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The Writing Style

Brief Thoughts
Brief Thoughts on Writing Style

• The style is, in my opinion, one of the most important parts of the process of writing,
because it defines both the purpose of the text and the personality of the writer. The
arrangement of the words in a sentence, the correct choice of those words and the
fluidity on the narrative are aspects of the style that determine the audience of the
text and, therefore, a big part of its purpose. When this kind of decisions are
conceived, it is essential to know who the message is directed to, so that it can be
transmitted properly. The language utilised to write an article in a gossip magazine
would never be the same of that one written to be published in a serious newspaper,
even though the report would be the same. But it is also the style what allows the
writer to create for himself a unique personality and, therefore, express the very
essence of what he believes it’s imperative to write about. An example of this is the
literature created by the Beat Generation in the 1950s in New York city: authors like
Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg created a style that became the voice of their
“hipster” movement, their unique and special generation. Through a spontaneous and
uncensored writing style, they defined an époque, through their particular fluidity and
arrangement of words, through literature.

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