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• Studies the interaction between the natural environment

and the people living in it.
• It acts as bridge between natural science and social
• It comes from Greek words: geo meaning “Earth” and
graphos meaning “charting or mapping”
• This social science discipline studies where things are
on Earth, explains why they are there, and their
relationships to other people, places, and things.
• PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-studies the natural features
of the earth, like climate,water, vegetation and soil
• HUMAN GEOGRAPHY-studies human population and
the impact of its activities on the planet.
• ERASTOSTHENES of Cyrene- “Father of Geography”
• He wrote 3 volume book “ Geographika”
• INSTRUCTIONS- Create a physical map of an
imaginary nation.Write the name of the country on the
top of the map. You should include atleast 5 different
land or water forms in the map and give a unique
name. You should also include atleast major cities,
including a capital designated by a star. The cities will
be designated by a large black dot and these must all be
• MATERIALS-One piece of small white poster board per student
• Colored pencils
• Pencils
• Black ink of black marker rulers
• Maps and atlases can be used as example

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