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HELLO! I’m...

Lieza Althea A. Samson



What is Family Planning?

Family planning is having the number of children you want, if

you are raising a family.


Different reasons why different

parents wants to limit the size of
their family.
Some parents may decide to delay having any children until

they have worked and saved enough so that they afford to care

for them well.

Some may decide that a small number of children is enough

but others may want more.


Different reasons why different

parents wants to limit the size of
their family.
Others may want to space their children so the mothers will be


What is Methods of Birth


Birth control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or

device used to prevent pregnancy. Women can choose from

many different types of birth control. Some work better than

others at preventing pregnancy.


Birth Control Pills (Oral Contraceptives)

The ‘pill’ is one of the most effective methods for avoiding pregnancy,

Side effects of Pills:

Some women experience morning sickness, swelling of the

breasts or other signs of pregnancy when they first start taking

the pill. This is due to the hormones that enter the woman’s body.

The most serious problems are related to blood cloths in the

heart, lungs, or brain. Health-related side effects of taking pills

are rare.

Other methods of
Birth Control:

1. Condom
The condom (also
called “prophylactic”
rubber or sheath) is a
narrow rubber or latex
bag that the man wears
on his penis while Usually, it works in preventing
having sex. pregnancy. It also helps
prevent the spread of venereal
diseases, but it is not a
complete safeguard.

The Diaphragm is a shallow cup made of soft
rubber that a woman wears in her vagina
while having sexual intercourse. It should be
left in her (the woman) for at least six hours
afterwards. It should be used together with a
contraceptive cream or jelly. Check the
diaphragm for holes and get a new one each
year. This is not an expensive method.

3. Contraceptive Foam

Contraceptive foam is a method of

birth control you put into your vagina
before you have sex. It contains a
chemical called a spermicide.
A spermicide helps to prevent
pregnancy by killing sperm.
The foam covers the vaginal folds and
can help to form a barrier between the
sperm and the egg.

4. Intrauterine Device
The intrauterine device (IUD) is a plastic or
metal object that a specially-trained health
worker or midwife places inside the womb.

The IUD prevents pregnancy while it is in

the womb. It can cause paun, discomfort and
some serious problems. This is the simplest
and most economical method.

5. Withdrawal
or pulling out
Withdrawal or pulling out is a method in which he
man pulls is penis out of the woman before the
sperm comes out. This is disturbing to the couple
and does not always work, because some sperm
cells escape or often leak out ahead of time, which
can cause pregnancy.


Abstinence is the simplest form of birth How do you practice abstinence?

Depending on your personal definition of abstinence,
control. If two people don't have sex, you may be able to participate in activities like:
sperm can't fertilize an egg and there's Kissing.
Dirty talk or texts.
no possibility of pregnancy. Dry humping.
Mutual masturbation.
Manual stimulation.
Oral sex.
Anal sex.

Method for Those Who Never Want To Have More


There are special injections to prevent
pregnancy, and depo-provera is one. An
injection is usually given every three
months to a woman. Side effects and
precautions are similar to those of birth
control pills.

Home Methods for

Preventing Pregnancy:

1. Sponge Method

This method is not harmful

and it sometimes works. You
will need a sponge and either
a vinegar, lemon or salt.

2. Breastfeeding
While woman is breastfeeding her baby, she is
less likely to become pregnant especially when
breast milk is the only food her baby receives.
The chance of her becoming pregnant is much
greater after four to six months, when the baby
begins to get other foods.

Methods That Do Not

Work Very Well:

1. The Rhythm (Calendar)

The rhythm method, also called the
calendar method or the calendar
rhythm method, is a form of natural
family planning. To use the rhythm
method, you track your menstrual
history to predict when you'll ovulate.
This helps you determine when you're
most likely to conceive.

2. Mucus Method
The cervical mucus method, also called
the Billings Ovulation Method, is a
type of natural family planning also
known as fertility awareness-
based methods. The cervical mucus
method is based on careful observation
of mucus patterns during the course of
your menstrual cycle.
Thank you!

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