have breakfast / at 6 oclock. (sometimes)
__________________________________________________________ .

4.Complete the questions using: How many? or How much?

1._______________ cheeseburgers have you got?

2._______________ salad is there in the fridge?
3._______________ fruit juice do you drink a day?
4._______________ bananas do you put in the cake?
5._______________ milk would you like for breakfast? ___/10

5. Translate the sentences in Macedonian language.

1.A: Do you eat insects? - B: No, of course I dont!

2.Your hair is a mess.
3.How often do you go shopping?
4.What do you do in your free time?
5.A: Lets go home. - B: OK then.
6. Complete the sentences. Use the right form of: THERE IS/ ARE
1. Spiders________________ eight legs.

2. _____________________ an email message from Lisa.

3. You can have some bread, but _________________ any butter.

4. My friend James ________________ long black hair.

5. _________________ elephants in Asia and Africa. ____/5

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