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Micro Environment

1. Customer Base: Amazon, which already has over 100 million registered users in India, is
making a deeper push in the country's small towns and cities in order to the make customer
base twice of that, by investing in infrastructure and partnering with local players for
quicker deliveries.

2. Suppliers: Amazon’s suppliers are small suppliers who wouldn’t otherwise be able to
reach the masses through their delivery chains. This helps not only Amazon but the small
businesses to flourish as well. Amazon has been excellent with supply chain management.

3. Employees: The work culture at Amazon isn’t known to be employee centric. Although
the culture may not be warm there and may be supremely competitive, it still is very
effective as it has helped Amazon grow.
4. Shareholders:
5. Competitors:
 eBay
 Walmart
 Home Depot
 Etsy
 Best Buy
 Flipkart
 Kroger
 Target
 Netflix
 Microsoft Azure
 Facebook
 FedEx
 Alibaba
SWOT Analysis

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