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Sahala Panggabean

Jakarta, 11 Oktober
Oktober 2014


Hypertension = Increased CO and/or Increaced PR

Preload Contractility Functional Structural

Constriction hypertrophy
Fluid Volume
Volume Redistribution
Sympathetic Renin- Cell Hyper
nervous over- Angiostensin Membran Insulinemia
Renal Decreased activity Excess Alteration
Sodium filtration
Retension surface

Stress Obesity

Excess Genetic Genetic Endothelium

Sodium Alteration Alteration derived
Intake factors
Classification and managemen of
blood pressure for adults (JNC VII)

BP SBp* DBp* Lifestyle Without Compelling With Compelling

Classification mmHg mmHg MODIFICATION Indication indication
Normal <120 And <80 Encourage Drug(s) for comppelling
No Antihypertension
Prehypertension 120-139 Or 80-89 Yes Drug indicated indication
Stage 1 140-159 Or 90-99 Yes Thiazide-type diuretics Drug(s) for the
hypertension for most. May consider compelling indications
ACEI,ARB,BB, CCB or Other antihypertensive
combination drugs (diuratics, ACEI,
ARB, BB, CCB) as
Stage 2 <160 Or <210 Yes Two drug combination
hypertension for most (usually
Thiazide-type diuretics
an ACEI or ARB or BB or

DBP* diagnostic blood pressure, SBP, systotic blood pressure

Drug abbreviations :ACEL, angiotension converting enxyme inhibitor. ARBN, Angiotension receptor blocker. BB beta-blocker.
CCB, calcium chanel blocker.
Evaluation Objectives

 To identify know causes

 To assess presence or absence of target
organ damage and cardiovascular disease
 To identify other risk factors or disorders
that might guide treatment
Evaluation Components

  Medical history
  Physical examination
  Routine laboratory tests
  Optional tests
  Duration and classification of hypertension
  Patient history of cardiovascular disease
  Family history
  Symptoms suggesting causes of
  Lifestyle factors
  Current and previous medications
Physical Examination

 Blood pressure readings (two or more)

 Verification in contralateral arm.
 Height, weight, and waist circumference
 Funduscopic examination
 Examination of the neck, heart, lungs,
abdomen, and extremities
 Neurological assessment
Laboratory Tests Recommended
Before Initiating Therapy

 Urinalysis
 Complete blood count
 Blood chemistry (potassium, sodium,
creatinine, and fasting glucose)
 Lipid profile (total cholesterol and HDL
 12-lead electrocardiogram
Optional Tests and Procedures

  Creatinine clearance  Thyroid-Stimulating

  Microalbuminuria hormone
  24-hour urinary protein  Plasma rennin
  Serum calcium activity/urinary sodium
  Serum uric acid determination
  Fasting triglycerides  Limited echocardiography
  LDL cholesterol  Ultrasonography
  Glycosolated  Measurement of ankle/arm
hemoglobin index
Examples of Identifiable
Causes of Hypertension
 Renovascular disease  Primary aldosteronism
 Renal parenchymal disease  Cushing syndrome
 Polycystic kidneys  Hyperparathyroidism
 Aortic coarction  Exogenous causes
 Pheochromocytoma
Components of Cardiovascular
Risk in Patients With Hypertension

Major Risk Factors :

 Smoking
 Dyslipidemia
 Diabetes mellitus
 Age older than 60 years
 Sex (men or postmenopausal women)
 Family history of cardiovascular disease
Clinical Risk Factors for Stratification
Of Patients With Hypertension

  Heart diseases
  Stroke or transient ischemic attack
  Nephropathy
  Peripheral arterial disease
  Retinopathy
Types of Hypertension
 Primary HTN:
also known as essential HTN.
accounts for 95% cases of HTN.
no universally established cause known.

 Secondary HTN:
less common cause of HTN ( 5%).
secondary to other potentially rectifiable causes
Causes of Secondary HTN
 Common
 Intrinsic renal disease
 Renovascular disease
 Mineralocorticoid excess
 Sleep Breathing disorder
Risk Stratification

Risk Group A No risk factors

No target organ disease/clinical cardiovascular disease
Risk Group B At least one risk factor, not including diabetes
No target organ disease/clinical cardiovascular disease
Risk Group C Target organ disease /clinical cardiovascular disease and/or
With or without other risk factors
Treatment Strategies and
Risk Stratification
Blood Pressure
Stages (mmHg) Risk Group A Risk Group B Risk Group C
High-normal Lifestyle modification Lifestyle modification Drug therapy
(130-139/85-89)      Lifestyle modification
Stage 1 Lifestyle modification Lifestyle modification Drug therapy
(140-159/90-99) (up to 12 months) (up to 6 months)** Lifestyle modification
Stages 2 and 3 Drug therapy Drug therapy Drug therapy
(≥160/ ≥ 100) Lifestyle modification Lifestyle modification Lifestyle modification

Or those with heart failure, renal insufficiency, or diabetes

For those with multiple risk factors, clinicians should consider drugs as initial Therapy plus lifestyle
Goal of Hypertension
Prevention and Management

