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Hidden Variables, the EM

Algorithm, and Mixtures of


Computer Vision
Jia-Bin Huang, Virginia Tech
Many slides from D. Hoiem
Administrative stuffs

• Final project
• proposal due Oct 30 (Monday)

• Tips for final project

• Set up several milestones
• Think about how you are going to evaluate
• Demo is highly encouraged

• HW 4 out tomorrow
Sample final projects
• State quarter classification
• Stereo Vision - correspondence matching
• Collaborative monocular SLAM for Multiple Robots in an unstructured environment

• Fight Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

• Actor Rating using Facial Emotion Recognition
• Fiducial Markers on Bat Tracking Based on Non-rigid Registration
• Im2Latex: Converting Handwritten Mathematical Expressions to Latex
• Pedestrian Detection and Tracking
• Inference with Deep Neural Networks
• Rubik's Cube
• Plant Leaf Disease Detection and Classification
• MBZIRC Challenge-2017
• Multi-modal Learning Scheme for Athlete Recognition System in Long Video
• Computer Vision In Quantitative Phase Imaging
• Aircraft pose estimation for level flight
• Automatic segmentation of brain tumor from MRI images
• Visual Dialog
• PixelDream
Superpixel algorithms

• Goal: divide the image into a large number of

regions, such that each regions lie within object

• Examples
• Watershed
• Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher graph-based
• Turbopixels
Watershed algorithm
Watershed segmentation

Image Gradient Watershed boundaries

Meyer’s watershed segmentation

1. Choose local minima as region seeds

2. Add neighbors to priority queue, sorted by value
3. Take top priority pixel from queue
1. If all labeled neighbors have same label, assign that
label to pixel
2. Add all non-marked neighbors to queue
4. Repeat step 3 until finished (all remaining pixels
in queue are on the boundary)

Matlab: seg = watershed(bnd_im)

Meyer 1991
Simple trick
• Use Gaussian or median filter to reduce number of
Watershed usage

• Use as a starting point for hierarchical segmentation

–Ultrametric contour map (Arbelaez 2006)

• Works with any soft boundaries

–Pb (w/o non-max suppression)
–Canny (w/o non-max suppression)
Watershed pros and cons

• Pros
–Fast (< 1 sec for 512x512 image)
–Preserves boundaries

• Cons
–Only as good as the soft boundaries (which may be slow to
–Not easy to get variety of regions for multiple segmentations

• Usage
–Good algorithm for superpixels, hierarchical segmentation
Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher: Graph-Based

+ Good for thin regions

+ Fast
+ Easy to control coarseness of segmentations
+ Can include both large and small regions
- Often creates regions with strange shapes
- Sometimes makes very large errors
Turbo Pixels: Levinstein et al. 2009

Tries to preserve boundaries like watershed but to produce more regular regions
SLIC (Achanta et al. PAMI 2012)

1. Initialize cluster centers on

pixel grid in steps S
- Features: Lab color, x-y position
2. Move centers to position in 3x3
window with smallest gradient
3. Compare each pixel to cluster
center within 2S pixel distance
and assign to nearest
4. Recompute cluster centers as + Fast 0.36s for 320x240
mean color/position of pixels + Regular superpixels
+ Superpixels fit boundaries
belonging to each cluster - May miss thin objects
5. Stop when residual error is - Large number of superpixels

Choices in segmentation algorithms
• Oversegmentation
• Watershed + Structure random forest
• Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher 2004
• Turbopixels
• Mean-shift

• Larger regions (object-level)

• Hierarchical segmentation (e.g., from Pb)
• Normalized cuts
• Mean-shift
• Seed + graph cuts (discussed later)
Multiple segmentations
• Don’t commit to one partitioning

• Hierarchical segmentation
• Occlusion boundaries hierarchy: Hoiem et al. IJCV 2011
(uses trained classifier to merge)
• Pb+watershed hierarchy: Arbeleaz et al. CVPR 2009
• Selective search: FH + agglomerative clustering
• Superpixel hierarchy

• Vary segmentation parameters

• E.g., multiple graph-based segmentations or mean-shift

• Region proposals
• Propose seed superpixel, try to segment out object that
contains it
(Endres Hoiem ECCV 2010, Carreira Sminchisescu CVPR
Review: Image Segmentation
• Gestalt cues and principles of organization

• Uses of segmentation
• Efficiency
• Provide feature supports
• Propose object regions
• Want the segmented object

• Segmentation and grouping

• Gestalt cues
• By clustering (k-means, mean-shift)
• By boundaries (watershed)
• By graph (merging , graph cuts)
• By labeling (MRF) <- Next lecture
HW 4: SLIC (Achanta et al. PAMI 2012)

