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King of the Gods

His symbols are thunderbolt,

eagle, bull, and oak

He is frequently depicted by
Greek artists in one of two
poses: standing, striding forward,
with a thunderbolt raised in his
right hand, or seated in majesty.
Queen of the gods
Goddess of Marriage and family

Her symbols are the peacock,

pomegranate, lion and crown
Hera is portrayed as majestic and
 solemn, often enthroned, and crowned, she
usually is seen with a pomegranate in her
hand, emblem of both fertility and death.
Hera was known for her jealous and vengeful
nature, most notably against
Zeus’s lovers and offspring, but also
against mortals who crossed her
God of the Sea

His symbols are dolphins and

3 prolonged fish spear (trident)
Poseidon rides a chariot that was pulled by
horses that could ride on the sea. He lived in
a palace on the ocean floor, made of coral
and gems. He is usually depicted
as an older male with curly
hair and beard

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