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• On February 11 of each year, the
International Day of Women and
Girls in Science proclaimed by the
ONU in 2015 is celebrated. The main
objective of this special day is to
achieve greater participation and
inclusion of women and girls in the
world of science and technology and
in this way break the gender gap.
Diana Sánchez Melo

• His project aims to evaluate the

possibility of using three high-
production agricultural wastes in
Colombia as raw material to obtain
bi-binders to be used in the
manufacture of new asphalt
mixtures with high volumes of
recycled asphalt material.
María Cristina Ardila
• One of the colombian
scientific Woman that has
discovered a New species
in the Amazona she has
worked for many
prestigious Universities in
Colombia he is one of the
most famous scientific
woman in Colombia
Elizabeth Helen Blackburn

• Born on November 26, 1948,

she is an Australian biochemist
who discovered telomerase, an
enzyme that forms telomeres
during DNA duplication. She
was Nobel Prize in Medicine in
Spreading the role of women scientists
• Probably one of the most
important things is to make sure
that girls see plenty of examples
of successful women scientists in
the news and in the media.
Making choices at school

• Some schools encourage older girls

who are studying STEM subjects to
talk to younger students in their
schools about their passion for their
subject. University and research
facilities open their laboratories to
schools so that the students can
experience hands-on scientific
Put science at your fingertips
• Science and technology are part of
our lives and it is important that we
make them noticed even in the
smallest things, such as teaching
them to observe everyday scientific
phenomena, doing experiments
with them at home, introducing
them to the world of programming,
teach them how a machine or motor
Encourage science play
• Toys with design and construction
elements, circuits and cables,
programming elements, representation
of ecosystems. They are a good
alternative for girls to understand the
world around them. In order to develop
reasoning skills, which are the best
indicator of whether children will end
up studying a career related to science,
technology, engineering or mathematics
Create a stimulating scientific environment

• One strategy is to give girls

opportunities to succeed in
STEM-related tasks to begin
building their confidence.

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