1. Initialize cluster centers on

pixel grid in steps S
- Features: Lab color, x-y position
2. Move centers to position in 3x3
window with smallest gradient
3. Compare each pixel to cluster
center within 2S pixel distance
and assign to nearest
4. Recompute cluster centers as + Fast 0.36s for 320x240
mean color/position of pixels + Regular superpixels
+ Superpixels fit boundaries
belonging to each cluster - May miss thin objects
5. Stop when residual error is - Large number of superpixels

Today’s Class

• Examples of Missing Data Problems

• Detecting outliers
• Latent topic models
• Segmentation (HW 4, problem 2)

• Background
• Maximum Likelihood Estimation
• Probabilistic Inference

• Dealing with “Hidden” Variables

• EM algorithm, Mixture of Gaussians
• Hard EM
Missing Data Problems: Outliers
You want to train an algorithm to predict whether a
photograph is attractive. You collect annotations from
Mechanical Turk. Some annotators try to give accurate
ratings, but others answer randomly.

Challenge: Determine which people to trust and the average

rating by accurate annotators.



Photo: Jam343 (Flickr)

Missing Data Problems: Object
You have a collection of images and have extracted
regions from them. Each is represented by a histogram
of “visual words”.

Challenge: Discover frequently occurring object

categories, without pre-trained appearance models.
Missing Data Problems: Segmentation
You are given an image and want to assign
foreground/background pixels.

Challenge: Segment the image into figure and

ground without knowing what the foreground looks
like in advance.


Missing Data Problems:
Challenge: Segment the image into figure and ground without
knowing what the foreground looks like in advance.

Three steps:
1. If we had labels, how could we model the appearance of
foreground and background?
• Maximum Likelihood Estimation
2. Once we have modeled the fg/bg appearance, how do we
compute the likelihood that a pixel is foreground?
• Probabilistic Inference
3. How can we get both labels and appearance models at once?
• Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
1. If we had labels, how could we model the appearance
of foreground and background?


Maximum Likelihood Estimation
x   x1..x N  parameters

ˆ  argmax p (x |  )

ˆ  argmax  p ( xn |  )
 n
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
x   x1 .. x N 
ˆ  argmax p(x |  )

ˆ  argmax  p( x n |  )
 n

Gaussian Distribution

p ( x n |  , ) 
2 1 
exp 
 xn    

2  2 
2 2
 
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
1   xn    2 
Gaussian Distribution p ( x n |  , ) 
exp  

2 2
 2 2

•  Log-Likelihood
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
x   x1 .. x N 
ˆ  argmax p(x |  )

ˆ  argmax  p( x n |  )
 n

Gaussian Distribution

p ( x n |  , ) 
2 1 
exp 
 xn    

2  2 
2 2
 
1 1
̂ 
 xn
ˆ  2


 nx  
ˆ  2

Example: MLE
Parameters used to Generate
fg: mu=0.6, sigma=0.1
bg: mu=0.4, sigma=0.1

im labels

>> mu_fg = mean(im(labels))

mu_fg = 0.6012

>> sigma_fg = sqrt(mean((im(labels)-mu_fg).^2))

sigma_fg = 0.1007

>> mu_bg = mean(im(~labels))

mu_bg = 0.4007

>> sigma_bg = sqrt(mean((im(~labels)-mu_bg).^2))

sigma_bg = 0.1007
Probabilistic Inference
2. Once we have modeled the fg/bg appearance, how
do we compute the likelihood that a pixel is


Probabilistic Inference
Compute the likelihood that a particular model
generated a sample
component or label

p ( z n  m | x n , )
Probabilistic Inference
Compute the likelihood that a particular model
generated a sample
component or label

p  z n  m, xn |  m 
p ( z n  m | x n , ) 
p xn |  
Conditional probability
  ( 𝐴|𝐵 ) = 𝑃 ( 𝐴 , 𝐵)
𝑃 (𝐵)
Probabilistic Inference
Compute the likelihood that a particular model
generated a sample
component or label

p  z n  m, xn |  m 
p ( z n  m | x n , ) 
p xn |  

p  z n  m, xn |  m 
 Marginalization
 p z n  k , x n |  k 
𝑃  ( 𝐴 ) =∑ 𝑃( 𝐴 ,𝐵=𝑘)
Probabilistic Inference
Compute the likelihood that a particular model
generated a sample
component or label

p  z n  m, xn |  m 
p ( z n  m | x n , ) 
p xn |  

p  z n  m, xn |  m 
 Joint distribution
 p z n  k , x n |  k 
𝑃  ( 𝐴 , 𝐵 )=P ( B ) P (A ∨B)

p x n | z n  m, m  p  z n  m |  m 

 p  x n | z n  k , k  p  z n  k |  k 
Example: Inference

Learned Parameters
fg: mu=0.6, sigma=0.1 im
bg: mu=0.4, sigma=0.1
>> pfg = 0.5;
>> px_fg = normpdf(im, mu_fg, sigma_fg);
>> px_bg = normpdf(im, mu_bg, sigma_bg);
>> pfg_x = px_fg*pfg ./ (px_fg*pfg + px_bg*(1-pfg));

p(fg | im)
Dealing with Hidden Variables
3. How can we get both labels and appearance
parameters at once?


