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Experiment by: Doha Ibrahim

• 3 same sized cups
• Cornstarch
• Baking powder
• Water
• Teaspoon
• Normal water to compare the differences
• Flash to see if light beams through each mixture
• Tyndall effect, also called Tyndall phenomenon, scattering of a beam of light by a
medium containing small suspended particles—e.g., smoke or dust in a room, which
makes visible a light beam entering a window. The effect is named for the 19th-
century British physicist John Tyndall, who first studied it extensively
• An example:
• When a beam of light is directed at a glass of milk, the light is scattered. This is a
great example of the Tyndall effect. When a torch is switched on in a foggy
environment, the path of the light becomes visible. In this scenario, the water
droplets in the fog are responsible for the light scattering.
• First I filled up the three cups equally with water then I added to one of them 1 and a ½
teaspoon of baking soda then I mixed it.
• Then I did the same thing with corn starch and mixed it with one of the glasses.
• Then the third cup will stay as water (control)
• After mixing them very well I got a flash to experiment on each glass to see whether the
light will pass through or not.
• In corn starch I couldn’t see the beam pass through the liquid but I could see it light up and it
was dispersed and it’s colloids.
• In baking soda I can see the light beam pass through so I could also see the light beam on the
wall behind the glass and it’s suspensions.
• For water I couldn’t see the light beam through the glass but I saw it on the wall.
• The beam was clear to me since there were large particles from the baking soda crystals
• Beam of light can’t be visible in either colloids or suspensions for example:
• Gels , foam , milk , mayonnaise,etc..(colloids)
• Muddy water , flour in water , sand particles suspended in water, etc..(suspensions)
1. Thanks for reading
2. Done by: Doha Ibrahim 11A

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