  To reduce morbidity and mortality by the least

intrusive means possible. This may be
accomplished by
-   Achieving and maintaining SBP < 140 Hg
and DBP < 90 mm Hg.
- Controlling other cardiovascular risk factors.
Lifestyle Modifications

For Prevention and For Overall and

Management Cardiovascular Health
  Lose weight if overweight   Maintain adequate intake of
calcium and magnesium
  Limit alcohol intake
  Stop Smoking
  Increase aerobic physical activity
  Reduce dietary saturated fat and
  Reduce sodium intake cholesterol
  Maintain adequate intake of
Pharmacologic Treatment

  Decreases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

based on randomised controlled trials
  Protects against stroke, coronary events, heart
failure, progression of renal disease, progression
to more severe hypertension, and all-cause
Special Considerations
In Selecting Drug Therapy

   Demographics
Coexisting diseases and Therapies
   Quality of life
   Physiological and biochemical measurements
   Drug interactions
   Economic considerations
Drug Therapy

  A low dose of initial drug should be used slowly

titrating upward.
  Optimal formulation should provide 24-hour
efficacy with once-daily dose with at least 50% of
peak effect remaining at end of 24 hours
  Combination therapies may provide additional
efficacy with fewer adverse effects
Classes of
Antihypertensive Drugs
  ACE inhibitors
  Adrenergic inhibitors
  Angiotensin II receptor blockers
  Calcium antagonists
  Direct vasodilators
  Diuretics
Combination Therapies

 β – adrenergic blockers and diuretics

  ACE inhibitors and diuretics
  Angiotensin II receptor antagonists and diuiretics
   Calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors
   Other combinations
   Follow up within 1 to 2 months after initiating therapy
   Recognize that high-risk patients often require high
dose or combination therapies and shorter intervals
between changes in medications
   Consider reasons for lack of responsiveness if blood
pressure is uncontrolled after reaching full dose
   Consider reducing dose and number of agents after 1
year at or below goal.
Causes for inadequate
Response to drug Therapy
  Pseudo resistance
  Non adherence to therapy
  Volume overload
  Drug-related causes
  Associated conditions
  Identifiable cause of hypertension
Hypertensive Emergencies
And Urgencies
 Emergencies require immediate blood
pressure reduction to prevent or limit
target organ damage
 Urgencies benefit from reducing blood
pressure within a few hours
 Elevated blood pressure alone rarely
requires emergency therapy
 Fast-acting drugs are available.
Drugs Avaiblable for
Hypertensive Emergencies
Vasodilators Adrenergic Inhibitors
 Nitroprusside  Labetalol
 Nicardipine  Esmolol
 Fenoldopam  Phentolamine
 Nitroglycerin
 Enalaprilat
 Hydralazine
Algorithm For Treatment of
Lifestyle Modifications
Not at Goal Blood Pressure (<140/90 mmHg)
(<130/80 mmHg for patiens with diabetes or chronic kidney disease

Initial Drug Choices

Without Compelling With Compelling Indication


Stage 1 Stage 2 Drug(S) for the

compelling indications
Hypertension Hypertension (se table *
(SBP 140-159 or DBP (SBP >=160 or DBP
90-99 mmHg >=100 mmHg
Other antihypertensive
drugs ( diuretics, ACEI,
Thiazide -type diuretc To-drug combination for ARB, BB, CCB) as
for most. May consider most (usually thiazide - needed
ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB, type diuretic and ACEI
or combination or ARB or BB or CCB)


Optimize dosages or add additional drugs until goal blood pressure is achieved. Consider
consultation with hypertension specialist

DBP, diastolic blood pressure, SBP, systolic blood pressure

Drug abbreviations: ACEI= angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB=,angiotensin
receptor blocker; BB= beta-blocker; CCB= calcium channel blocker.
Algorithm for Treatment of
Hypertension (continued)

Begin or Continue Lifestyle Modifications

 Lose weight  Maintain potassium
 Limit alcohol  Maintain calsium and magnesium
 Increase physical activity  Stop Smoking
 Reduce sodium  Reduce saturated fat cholesterol

Not at Goal Blood Pressure

Specific Drug Indications

Some antihypertensive drugs may have

favourable affects on co-morbid conditions :

Angina Heart failure

- -blockers - Carvedilol
- Calcium antagonists - Losartan
Atrial tachycardia and • Myocardial infarction
fibrillation - Diltiazem
- -blockers - Verapamil
- Nondihydropyridine Calcium antagonists
Specific Indications (continued)

Some antihypertensive drugs may have favourable affects

on co-morbid conditions :
Cyclorsporine-induced Prostatism (benign prostatic
hypertension hyperplasia)
- Calcium antagonists - α -blockers
Diabetes mellitus (1 and 2)
with proteinuria Renal insufficiency (caution
in renovascular hypertensio
- ACE Inhibitos (preferred) and creatinine > 3 mg/dl [>
- Calcium antagonists 265. Ųmol/L])
Diabetes mellitus (type 2) - ACE inhibitors
- Low-dose diuretics
 Dyslipidemia
- α -blockers

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