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Happy Flag

Day Grade 3
Problem of the Day
Dana has 6 candies and she wants to share them equally with her friends
Zayed and Fatima.

Draw the candies to show how many they each get.

Dana Zayed Fatima

Welcome in the virtual
class for math
Today is Tuesday,
3rd Nov 2020
Our virtual class rules
What you will need…
Make sure you have…

• Pencil case
• Notebook
• Math book
Office hour

Wednesday 12:30 – 1:30

Chapter 5 , Understand Division
Lesson 2: Division as Equal Sharing
Lesson objective

We are going to

Model division as equal sharing

My Vocabulary Cards

To separate into equal groups, A number sentence that uses To divide or “break up”.
to find the number of groups, the operation of division.
or the number in each group.
Now let’s
focus with
Ms. Reem

6 minutes
Fifteen scouts were shared equally in 3
tents. How many scouts are in each tent?
Place one scout at a time next to each
tent until all the scouts gone. Draw a
sketch of your counters.

…….. scouts ÷ …….. Tents = ……….. Scouts in each tent

……. ÷ …… = ………
It’s your turn
Use counters to find how many are in each group.
Use counters to find how many are in each group.
Formative assessment

Click the link in the chat box and write you name.
Self Assessment
Using chat, let me know how do you feel about the lesson today..

‫لقد فهمت درس اليوم‬ ‫أنا أفهم ولكني بحاجة‬ ‫أنا لم أفهم الدرس تماما‬
I understood ‫إلى بعض المساعدة‬ I do not completely
today’s lesson I understood but understand the
need some help lesson

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