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The modern player

By Mariana Demkiv
 There was a time, and it really wasn't so long ago,
that footballers were down to earth and hard
 They were also, in comparison with today's
players, relatively low paid.
 Switch to the modern
variant and no one
epitomises the
glamour and spoilt
brat behaviour,
combined with
sporting genius of the
young Portuguese star
Christian Ronaldo.
 How different he is from the shy 18 year old who
was reported to have taken his first faltering steps
into Old Trafford, to start his career at Manchester
United, holding his mother's hand.
 He has since morphed into the pampered preening
peacock, swathed in designer clothes, driving high
end luxury cars and with a snarl never far from his
lips of modern footballing stardom.
And, still, the world continues to lavish
him with praise and shower him with
riches …

 Because the bottom line is that he's a brilliant
player and a goal scoring machine who can get the
ball in the back of the net with what can appear, at
times, monotonous regularity.

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