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12/11/20 1
Otot rangka (lurik)
 Multi nukleus
 Bulk anggota gerak dan tubuh
 Setengah berat badan dewasa
 Gerak lebih cepat
 Dibawah pengaruh kontrol saraf
 Menyimpan glikogen, mioglobin
(=hemoglobin)otot warna merah

12/11/20 2
Topics of Discussion
 State the main ideas you’ll be
talking about

12/11/20 3
Topic One
 Details about this topic
 Supporting information and
 How it relates to your audience

12/11/20 4
Topic Two
 Details about this topic
 Supporting information and
 How it relates to your audience

12/11/20 5
Topic Three
 Details about this topic
 Supporting information and
 How it relates to your audience

12/11/20 6
Real Life
 Give an example or real life
 Sympathize with the audience’s
situation if appropriate

12/11/20 7
What This Means
 Add a strong statement that
summarizes how you feel or think
about this topic
 Summarize key points you want
your audience to remember

12/11/20 8
Next Steps
 Summarize any actions required of
your audience
 Summarize any follow up action
items required of you

12/11/20 9

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