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Verbs followed by Gerunds

Глаголи следвани от деятелно причастие


 Има правило за правилните форми на глаголите, което твърди, че два спрегаеми

глагола не могат да поставени последователно. Последният трябва да се
трансформира в неспрегаем глагол(глагол в неопределена форма). Не-определените
глаголни форми са сегашни деятелни причастия – Gering (-ing форми), причастия и
 Въпреки това, някои крайни глаголи винаги са следвани от сегашни деятелни
причастия, а някои винаги са последвани от инфинитиви, като други може да са
последвани и от сегашни деятелни причастия или от инфинитив.
Глаголи, които са винаги последван от
сегашни деятелни причастия Gerund:
Admit Mind Report
Appreciate Miss Resent
Avoid Postpone Resist
Consider Practice Risk
Delay Quit Suggest
Deny Resume
Enjoy Recall
Examples 1:

 Incorrect: I suggest to go to the cinema.

Correct:  I suggest going to the cinema.
 Incorrect: He risked to come to meet me at my home.  
Correct: He risked coming to meet me at my house.
 Incorrect: I did not delay to give her my number.
Correct: I did not delay giving her my number.
 Incorrect: He enjoyed to work with the president.
Correct: He enjoyed working with the president.
 Incorrect: John resumed to stay in that hotel.
Correct: John resumed staying in that hotel.
 Incorrect: He recalls to go to Alaska.
Correct: He recalls going to Alaska.
Examples 2:

 Incorrect: I avoided to talk with her.

Correct: I avoided talking with her.
 Incorrect: I quit to go there.
Correct: I quit going there.
 Incorrect: He considered to leave this town.  
Correct: He considered leaving this town.
 Incorrect: He minds to bring the keys for me.
Correct: He minds bringing the keys for me. 
 Incorrect: My father postponed to go to the pilgrimage.
Correct: My father postponed going to the pilgrimage.
 Incorrect: He suggested to start the journey earlier.
Correct: He suggested starting the journey earlier.
Examples 3:

 Incorrect: He misses to use the smartphone.

Correct: He misses using the smartphone.
 Incorrect: My cat cannot resist to sleep when I caress it.
Correct: My cat cannot resist sleeping when I caress it. 
 Incorrect: I appreciate to reach anywhere on time.
Correct: I appreciate reaching anywhere on time.
 Incorrect: He denies to be the best batsman in the team.
Correct: He denies being the best batsman in the team.
 Incorrect: He enjoys to sleep late.
Correct: He enjoys sleeping late.
 Incorrect: I have admitted to quit the job.
Correct: I have admitted quitting the job. 
Examples 4:

 Incorrect: Alex risked to enter the cave.

Correct: Alex risked entering the cave but he failed.
 Incorrect: Robert enjoyed to rule all the seven kingdoms.
Correct: Robert enjoyed ruling all the seven kingdoms.
 Incorrect: He resents to invade other kingdoms. 
Correct: He resents invading other kingdoms.
 Incorrect: He finished to triumph every war.
Correct: He finished triumphing every war.
 Incorrect: He appreciates to win the hearts of the people.
Correct: He appreciates winning the hearts of the people.
 Incorrect: I finished to travel with him.
Correct: I finished traveling with him.
 Incorrect: The students reported to have troubles with their tasks.
Correct: The students reported having troubles with their tasks.
 Incorrect: I practice to throw the spear in the morning.
Correct: I practice throwing the spear in the morning.
Домашна работа
 Помощ със значенията на глаголите с примери: http://
 Упражнения:
 Домашна работа
I finished _____ two years ago. – studying / to study
Avoid _____ if you feel tired or sleepy. – driving /to drive
We hope _____ you again soon. – seeing / to see
Now I've changed job, I miss _____ my old colleagues. – seeing / to see
They chose _____ about the environment for their project. – writing / to write
I dislike _____ to work at weekends. – having / to have
от английски на български
I love visiting new cities and seeing all of the famous tourist sights. Recently, I visited the German city of Leipzig. My trip was
amazing! Leipzig is quite a big city, and there’s so much to do and see. These are the top three places I visited in the city …
1. The Museum of Fine Arts
Sometimes art museums can be a little bit boring but I really enjoyed my visit to Leipzig’s Museum of Fine Arts. You can see lots of
different types of artwork there – from pieces that are over 400 years old to modern art! I loved learning about different artists from
across the ages. It was definitely a cool way to spend a rainy afternoon in the city!
2. The St Nicholas Church
This is a church with a very interesting past. The church has connections to both famous musicians and important political protests. I
had heard a lot about this history, so it was amazing to finally visit the church in person. I was really impressed! Inside, there were
beautiful paintings on the wall and the atmosphere was very peaceful.
3. Leipzig Zoo
In my opinion, Leipzig has one of the best zoos in the world! The zoo is huge, and there are so many different animals – including
tigers, elephants and even koalas! The best part of the zoo is the safari area. There’s a real, flowing river and you can travel down it
on a boat. It was so cool! I’d love to visit Leipzig Zoo again one day …
As you can see, there are some pretty cool tourist sights in Leipzig! If you ever visit this city, I would definitely recommend coming
to all three of these places.
от български на английски
Град Несебър е разположен на 36 км североизточно от гр. Бургас, на брега на Черно
море. Заради уникалното си съчетание от древна история, антични останки и
възрожденска архитектура Старият град в Несебър е включен в Списъка на ЮНЕСКО
през 1983 г. Археологическият резерват е разположен на малък полуостров, свързан със
сушата чрез тесен провлак. Морският град пази безброй доказателства за своята
история, много от които се съхраняват в Археологическия музей в града.

Несебър е един от най-древните градове на Европа. Основан е преди 3200 години. През
античността градът е наричан Месамбрия, през средновековието - Месемврия, а по-
късно - Несебър.

Важна част от резервата са останките от крепостни стени, ранновизантийските терми,

храмовете „Св. Стефан”, „Богородица Елеуса”, „Христос Пантократор”, „Св. Спас” и др.

Над 100 са реставрираните възрожденски къщи в града, а Етнографският музей е

разположен в една от тях, строена през 1840 г.
Thank you for your attention!
Ivanka Vasenska, PhD
Chief Assistant Professor, Tourism Department, Economics Faculty и на

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