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BY: Jezreel B Vicente

• All public surface, facilities for traversing and parking
of all types of conveyance for the movement of
persons and things;
• All agencies having responsibilities for ascertaining
traffic flow requirements, planning, approving funding
construction and or maintaining, public facilities for
such movements;
• All agencies responsible for licensing, approving,
restricting, stopping, prohibiting or controlling the use
of these facilities.
Traffic engineering
is a branch of civil engineering that uses
engineering techniques to achieve the
safe and efficient movement of people
and goods. It focuses mainly on research
and construction of the immobile
infrastructure necessary for this
movement, such as roads, railway tracks,
bridges, traffic signs and traffic lights.
Increasingly however, instead of
building additional infrastructure, dynamic
elements are also introduced into road
traffic management (they have long been
used in rail transport). These use sensors
to measure traffic flows and automatic,
interconnected guidance systems (for
example traffic signs which open a lane
in different directions depending on the
time of day) to manage traffic, especially
in peak hours
Therefore, managing traffic density by limiting
the rate that vehicles enter the highway during peak
periods can keep both speeds and lane flows at
bottlenecks high. Ramp meters, signals on entrance
ramps that control the rate at which vehicles are
allowed to enter the mainline facility, provide this
function (at the expense of increased delay for those
waiting at the ramps).
Highway safety engineering is a branch of traffic
engineering that deals with reducing the frequency
and severity of crashes. It uses physics and vehicle
dynamics, as well as road user psychology and
human factors engineering, to reduce the influence of
factors that contribute to crashes.
Traffic engineering is closely
associated with other disciplines:

