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Properties of Crude Oil

1. Define and explain the meaning of the terms B o, Bt, Rs.
2. List the factors affecting the solubility of gas in oil and describe the effect of each
on the solubility.
3. Explain the meaning of the terms “bubble point pressure”, “saturated reservoir”
and “undersaturated reservoir.”
4. Illustrate with sketches the effect of pressure on B o, Rs and μo and explain the
shapes of these curves.
5. Calculate values for Pb, Bo, Bt, Rs, co, μo, RF using correlations.
6. Calculate volume of dissolved and free gas for saturated and undersaturated
7. Describe the flash and Karen
Boodoo vaporization processes and differentiate 1
between them.

 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering (vol. 8)

by L.P. Dake
 Chap 2
 Reservoir Engineering (3rd Ed.) byTarek Ahmed
 Chaps 2, 3

 Practical Enhanced Reservoir Engineering by Abdus

 Chap 3

 Applied Pet. Res. Eng. (2nd Ed.) by Craft and Hawkins.

 Chap 1

Karen Boodoo 2
Application of the Real Gas Equation of
The determination of the z-factor as a function of pressure
and temperature facilitates the use of the simple equation

to fully define the state of a real gas. The equation is a

PVT relationship and in reservoir engineering, in general,
the main use of such functions is to relate surface to
reservoir volumes of hydrocarbons.
(z = Gas Deviation Factor, R = Universal Gas Constant)

Karen Boodoo 3
Fluid Properties (7)

Karen Boodoo 4
Fluid Properties

Karen Boodoo 5
Fluid Properties

Bubble Point Pressure:
-Pressure in a gas reservoir where the first
bubbles of gas will appear (pbp)

 Solution Gas-Oil Ratio:

-Solubility of natural gas in crude oil (Rs)

Karen Boodoo 6
Formation Volume Factor

Karen Boodoo 7
Formation Volume Factor, FVF
Fluid Property Symbol Units

Gas Formation Bg cu.ft / SCF

Volume Factor

Oil Formation Bo bbls / STB

Volume Factor

Two-Phase Bt bbls / STB

Volume Factor
Karen Boodoo 8
Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg
 The Gas Formation Volume Factor, which is
the volume in barrels that one standard cubic
foot of gas will occupy as free gas in the
reservoir at the prevailing reservoir pressure
and temperature

Karen Boodoo 9
Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg
 They relate the volume of gas in the reservoir to
the volume of gas on the surface at standard
conditions (psc = 14.7 psia, Tsc = 60°F)

Bg  0.02829 cu. ft. / SCF
Bg  0.00504 bbl / SCF
Karen Boodoo 10
Bg  0.02829 cu. ft. / SCF
p 1 bbl = 5.615 ft3
zT / 5.615
Bg  0.00504 bbl / SCF cu ft bbls
(convert from cu.ft./SCF to bbl/SCF by /5.615)
At Standard Conditions, psc = 14.7 psia, Tsc = 60°F
Bg = Gas Formation Volume Factor, cu.ft / SCF OR bbl/SCF
z = Gas Deviation Factor, no units
T = Reservoir Temperature, °R (0°F = 460°R)
p = Reservoir Pressure, psia
Karen Boodoo 11
Example #1
 The Bell Field is a gas reservoir at a
reservoir pressure of 3250 psia and
temperature of 213°F, and a gas deviation
factor of 0.910. Calculate the gas formation
volume factor in cu. ft./SCF.

Bg  0.02829

Karen Boodoo 12
Solution to Example #1
 T = 213°F
 Convert to Rankine (0°F = 460°R)

 T =213 + 460 = 673 °R

 p = 3250 psia
 z = 0.910

Bg  0.02829
0.910  673
Bg  0.02829  0.00533cu. ft. / SCF

Karen Boodoo 13
Solution to Example #1

0.910  673
Bg  0.02829  0.00533cu. ft. / SCF

This answer means that 1 std. cu ft at 14.7

psia and 60°F will occupy 0.00533 cu ft of
space in the reservoir at 3250 psia and

Karen Boodoo 14
Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo
 The Oil Formation Volume Factor is the
volume in barrels occupied in the reservoir, at
the prevailing pressure and temperature, by
one stock tank barrel of oil plus its dissolved
1 STB Separator

Reservoir (bbls)

Karen Boodoo 15
Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo

Karen Boodoo 16
Liquid Gas

Karen Boodoo 17
Classification of Oil Reservoirs

 Saturated Oil Reservoirs - Reservoirs

pressure is initially below the bubble point

 Undersaturated Oil Reservoirs- Reservoir

pressure is initially above the bubble
point pressure

Karen Boodoo 18
Saturated Oil Reservoirs

 A crude oil is said to be saturated with gas at

any pressure and temperature if on a slight
reduction in pressure some gas is released
from solution