Mixture of Gaussians mixture component
component model component prior

p  x n | μ , σ , π    p x n , z n  m |  m , m ,  m
2 2


p  x n , z n  m | μ , σ , π   p x n , z n  m |  m , m ,  m
2 2

 p x 
|  m , m p  z n  m |  m 

1   xn   m  2 
 exp    m

2 m
 2 m

Mixture of Gaussians

With enough components, can represent any

probability density function
• Widely used as general purpose pdf estimator
Segmentation with Mixture of Gaussians

Pixels come from one of several Gaussian

• We don’t know which pixels come from which
• We don’t know the parameters for the components
- Estimate the parameters of the
Gaussian Mixture Model.

What would you do?

Simple solution

1. Initialize parameters

2. Compute the probability of each hidden variable

given the current parameters

3. Compute new parameters for each model,

weighted by likelihood of hidden variables

4. Repeat 2-3 until convergence

Mixture of Gaussians: Simple

1. Initialize parameters

2. Compute likelihood of hidden variables for

current parameters
2 (t )
 nm  p( z n  m | x n , μ , σ (t )
, π (t ) )

3. Estimate new parameters for each model,

weighted by likelihood
1 1 
2 ( t 1)

n nm n m 
( t 1)
n  nm xn ˆ m   2
ˆ m   x  ˆ ˆ m ( t 1)
 n

 nm
  nm
 N
Expectation Maximization (EM)

 
Goal:   argmax log  p x , z |   
  z 

Log of sums is intractable

Jensen’s Inequality f  E X    E f  X  
for concave functions f(x)

(so we maximize the lower bound!)

See here for proof:

Expectation Maximization (EM)
 
Goal:   argmax log  p x , z |   
  z 
1. E-step: compute

E z|x , ( t )  log p  x , z |       log p  x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 


2. M-step: solve

 ( t 1)  argmax  log p x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 

 z
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Algorithm log of expectation of P(x|z)
 
Goal:   argmax log  p x , z |   
ˆ f  E X    E f  X  
  z 
1. E-step: compute expectation of log of P(x|z)

E z|x , ( t )  log p  x , z |       log p  x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 


2. M-step: solve

 ( t 1)  argmax  log p x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 

 z
EM for Mixture of Gaussians - derivation
  xn   m  2 
 2

p  x n | μ , σ 2 , π    p x n , z n  m |  m , m ,  m  
exp 
m 2
  m

2 m
m m  

1. E-step: E z|x , ( t )  log p  x , z |       log p  x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 


2. M-step:  ( t 1)  argmax  log p x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 

 z
EM for Mixture of Gaussians
  xn   m  2 
 2

p  x n | μ , σ 2 , π    p x n , z n  m |  m , m ,  m  
exp 
m 2
  m

2 m
m m  

1. E-step: E z|x , ( t )  log p  x , z |       log p  x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 


2. M-step:  ( t 1)  argmax  log p x , z |    p  z | x , ( t ) 

 z

2 (t )
 nm  p( z n  m | x n , μ , σ (t )
, π(t ) )
1 1 
2 ( t 1)

n nm n m 

 ˆ m   2
ˆ m ( t 1)
  nm x n  x  ˆ ˆ m ( t 1)
 n

 nm n  nm

EM algorithm - derivation
EM algorithm – E-Step
EM algorithm – E-Step
EM algorithm – M-Step
EM algorithm – M-Step


Take derivative with respect to

EM algorithm – M-Step

  derivative with respect to
EM Algorithm for GMM
EM Algorithm

• Maximizes a lower bound on the data likelihood at

each iteration

• Each step increases the data likelihood

• Converges to local maximum

• Common tricks to derivation

• Find terms that sum or integrate to 1
• Lagrange multiplier to deal with constraints
Convergence of EM Algorithm
EM Demos

• Mixture of Gaussian demo

• Simple segmentation demo

“Hard EM”

• Same as EM except compute z* as most likely values for

hidden variables

• K-means is an example

• Advantages
• Simpler: can be applied when cannot derive EM
• Sometimes works better if you want to make hard predictions
at the end
• But
• Generally, pdf parameters are not as accurate as EM
Missing Data Problems: Outliers
You want to train an algorithm to predict whether a
photograph is attractive. You collect annotations from
Mechanical Turk. Some annotators try to give accurate
ratings, but others answer randomly.

Challenge: Determine which people to trust and the average

rating by accurate annotators.



Photo: Jam343 (Flickr)

Next class

• MRFs and Graph-cut Segmentation

• Think about your final projects (if not done already)

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