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Rachael Allen
Pow Toon how
PowToon: : h owit
it w orks?
-- PowToon,
Pow Toonoffers
, offerasvariety
a va r ieofty
of d iffer en t p r ese n tation
different presentation ideas.
id ea s. Sim p ly ch oosin g a
te m p lachoosing
te th at isabtemplate
e st fit for
you is
r pbest fit t.for your project.
r ojec
- You
You canc a nadd
a d dyour
r ow n
p er son atouch
personal l touch to th e
to the
p r e sen tation .
- Pow Toon le ts you ed it
- PowToon lets you
th e ir p r esen editstheir
ta tion
a d d in g in you
presentations r
adding in your
in for m ation
information butbusing
ut u sin g
you r for m at.
-Within cresting your
presentation you can choose the
font, color, and layout of your
-You can also move the
textboxes around so that you can
add information.
- As you can see in the picture a
box comes up when typing that
lets you customize your text.
More insight on
- You can attach hyperlinks to
the page making it easy to
show more information.
- You can attach images and
videos as well if needed.
- PowToon offers its own
cartoons and graphics for
use as well.
How can PowToon be beneficial within the
◦ PowToon gives more creative ideas, to students. They can easily use this resource to better
show their creativity and make a unique and interesting presentation.
◦ PowToon is a free resource offered so this is something that students could use more than
once, when making presentations.
◦ PowToon allows a more interactive presentation comparing to PowerPoint.
◦ This is more “fun” to make for the students since they can add cartoons and illustrations into
their work making it more personal.

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