Karen Boodoo 19
Undersaturated Oil Reservoirs
 If no gas is released from solution, the crude
oil is said to be undersaturated at that
pressure. The undersaturated state implies
that there is a deficiency of gas present and
that there had been an abundance of gas
present, the oil would be saturated at that
 The undersaturated state further implies that
there is no free gas in contact with the crude
oil (i.e. there is no gas cap)

Karen Boodoo 20
Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo

Karen Boodoo 21
Explanation of Graph
(refer to slide 15)
 No gas is released from solution when the
pressure drops from the initial pressure of
3500 psia to the bubble-point pressure at
2500 psia
 The reservoir volume remains in a single (liquid)
 However, because liquids are slightly
compressible, the volume increases from 1.310
bbl/STB at 3500 psia to 1.333 bbl/STB at 2500

Karen Boodoo 22
Explanation of Graph

 Below 2500 psia this liquid expansion

continues but is masked by a larger effect:
the decrease in the liquid volume due to the
release of gas from solution.
 At 1200 psia the volume has decreased to
1.210 bbl/STB, and at atmospheric pressure
and 160°F to 1.040 bbl/STB

Karen Boodoo 23

Karen Boodoo 24
Gas Density, g (rho) (lb/cu ft or gm/cc)
Weight of Gas

Weight of Air

M = yg x 28.97

28.97   g  p
g  (lb/cu ft)

Karen Boodoo 25

28.97   g  p (lb/cu ft)

g 
 g= Gas Gravity (  g < 1: gas is lighter than air,
 g > 1: gas is denser than air)
T = Reservoir Temperature, °R (0°F = 460°R)
p = Reservoir Pressure, psia
R = Universal Gas Constant

Karen Boodoo 26
Oil Density,  o (rho) (lb/cu ft or
62.42796 o  0.0136 g Rs
o 
Bo = Oil Formation Volume Factor (Oil FVF), bbls/STb
 o = Oil specific gravity
 g = Gas specific gravity, air = 1
Rs = Solution gas-oil ratio (Solution GOR), scf/STB

Karen Boodoo 27
Example #2

 The Bell Field is a gas reservoir at a

reservoir pressure of 3250 psia and
temperature of 213°F, and a gas
deviation factor of 0.910. If the gas
gravity is 0.665, calculate the reservoir
gas density.
28.97   g  p
g 

Karen Boodoo 28
Solution to Example #2
 T = 213°F
 Convert to Rankine (0°F = 460°R)

 T =213 + 460 = 673 °R

 p = 3250 psia

 z = 0.910

  g = 0.665

28.97   g  p 28.97  0.665  3250

    9.530lb / cuft
zRT 0.910  10.73  673

Karen Boodoo 29

Karen Boodoo 30
Gas Compressibility, cg ( x 10-6 psi-1)

 The change in volume with pressure for

gases under isothermal (constant T)

 Typical value: x 10-6 psi-1

Karen Boodoo 31
Example #3

 To find the compressibility of a gas from the

gas deviation factor curve given.

Karen Boodoo 32
Solution to Example #3

Slope at 1000 psia =

At z  0.19
  127  10  6 psi 1
1000 p 1500
0.83 ∆z = -0.19 (neg. slope)

∆p = 1500

Karen Boodoo 33
Solution to Example #3
 At p = 1000 psia (choose p slope was found)
 z = 0.83
 dz/dp = -127 x 10-6

1 1 dz
cg  
p z dp

cg 

1000 0.83
 
 127  10 6  1153  10 6 psi 1

Karen Boodoo 34
Oil Compressibility, co ( x 10-6 psi-1)

 The compressibility of a liquid is defined as:

1 dV 1 V1  V2 
co    
V dp V  p1  p2 

 Because dV/dp is a –ve slope, the –ve sign

converts the compressibilty, co into a +ve
 Typical value: x 10-6 psi-1

Karen Boodoo 35
Example #4
Pressure, Vr
 Given the following psig
table, calculate the
5000 0.9739
average compressibility
of the fluid between 4700 0.9768
5000 psig and 4100
psig. 4400 0.9799

4100 0.9829

3800 0.9862

Karen Boodoo 36
Solution to Example #4
 V = volume at the higher pressure
= volume at 5000 psig = 0.9739
 p1 = 5000 psig, V1 = 0.9739
 p2 = 4100 psig, V2 = 0.9829

co  
1 dV
 

 V1  V2 
V dp V  p1  p2 

co  

 0.9739  0.9829
 10.27  10 6 psi 1
0.9739  5000  4100
Karen Boodoo 37

Karen Boodoo 38
Viscosity, o (cp) (centipoise)
Below the bubble-point: The viscosity
decreases with increasing pressure owing to
the thinning effect of the gas entering solution
Above the bubble –point: the viscosity
increases with increasing pressure
o Pbp

Below Pbp Above Pbp

P1 P2 P3 P4
Karen Boodoo 39
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio

