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Bones skeletons they found
Azykh cave
• In 1960 historian mamamadli • The historians called the people living
huseynov found a jaw bone lawer jaw, in that period ‘AZYKH MAN’ AND
scholars think that the jaw bone THEY LIVED ABOUT 350-4000
belongs to a woman that could be 18- THOUSAND years
22 aged. And it was about 300,00o
• The first group in Azerbaijan has
emerged there 1 to 1.5 million years
• It was discovered in the territory of ago .
karabagh that it is located in gurachay
valley 14 km away from fizuli region

Found tools fire

• Archeologists found special • They also found burned woods,it
cutting tools,they also found proves us that those people ‘azykh
many old skin like lions,elephants man’ knew about fire too,
and many other wild animals,their
skulls and dried blood
Azykh cave
• It is actually a veryyy ancient cave,in Azerbaijan and yes it was inhabited
by people some people said they found their skulls, sadly it was occupied
by Armenian army so how is that cave right now,we don’t know! But I
think that armenians started to use that cave as a museum .
This is how they tried to hunt
They killed animals with these weapons

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