• Transport engineering
• Highway engineering
• Transportation planning
• Urban planning
• Human factors engineering
In the Philippines, this is the science of
measuring traffic and travel, the study of
basic laws relative to the traffic flow and
generations, and application of this
knowledge to the professional practice of
planning, designing, and operating traffic
systems to achieve safe and efficient
movement of persons and goods.
Traffic engineering therefore is not in
any manner associated with work of traffic
enforcement but rather informing us that the
details of what we have in the roadway are
matters within the concept of engineering
Meaning the road we had is not our
design much less we will be helping our
government to make its use safe and secure
for all traffic systems, such as the road itself,
the vehicles and the pedestrians.
• Imparting knowledge concerning
traffic safety;
• Training and practice in the actual
application of traffic, knowledge;
• Developing traffic safety and
EDUCATION is one of the three main
measures to prevent road crashes (the three
Es). Besides engineering (measures focused
on infrastructure) and enforcement, education
is an essential instrument for informing,
convincing, and training road users. Driver
training focuses specifically on novice drivers
and motorcyclists. Traffic education mainly
focuses on young road users, irrespective of
their mode of transport. Public information
campaigns provide information or advice about
a particular subject to all road users, or aims at
a particular transport mode or age group.
3 Principle that has been
emphasized as effective in the
prevention of traffic accidents are
known as the three E's;
• Education (education in traffic safety)
• Enforcement (education of traffic rules)
• Engineering (education in traffic
The Traffic Education in the
Basically, traffic laws and regulations
are taught at all levels of education in the
Philippines. The DepEd has imposed a
Basic Education Curriculum incorporating it
on all levels (primary and secondary
education) and even in some social science
course like criminology.
Why we need to educate people on
Traffic education for children
Children are one of the high-risk groups
in traffic. They lack certain essential skills
that are necessary for being a reliable and
safe road user. Children still have to learn to
judge complex traffic situations correctly.
Their mental development, i.e. concentration
and the ability to estimate speed and
distance etc. correctly, limits the safe traffic
participation of children.
The purpose of traffic education is to
encourage safe traffic behavior. But when is
traffic education really effective? A good
education programme aims at behavior
which is related to unsafety and it should
take the target group's characteristics
into account. A workable criterion for
assessing education projects is self-reported
traffic behavior rather than crash
involvement. Assessment can contribute to
(intermediate) improvement of education
It is in other words needed that the
education that must be instill on
children must not be given theoretically
but practically also, so that the end
result of the education must be realistic.
It is therefore the duty of the
DepEd to ensure that traffic education
are well satisfied at all levels of
education to ensure traffic morality and
1. “Comprehensive or "real life" method” (driving
instruction learned from anybody who knows how
to drive whose purpose is to learn driving without
consideration of the rules and regulation in traffic.
Example when a driver teach their children and
friends, whose due to excitement forgot to impart
knowledge about traffic morality
2. Traditional instruction:
This is the best methods of driving methods
where driver learned from an institution of known
driving school or facilities whose learning includes:
a. Traffic Safety & Defensive Driving
b. Developing Traffic Discipline
c. Vehicles Troubleshooting
3. Commentary driving
This is also good because this is driving
through self-learning. You buy books and manuals
and applies your knowledge learned theoretically
in practical through purchase or buying vehicles.
4. Simulated conditions and off- the road
This through computer learning system
where driver sit in front of computer and
manipulate a similar platform to cars in front of
computer that looks like a game.
Manipulation method would reveal
through instruction how to drive a cars before
applying it in an actual situation.
The driving simulator is being used more and
more in the driver training. Especially in the
Netherlands this is a popular method. From a road
safety point of view it is unwise to replace practical
lessons by simulator training. The psychology of
learning has shown that traffic behaviour learned on
a simulator will often either not be put into practice,
or be forgotten. But besides didactic disadvantages
there are also advantages. The instructor can choose
the required learning situation and the level of
difficulty himself, the learner driver can endlessly
repeat the required behaviour, and there are more
possibilities for instruction and feedback.
We don’t have driving simulation in the
Young inexperienced drivers have a higher
risk of being involved in a road crash, and their risk
continues to increase. Lengthening the training
phase is one of the possibilities to reduce their
crash rate. In the United States, Canada, Australia,
and New Zealand this graduated driver licensing
system is already being used. In the Netherlands
this system is referred to as a 'multi-stage driving
licence'. We expect that the introduction of the
multi-stage driving license will result a
considerable drop in the number of crashes among
young novice drivers .
Hopefully in the Philippines all drivers must
be properly screened by the government to ensure
safe and secure road environment.
• Is the action taken by the police and the
court to compel obedience to traffic laws
and ordinance regulating the use and
movement of motor vehicles for the
purpose of creating a deterrent to unlawful
behavior by all potential violators.
• As it applies to statutes, ordinances and
legally authorized regulation relating to
use of streets and highways and
ownership and operating motors and
Why is enforcement important?
Traffic rules are meant to encourage a traffic
flow which is as safe and smooth as possible.
Breaking these rules results in an increased risk of
crashes, or a more serious outcome. Enforcement
of these rules is a police task. Since 1980 traffic has
been further intensified in the Philippines. Since
then, police forces have drawn up regional traffic
enforcement plans with in coordination with the
LTOs to check speeding, alcohol offences, seatbelt
use, helmet use, and red light running. Since 1990’s
all police forces have a regional traffic enforcement
Traffic offences are usually
punished with a fine. They are often
recorded by camera and the fine is
dealt with by administrative law and
ordinances. Very serious offences are
followed by a summons or the driving
licence is suspended. Besides the
regular punishments, the offender's
licence can be suspended or
permanently withdrawn.
• TRAFFIC SUPERVISION – keeping order
on streets and highways within existing
regulations to make their use safe and


drivers and pedestrians when, how and
where they may or may not move or stand
at a particular place, especially during
emergencies or period of congestion.
The primary duty of the Traffic Enforcement
Unit (TEU) is the enforcement of traffic laws in order
to reduce traffic collisions, their resulting injuries, and
to facilitate the safe and expedient flow of vehicular
and pedestrian traffic. These efforts result in safer
roadways and streets, fewer fatalities, injuries, and
reduces property damage. The Unit concentrates its
enforcement efforts in the areas with the highest
collision rates within the city of San José. These
efforts have proven to be effective in reducing the
numbers of collisions in the City.


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