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Eating Dinner as a Family

Based off the book “The Hour that Matter Most,” by Les and Leslie Parrott
Creating a Safe Space “Food is the most primitive kind of comfort.” –Sheila Graham
6 things are required to create a comforting home:
• Commitment

• Appreciation and Affection

• Positive communication

• Time together

• Spiritual well-being

• The ability to cope with stress and crises

How can each of these points be nurtured during a family meal?

Statistics “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” –J.R.R. Tolkien
“The majority of teens in America-67 percent- want to spend more time with their parents.”
“61 percent of kids say their parents are more relaxed and fun to be around when they all have
dinner together.”
“65 percent of parents agree with this statement: ‘My spouse and I generally feel less stressed
when we eat dinner together as a family.”
“(60 percent of teens) who have dinner with their parents fewer than 5 nights a week wish they
could eat dinner with their parents more often.”
A study among teens and young adults done by Associated Press and MTV showed “spending
time with family (73 percent) makes young people happiest.”
“When…time-starved and stressed out (working) moms…made it home in time for dinner with
their families, they felt greater personal success as well as success in relationships with their
spouses and kids.” –Study by BYU-Provo
Tips for Happy Meals “Supper is about nourishment of all kinds.” –Miriam Weinstein
• Meal prep

• Set a schedule

• Play dinnertime games

• Lead by example

• Practice empathy

• Lower defensiveness

• Choose your battles

• Identify conflict triggers

• Be okay being humble, respect everyone, and avoid put downs

• Cultivate deeper values

Pitfalls of Dinner Time
• Keeping the TV on

• Making the kitchen a food court

• Losing your cool at the dinner table

• All or nothing mindsets

• Lack of active listening and empathy

• Lack of manners

• Failure to communicate-ex. clarifying and reflecting

• Lack of laughter
Growth Mindset
Dinner isn’t going to be perfect every night, the importance is the effort and
progress your family makes

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