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Sensory Marketing: Shaping

Consumer Perception and Behavior 

Group 6
Section A
What is Sensory
• Techniques that are used to reach
your customer’s senses “marketing
• Influence their behavior based on that
how your brand and tactics make engages the
them feel consumers’
• the process of winning a senses
customer’s trust and attention by and affects
appealing to each of these five their
senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch perception, j
and smell) udgment,
• Designing products and packaging and
with subconscious cues behavior” 
• Multi-sensory experience to
• Multidimensional conversations –
Products find their own voices –
consumers respond subconsciously
to them
Why is Sensory Marketing Needed?

Consumer is flooded with ads

• Tremendous marketing & Advertising clutter leads to difficulty for a single brand to stand out
• Consumer is skeptical about the claims being made
In sensory marketing:
• the product is cutting through the advertising clutter to make itself intrinsically appealing
• The message becomes more credible – larger impact
• consumer persuasion becomes visceral in nature (Product communicates directly with the subconscious)
Sound of Porsche
Neuroscience & Sensory
1.Sight: All of the products available in the market are similar and
for each to be seen as unique and to create a loyalty to the
brand, fundamental requirement is to portray a different image.
How do we learn?
Hearing: Consumers when subjected to different musical tempos,
levels of sound and amplitude modulations, are guaranteed to “About 1.0%
feel different emotions. by Taste, 1.5%
Touch: The physical contact with the product produces a great by Touch, 3.5%
by Smell,
sense of satisfaction to the customer.

11.0% by
Taste: Taste buds help to detect taste and make people have
different perception of taste.
Smell: Smell is the deepest of all the senses, for each smell is Hearing and
different from the other and gives sensations in a more subtle 83% by Sight”
and intense way.

Exploitation of the Five senses of the customers in advertisements and in stores is important for
the business. Implementation of Sensory Marketing breaks the standardization imposed by
traditional retail and gives the idea of respect to the individuality of preferences. 
Measurement Techniques
in Neuroscience
The way forward for managers
•Build Buyer Persona
Like any marketing plan, it’s important to begin with a good
understanding of your brand, and your audience. The culture of your
target audience, their age, background, and even their gender can all
affect how certain sensory cues resonate with them

• Identify the sense 

Once you know the kind of impact you’re trying to make, think about the
sensory experiences that your audience will respond to best this can be based
on the line of products in companies portfolios. Managers should identify the
senses which will compliment a particular product
Make sure the strategy is delivering
these end goals

•Selecting the sense will help in defining the

Intensify and heighten the positive
true value essence and will engage the limbic emotions

• In order to get maximum out of sensory

Engage expand and revitalize
marketing it is essential for marketers to select customers
a sense which will can deliver the value that
our product offers and also could engage the
limbic system which is responsible for dealing
with emotions  and memory in the brain  Helping in telling a story

Creating and delivering brand value


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