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Activity 3 Edible

DNA: Create then Eat!

Objectives: Construct a DNA
model using marshmallows
 Bendable Wires
 Pair of Scissors
 Toothpicks
 Marshmallows (4 Colors)
 2 Long Marshmallows as Backbone
 Square base
Procedure of the activity:
1. Group the marshmallows into four colors. Each color corresponds to a base.
Example: Thymine - Yellow Adenine - Green Guanine - Pink Cytosine - Sky Blue
1. Using a toothpick, connect the two bases. Adenine-Thymine Cytosine-Guanine
2. Make a hole on the end of the long marshmallows and allow the wire to pass through
the entire marshmallow to achieve a bendable backbone later.
3. Connect the base pairs to two long marshmallows which serve as the backbone.
4. Twist it so it will look like a double helix.
5. Provide a legend to differentiate one base from the other. Label also the different
parts of your DNA such as sugar phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases.
6. You can also provide a base below to make sure that the model can stand.

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