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Rules of Netiquette

Online Security
Internet Threats
Protecting reputations online
Contextualized online search and research
Online Safety and Security
The internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can used
to promote your business, gain new friends, and
stay in touch with the old ones. It is also a source
of entertainment through games, online
communities, and everything in between.
How to Stay Safe
Tips to Stay Safe Online
O Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it
O Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.
O Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the
website handles the information you share.
O Know the security features of the social networking site you
use. By keeping your profile private, search engines will not be
able to scan your profile.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
 Do not share your password with anyone.
 Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in
“incognito (or private) mode”, a feature of the browser, will not
protect you from hackers.
 Do not talk to strangers whether online or face to face
 Never post about anything about a future vacation. It is similar
to posting, “rob my house at this date”.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
 Add friends you know in real life.
 Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
 Install and update an antivirus software on your
computer. Use only one anti – virus software to avoid
 If you share a Wi-Fi at home, make it a private network
by adding a password.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
O Avoid downloading anything from untrusted
websites. You are most vulnerable in peer-to-peer
downloads(torrent) as the download is most likely
not monitored by the site owner.
O Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
O Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
Internet Threats
1. Malware
O stands for malicious

Types of Malware
O Virus
O Worm
O Trojan
O Spyware
O Adware
O a malicious program designed
to replicate itself and transfer
from one computer to another
either through the internet and
local networks or data storage
like flash drives and CDs.
O a malicious program that
transfers from one computer
to another by any type of
means. Often, it uses a
computer network to spread
itself. For example, the
ILOVEYOU worm (Love
Bug Worm) created by a
O a malicious program that is disguised
as a useful program but once
downloaded or installed, leaves your
PC unprotected and allows hackers to
get your information.
O *Rogue security software – tricks the
user into posing that it is a security
software. It asks the user to pay
improve his/her security but in reality,
they are not protected at all.
O a program that runs in the
background without you
knowing it (thus called
O It has the ability to monitor
what you are currently doing
and typing through keylogging.
O *Keyloggers – used to record
the keystroke done by the users.
O a program designed to
send you
mostly as pop-ups.
2. Spam
O unwanted email mostly
from bots or advertisers. It
can be used to send
3. Phishing
O Its goals is to acquire sensitive
personal information like passwords
and credit card details.
O This is done by sending you an email
that will direct the user to visit a
website and be asked to update
his/her username, password, credit
card, or personal information.
Three Types of Phishing

OSpear Phishing
OClone Phishing
Spear phishing
Phishing attempts directed at specific
individuals or companies have been termed
spear phishing.

This technique is, by far, the most successful

on the internet today, accounting for 91% of
Clone Phishing
 A type of phishing attack whereby a legitimate, and
previously delivered, email containing an attachment or link
has had its content and recipient address(es) taken and used
to create an almost identical or cloned email.

 The attachment or link within the email is replaced with a

malicious version and then sent from an email address
spoofed to appear to come from the original sender. It may
claim to be a resend of the original or an updated version to
the original.
 Several recent phishing attacks have been directed
specifically at senior executives and other high profile
targets within businesses, and the term whaling has
been coined for these kinds of attacks.

 In the case of whaling, the masquerading web

page/email will take a more serious executive-level
form. The content will be crafted to target an upper
manager and the person's role in the company.
O a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits
the DNS (Domain Name Service) system
Copyright Infringement
O If you create something – an idea, an invention, a form of
literary work, or a research, you have the right as to how it
should be used by others.
O This is called intellectual property .
O In other words, the copyright law includes your rights over
your work, and anyone who uses it without your consent is
punishable by law.
Here are some tips that could help you avoid
copyright infringement

O Understand
O Be responsible
O Be creative
O Know the law
Online Search and Research
Tip on Conducting Online Search and

1. Have a question in mind

2. Narrow it down
3. Advanced Search
4. Look for a credible source
5. Give Credit
The Ten Commandments of Computer
1. Thou shall not use a computer to harm other
2. Thou shall not interfere with other people's
computer work.
3. Thou shall not snoop around in other people's
computer files.
The Ten Commandments of Computer
4. 5. Thou shall not use a computer to bear false
6. Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for
which you have not paid.
7. Thou shall not use other people's computer
resources without authorization or Proper
The Ten Commandments of
Computer Ethics
8. Thou shall not appropriate other people's
intellectual output.
9. Thou shall think about the social consequences of
the program you are writing or the system you are
10. Thou shall always use a computer in ways that
ensure consideration and Respect for your fellow

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