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Managing Online Reviews

Group 9

Rachit Shaji – 2019MBA074

Ajith I – 2019MBA046
Vivek Prasad – 2019MBA045
Aayush Sudhakar – 2018PGP002
Ankul Sharma – 2019MBA003
Rohit Suhas – 2019MBA094
Utkarsh Sagar – 2019MBA089
I. About - Travel website that hosts information on hotels, travel services and customer reviews
II. Competitive Advantage – Unbiased information leading to 10% ad click through rate
III. Goals – Informing other consumers about personal experiences and travel related information
IV. Brand – Authentic, Reliable and Unbiased
V. Partners/Investors – Expedia (Parent company)
VI. Acquisitions – Where I’ve been, Gate app
VII. Content Relationships – Reviews were generated by customer experiences
VIII. Target audience – Travelers searching for unbiased information
IX. Customer motivation – To help make consumers better decisions, share experiences, reward for good experience
X. Communication channels – Reviews were usually in form of emails, blogs, social media
XI. Customer perceptions – 72% customers trusted online reviews as much as friend/family recommendations
XII. Established & emerging competitors – Travelocity, Priceline
XIII. Strengths & weaknesses – Orbitz identified their reviews, TripAdvisor didn’t require proof of booking
XIV. Social & behavioural trends – Users trusted online reviews and shared their experiences to help other consumers
XV. Economic trends – Ad click through rate of 10% compared to industry average of 2% has helped maintain a steady growth in revenue
Decision Problem
How do hotels manage and improve the volume, quality and sites for online

Framework used

Managing the customer by personality types

Consumer Personality Increasing Volume of Increasing Quality of
Place to receive feedback
Type feedbacks feedback

More incentives, amount of Better services, specific Sites showing with statistics
The Analytical information, charts, displays information
and representations, Q&A

Be warm, ask many questions, Need second opinion, At the time of check out,
The Amiable Building Personal connection Using informal language second bookings

Foster relationships, personal Signifying the importance of Modes with personal touch,
The Expressive bonds, fulfill emotional needs their reviews for the brand message, requests

The Driver Quick, Concise feedback system Feedback system motivating Time of checkout, quick
individualistic perceptions review pop ups etc
● Rewards or Incentives: By providing discounts on next visit, posting a review would become
a top priority for the customers and encourage the customers to spread a word of mouth
● Culture of guest-centricity within the hospitality team : Delivering the guest with more than
what was promised would make them to spread the word about experiences through online
● Generating reviews through email: A personalized follow-up mail to customers hours after
check out directing them to the review sites
● Review pop ups: Quick review pop ups with a thank note from the online booking platform
after a customer checks out of the hotel
● Engage with existing reviews: Responding to both negative and positive reviews would
encourage the satisfied and unsatisfied customers to leave a review
● Sharing the reviews in social media platform: Sharing is an another way of showing the
customers that the hotel engages with their reviews and it would motivate other customers to
leave a review
● Presence in Review Sites: Hotels should identify the most suited review sites for the guest to
avoid directing the customers to multiple review sites
Thank You

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