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STEM Evaluating the Storyboards

Hands-On Activity

Evaluating the Storyboards

Each team member will share the storyboard idea they
sketched. Other team members will take notes. These notes
will help the team pick the best storyboard idea to use for
the challenge.

Materials (per student)

 storyboard template
 Evaluating the Storyboards: Notes student sheet
 pencil

In this activity, you will . . .
 listen to your team members’ storyboard ideas.
 take notes about each storyboard idea.
 use your notes to help pick the final storyboard idea.

Follow these steps to complete the activity:
1. Meet with your team members.
2. Put your team members’ names in the boxes on your

notes page.

3. Listen as the first team member shares his/her idea and


4. Use checkmarks on your notes page as you listen to

each idea.

a. Interesting idea: Put a check in this box if you think

the video game teaches about good digital
citizenship and would be fun to play.

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STEM Evaluating the Storyboards
Hands-On Activity

b. Clear challenge: Put a check in this box if the

challenge for the player was clear and you
understand how a player will earn the badge.
c. Age appropriate: Put a check in this box if you
think the video game level will be appropriate for
younger students (kindergarten and first grade).
5. Listen and take notes while each team member shares.
You won’t take notes about your idea.
6. After each team member has shared, decide which
idea you will use for the final storyboard.

Analysis and Conclusions

Reflect on the following questions:
1. How did your team decide which idea to choose?





2. Did your storyboard idea get chosen? Why or why not?




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Evaluating the Storyboards
Hands-On Activity

4Cs Skills and Reflection

Color in the number of stars that shows how well you did on
each category.

 Critical Thinking:
I used my notes to help explain which storyboard idea I
thought was best, even if it wasn’t my own.

 Collaboration:
I discussed all the ideas with my team and helped pick
the final storyboard idea.

 Communication:
I clearly explained my idea and showed my storyboard.

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Evaluating the Storyboards
Hands-On Activity

Evaluating the Storyboards: Notes

Write your team member’s names in the boxes. Listen as

they share their storyboard ideas and use checkmarks to
show whether the video game level meets the challenge.

Interesting Clear Age

Idea Challenge Appropriate




Use these notes to help decide which video game idea will
be used for the final storyboard.

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