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Autonomy: Greek ,independence or freedom, as
of the will or one's actions:
the autonomy of the individual.
the condition of being autonomous ; self-
government or the right of self-government:
The rebels demanded autonomy from Spain.
A self-governing community.

Coup:French,a highly successful, unexpected stroke, 
act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment.
(among the Plains Indians of North America) a brave 
or  reckless deed performed in battle by
single warrior, as touching or striking an enemy warr
ior without sustaining injury oneself.

Collectivize:British,to organize (a people, industry, e
conomy, etc.) according to the principles of collectiv
Communist state:  Russia , is a state that is administered and
governed by a single party, guided by Marxist–Leninist philosophy.
There have been several instances of Communist states with
functioning political participation processes involving several other
non-party organisations, such as trade unions, factory committees
and  direct democratic participation.The term "Communist state" is
used by Western historians, political scientists and media to refer to
these countries.

Coldwar:Spanish,intense economic, political, military, and ideological rivalry betwe
en nations, short of military conflict;sustained hostile political policies and an atmosphe
re of strain between opposed countries.
a continuing state of resentful antagonism between two parties short of open hostility 
or violence.
(initial capital letters) rivalry after World War II between the Soviet Union and its satelli
tes and the democratic countries of the Western world, under the leadership of
 the United States.

Czar :Russian,an emperor or king.
(often initial capital letter) the former emperor of Russia.
An autocratic ruler or leader.
Any person exercising great authority or power in
a particular field: a czar of industry.

Decree: old French , an order usually having the

force of law.

Deposit insurance:English, is a measure

implemented in many countries to protect bank
depositors, in full or in part, from losses caused by a
bank's inability to pay its debts when due. Deposit
insurance systems are one component of a financial
system safety net that promotes financial stability.

Fossil fuel:  Medieval Latin, Old French  a natural

fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past
from the remains of living organisms.

Glasnost : Russian, a Soviet policy permitting

open discussion of political and social issues and
freer dissemination of news and information.

Heavy industry :British , is industry that involves one or
more characteristics such as large and heavy products;
large and heavy equipment and facilities (such as heavy
equipment, large machine tools, huge buildings and large-
scale infrastructure); or complex or numerous processes.
Because of those factors, heavy industry involves
higher capital intensity than light industry does, and it is
also often more
heavily cyclical in investment and employment.
Infrastructure: French and English,the system of
public works of a country, state, or region also : the
resources (such as personnel, buildings, or equipment)
required for an activity. The underlying foundation or
basic framework (as of a system or organization). The
permanent installations required for military purposes.

Light industry:  Old French ,is industry in which

only small items are made. The production of small goods
that will be sold to the people who use them rather than to
another manufacturer.

Middle class: is a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy.

The very definition of the term "middle class" is highly political and
vigorously contested by various schools of political and economic
philosophy. Modern social theorists - and especially economists (with
widely divergent open and hidden political motivations behind their

Missionary: modern latin, a person sent on a

religious mission, especially one sent to
promote Christianity in a foreign country.

Nationalism : english, is the desire

for political independence of people who feel they are historically
or culturally a separate group within a country.
Oligarch: Greek , a member or
supporter of an oligarchy.

Oral tradition: Late Latin,

a community's cultural and historic
al traditions passed
down by word of mouth or exampl
e from on
generation to another without writt
en instruction.

Pensioner: Anglo-French , a person who receives or
lives on a pension.
Permafrost : English and Russian,
ground that is permanently frozen, often to great d
epths, the surface sometimes thawing in the

Perestroika: Russian, the policy or practice of

restructuring or reforming the economic and
political system. First proposed by Leonid Brezhnev
in 1979 and actively promoted by Mikhail
Gorbachev, perestroika originally referred to
increased automation and labour efficiency, but
came to entail greater awareness of economic
markets and the ending of central planning.
Privatization : German ,The transfer of a business,
industry, or service from public to private
ownership and control.

Pollutant, Latin , a substance that pollutes

something, especially water or the
Potash: obsolete Dutch,
potassium carbonate, especially the crude impure form obtained from wood
Separatist movement :  English, is that it is the advocacy of a state
of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender
separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political

Serf: Old French and Latin,  An agricultural laborer bound by the

feudal system who was tied to working on his lord's estate.

Softwood : English, The wood from a conifer (such as pine, fir, or

spruce) as distinguished from that of broadleaved trees. :

Smog: Old English,

smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in
an unhealthy or irritating mixture.
Russian,the coniferous evergreen forests of subarctic lands, c
overing vast areas of northern North America and Eurasia.

Underemployed:  the condition in which people in a labor force are employed
at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their
training or economic needs.
Five sentence

1- Late wages and underemployment have snowballed not only across factories but also
throughout public and private workplaces.

2- The separatist movement began in the mid-1970s after the province was denied

additional natural gas revenue.

3- The region is characterized by permafrost, and smectite and kaolinite are the
common authigenic clay minerals in the soils.

4- We have discussed privatization, but we would prefer not to go down that particular


5- The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class.

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