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How Leadership Helped Me Find the Better Me

n P r emy
Table of Contents
● Resume
● What I’ve learned from the Minor
● Self-Leadership
● Leadership Theories
● Inclusive Leadership/Diversity and its
Application to Leadership
● Critical Thinking
● Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts
& skills
● Evergreen Center Instructor
● Communicative Disorders Major
● HDF 291 Peer Mentor
● Leadership Minor
● Adaptability, Futuristic, Arranger,
Communication, Strategic
What I’ve learned from the Minor
● That I can be whoever I set
myself out to be
● Everyone is a leader in their
own way
● No one can get in my way of
anything except for me.
● That my strengths and value
help me to be who I am today
Outcome Category: Self-Leadership

Outcome # 2 Student will demonstrate personal, organizational, and

academic examples of self-discipline
- The Leadership Institute first to help me keep track of different things
that I had to maintain and to complete. The Leadership Institute
introduced me to an itinerary. The Institute kept me in track of what
events and activities we had to do at what times. I was able to know
when I had time to eat, when it was time to work and when it was time to
have fun. Ever since then I have kept a daily planner to be able to jot
down things for the months of the academic year. This yearly planner
helps me to maintain a healthy schedule and it is easy for me to stay
organized. Being organized I can stay open minded and not have to
worry about stressing out about due dates, doctor appointments, events
coming up and even test preps and exams. Having a planner is a way that
I discipline myself into getting my work done by the due date, arriving
early to appointments, and being well prepared for test, quizzes and
Outcome Category: Leadership Theories

Outcome # 42 Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Komives et
- The relational leadership model is mainly about putting people first. It is the thought about what
effectively needs to be known, what needs to be and what needs to be done. This model is made
up of 5 components including: inclusive, empowering, purposeful, ethical, and process-oriented.
Inclusive is how well you are at including others. Empowering is how well you can build on the
strengths of others as well as yourself. Purposeful is whether or not you have established a clear
goal and understanding of commitments that are important. Ethical is the standards of leadership
that values and principles guide your actions. Process-oriented is whether or not you know how
to facilitate and accomplish goals. As a Communicative Disorders major, I will have to use this
model in my everyday life. When I become a speech and language Pathologist, helping others
will be my job. I will have to put my clients and patients first. They must come before I do
anything else. I will make sure that they are happy and healthy. I will listen to what people say
and treat them all the same. I will have to adapt to new patient on their disabilities and make sure
that my colleagues work together as a team. I will need to know myself so that I am able to help
others apply their own skills. In order to be a leader, I have to know myself to be able to lead
myself as well as others. “Leadership is more than technique; it is an art that is an expression of
who you are.” To me this quote means that you can’t learn leadership taught by someone else.
You have to be able to know leadership from inside of yourself.
Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership/Diversity and its Application to Leadership

Outcome # 97 Student will create a personal code of inclusive leadership

- Inclusive leadership is the understanding, valuing, and engaging all aspects of diversity.
Inclusive leaders develop strengths and talents of group members so all can contribute.
Inclusive leaders involve people from all aspects. The six characteristics recorded underneath
speak to only one reasonable system for creating inclusive practices and empowering decent
variety. The six characteristics include: Commitment - Inclusive leaders think making an
inviting society starts with them, and they have a solid feeling of moral obligation regarding
change. Courage - Some leaders think that it’s hard to concede they don't have every one of
the appropriate responses. Cognizance of bias - Leaders comprehend that individual and
authoritative predispositions limit their field of vision and block them from settling on target
choices. Curiosity - Curiosity and receptiveness are signs of comprehensive leaders, who
crave different points of view to limit their blind sides and enhance their basic leadership.
Cultural Intelligence - socially shrewd leaders who are ordinarily outgoing and definite will
try to demonstrate restriction while working with people whose societies esteem
unobtrusiveness or modesty. Collaborative - They likewise cause a feeling of "one group" by
making a gathering personality and shared objectives, and by attempting to guarantee
colleagues comprehend and esteem each other's information and abilities.
Outcome Category: Critical Thinking

Outcome # 106 Student will demonstrate the ability to synthesize multiple

knowledge perspectives (course work), competencies (communication,
writing, information literacy or mathematical/statistical skills) and
responsibilities (global, diversity & inclusion or civic knowledge)
Being the Peer Mentor for HDF 291, I feel as though I bring my strengths out
more. I feel that my strengths of Adaptability, Strategic and Communication
enhances my ability to connect and communicate better with peers as well as with
my mentors and fellow colleagues. I think that having Communication and
strategic as a strength will help in in my presentations. Trying to talk in class and
give my ideas in a clear and positive way, as well as being able to strategically
come up with activities that will help the class participant and make the
connection with the content. Having these strengths on my side, I understood that
my strengths not only assist in how I develop as a person but it also helps them
realize why I do the things that I do and act the way I act. I think that it also helps
to help others to understand who I am better, that they can grasp and better
understanding of where I come from and where I’m going. Besides what I have
already discovered about myself, I feel that my character strengths still have a
way to go. I feel like they are slightly hiding and still trying to show me ways that
they can. I don’t constantly think about my character strengths until I am
personally asked about how they are being incorporated in my studies and daily
life. I know one day these strengths will show up and I’ll make this connection
but for right now I’m not so sure.
Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills

Outcome # 132 Student will show knowledge of the stages of group development
(Tuckman/Tuckman & Jensen, Bennis or others) (OR # 133 examples)
- Tuckman’s Model is a model of stages to form group development. Tuckman’s Model is made up of
five stages. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. Forming is the stage where the
group is just getting together. They are forming based off no matter whether they know each other or
not. Storming is where all hell breaks loose. There is constant competition and major conflicts. This is
the stage where the members that are more dominant and more of the leaders of the group. Norming is
the third stage of group development. Norming is where the group realizes that they have to work
together to be able to achieve the same common goal. Performing is the stage where the actual team
comes together. This is where the team finally knows what is exactly expected of them and they can
do everything they need to. And the Final stage of group development is Adjourning. Adjourning is
where the task that the group is accomplishing is complete. This is where it has come to an end and
everyone is going their separate ways. This model is kind of like high school. As a freshman you enter
the model in the forming stage, you try to figure out where you fit in and who you’re gonna be
hanging out with. The sophomore year is where the Storming and Norming stages come into play. This
is where you fight with friends and boyfriends and tryout for sports and might not make the team.
Then junior year is where the Performing comes in. You finally realize what it is you want to
accomplish in life. You know what you want to do after high school or you have some kind of idea.
The the final stage of Adjourning is senior year. You are about to graduate and not all of your friends
are following you to the same college so it is time to say goodbye. Party are thrown and tears are shed.
What’s Next?
~ The minor has helped me to be more confident in
myself and I have obtained opportunities that I
thought would never be possible.

~ I have the gained the ability to know that I am

enough. No one can tell me who to be. No one can
stop me from accomplishing my dreams, well except
for me.

~ Because of my job at the Evergreen Center, I will

be attending Cambridge College in Massachusetts in
January 2021 to achieve my MABA (Master’s in
Applied Behavioral Analysis) free of charge just
have to work at with them for 5 years

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