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By Aubrey Segraves, Madison Breen, Tristan Wilhelm

Where did
they live
■ The Sioux lived in the
Great Plains Regions
■ They lived in the
following states: South
Dakota, North Dakota,
Kansas, Nebraska,
Wyoming, Montana,
Oklahoma, Texas, and
How many members
were there?
■ There are 13 tribes with about
one-hundred thousand
members total.
■ Now there is about 160,000
people of Sioux descent.
What were the Sioux
■ They ate buffalo, bear, deer, antelope, turkey and hens

■ Their known for their hunting and their warrior culture

■ Since the Sioux tribe hunted buffalo they had to move from place to place following the

known for? ■

The Sioux lived in teepees that were easy to take down so they could travel and so they
were easy to be put back up

■ Horses changed the tribes lives, they made it easier to hunt and travel
What happened to them
and when were they
forced to leave?
■ In 1851 the US attempted to create a treaty
with he resisting nations of the Sioux and
other Plains people. The Sioux agreed and
gave up most of their land in Minnesota for
annuities and other gifts. (The Treaty of
Fort Laramie)

■ Though in the so called Plain Wars that

ended in 1876 American troops captured
three-thousand Sioux in Tongue River
Valley. Soon after that the Sioux
surrendered and were moved to
reservations and most of those taken were
returned to their people. (The Second
Treaty of Laramie)

■ The Sioux took up arms nearly a hundred

years later in 1973 in the American Indian
Movement in which there was opened fire
between the Marshals and the Natives.
Where are they today or any
they even still around?
■ They are in small reservations in the Dakotas,
Nebraska, Minnesota, and Montana in the United

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