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Free Yourself From Analysis Paralysis

Erin Steinbruegge
Market STL Fall 2010
 Partner and Lead Marketing Strategist
 SEO and PPC Consultant and Instructor at
Buzzhound Learning Labs.

How You Can Reach Me
Why Website Analytics is Important
 Measure ROI

 Troubleshoot issues

 Gain business intelligence

 Testing

 Optimize performance
This is an EXCITING time for website analytics
 Many great free options available

 Programs are more robust and integrated than

 Website analytics isn’t just for websites anymore…
Everything from your phone to your TV is becoming
more measurable
The Analytics Geek is Evolving into a Hero
But How Do You Make Sense of All of This Data?
abandoned funnels SEO
bounce rate
referring websites
exits subscriptions
conversions traffic sources
landing pages
banners affiliates
5 Causes of Analysis Paralysis
Goals are not clearly defined

You’re using “out of the box” reports

You aren’t focusing on actionable metrics

You aren’t testing or you are afraid to fail

Analytics was installed improperly or you

selected the wrong analytics program.
So How Do We Go from Analytics Zero to Hero?
Goals for Today:
 Organize your analytics program

 Focus on actionable metrics

 Start testing and failing

Step 1: Get Organized
Define Website Goals
 EVERY website has goals, EVERY campaign has goals

 Set both short-term and long-term goals

 Be specific and write them down

Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
 KPI’s are unique to each company

 Interview business leaders and decision makers

 Create a list of all KPI’s

Create a Measurement Dashboard
 Track your progress towards goals

 Set defined checkpoints for measurement

 You can download a free analytics dashboard here:
Validate Your Installation & Analytics Program
 Incorrect or incomplete installs are very common.

 Compare reports with internal data such as server

logs, sales reports, etc.
 Have you selected the right analytics program?
Analytics Programs Are Not 1-Size-Fits-All
Configure Custom Reports
 Standard “out of the box” reports are not useful

 Custom reports give you a quick view of actionable

metrics and important KPIs.
Google Analytics Custom Reports Example
Step 2: Learn to Focus on Actionable Metrics
3 Characteristics of Actionable Metrics
 Don’t require an opinion

 Highly relevant to your business goals

 Required action is instantly obvious and useful

Stop Focusing on Visits
 Hits, Visits and Sessions are all fairly useless metrics

 Measure what people are doing on your website

Understand Conversions Rates
 Default conversion formula = conversions/visits

 But should it be conversions/unique visitors?

Conversion Rates Example

 Many first visit conversions  Takes several visits to convert

 Short buying cycle  Long buying cycle

 Low commitment  High commitment

 Little research required  Much research required

 Small investment  Large investment

conversions / visits conversions / unique visitors

Use Event Tracking
 Measure user events such as watching videos or
downloading whitepapers
 Gain insight into the type of content your target
audience prefers
Event Tracking: Insight to Audience Behavior
Use Advanced Segments
 Quickly isolate subsets of traffic for deeper insight

 Slice data by organic vs paid traffic, visits worth a

certain $ value, etc.
 Quickly answer questions from upper
Creating Advanced Segments
Advanced Segments Example
Bounce Rate is Beautiful
 Bounce rate of top landing pages

 Bounce rate by keywords

 Bounce rate by campaign

= Massive Optimization Opportunity

Fix This Page!
Step 3: Test and Fail
Start A/B Testing Now!
 A/B testing is critical to improving conversion rates

 It’s a must that you test conversion pages and

landing pages for paid campaigns.
Less than 40% of Marketers Currently A/B Test

Hubspot: What’s Worth A/B Testing? Webinar 2010

What Elements Should You A/B Test?
 Buttons and “call to action” links

 Headlines

 Copy

 Offers

 Images
Hubspot: What’s Worth A/B Testing? Webinar 2010
Examples of Some Tools That Help You A/B Test
 Google Website Optimizer

 SiteSpect

 Omniture Test&Target

 Your email marketing program

Final Tip: Fail Faster
 The faster you fail, the faster you succeed

 Give each test adequate budget and traffic

 Understanding a fail is a victory

Additional Learning and Recommended Reading
 Google Conversion University

 Web Analytics 2.0 by Avinash Kaushik

 Occum’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik (blog)

 Google Analytics Youtube Channel


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