Solution Gas-Oil Ratio:

-Solubility of natural gas in
crude oil (Rs)

Karen Boodoo 40
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, Rs
 The Solution (or dissolved) Gas-Oil Ratio,
which is the number of standard cubic feet of
gas which will dissolve in one stock tank
barrel of oil when both are taken down to the
reservoir at the prevailing reservoir pressure
and temperature

Karen Boodoo 41
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, Rs
 The solubility of natural gas in crude oil
depends on
 the pressure,
 the temperature and
 the composition of the gas and the crude oil
 For a particular gas and crude oil at constant
temperature, the quantity of solution gas
increases with pressure
 And at constant pressure the quantity
decreases with increasing temperature
Karen Boodoo 42
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, Rs
At constant T, the
quantity of gas in
solution (solution gas)
increases with P

Gas dissolved in oil


Karen Boodoo 43
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, Rs
At constant P the

quantity of gas in
solution decreases
with increasing
temperature (because
quantity of liquid

At 50°F, 40% liquid

At 150°F, 10% liquid

Karen Boodoo 44
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, Rs

Karen Boodoo 45
Explanation of graph
 The graph shows the variation of solution gas
with pressure for the Big Sandy reservoir fluid
at reservoir temperature of 160°F
 At the initial reservoir pressure of 3500 psia,
there is a 567 SCF/STB of solution gas
 The graph indicates that no gas is evolved from
solution when the pressure drops from the initial
pressure at 3500 psia
 Thus the oil is undersaturated in this region, and
there is no free gas phase (cap) in the reservoir

Karen Boodoo 46
Explanation of graph
 The pressure 2500 psia is called the bubble-
point pressure, for at this pressure, bubbles
of free gas first appear
 At 1200 psia the solution gas is 337
SCF/STB, and the average solubility between
2500 and 1200 psia is :

Average solubility
567  337
  0.177 SCF / STB / psi
2500  1200
Karen Boodoo 47
Determination of Rs when pressure is
less than or equal to Pb
 When laboratory analysis of the reservoir fluids are not
available, Rs can be calculated, when the pressures are less
than or equal to the bubble point pressure.

 p 
Rso   g  

 18 10  g

T = temperature, F
P = pressure, psia

 g  0.00091 T  0.0125   o , API

Karen Boodoo 48
Determination of Rs when pressure is
less than or equal to Pb
 For 105 test samples, the absolute error
found in this correlation was 4.8% within the
following range of parameters:

 130 < pb (psia) < 7000

 100 <T (F) < 258
 20 < gas-oil ratio (SCF/STB) < 1425
 16.5 < ρo, API < 63.8
 0.59 < g < 0.95
 1.024 < oil formation volume factor (bbl/SCF) < 2.05

Karen Boodoo 49
Two-Phase Formation
Volume Factor, Bt

Karen Boodoo 50
Two-Phase Formation Volume Factor, Bt
 Two-Phase Formation Volume Factor is
defined as the volume in barrels in one stock
tank barrel and the volume that its initial
complement of dissolved gas occupies at any
pressure and reservoir temperature

Karen Boodoo 51
Bt = Bo + Bg (Rsi – Rs)

Bt = Two-Phase Formation Volume Factor, bbl/STB
Bo= Oil Formation Volume Factor, bbl/STB
Bg= Gas Formation Volume Factor, bbl/SCF
Rsi = Initial Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, SCF/STB
Rs = Solution Gas-Oil Ratio, SCF/STB

Karen Boodoo 52
Example #5
 What is the Two phase Formation Volume factor of a
reservoir at 1200 psia and temperature of 160 °F, given
that the following:

Bo, Oil Formation Volume Factor at 1200 psia-1.210 rb/stb

Rs, Solution Gas Oil Ratio at 1200 psia - 337 scf/stb
Rsi, Initial Solution Gas Oil Ratio - 567 scf/stb
z, Gas deviation factor (z factor) - 0.890

Bt = Bo + Bg (Rsi – Rs)

Karen Boodoo 53
Solution to Example #5
Bg  0.02829 cu. ft. / SCF
Bt = Bo + Bg (Rsi – Rs)
Bg  0.00504 bbl / SCF
Bo at 1200 psia = 1.210 rb/stb
Rs at 1200 psia = 337 scf/stb
Rsi = 567 scf/stb
z = 0.890
p = 1200 psia
T = 160 °F + 460 = 620 °R
Bg ?? bbl/SCF
Karen Boodoo 54
Bt Units

Bt = Bo + Bg (Rsi – Rs)
bbl bbl  SCF SCF 
 

bbl bbl  SCF 

Bt = STB  SCF  STB 

Bt = STB

Karen Boodoo 55
Solution to Example #5
Bg  0.00504
0.890  620
Bg  0.00504  0.002318 bbl / SCF

Bt = Bo + Bg (Rsi – Rs)
=1.210 + 0.002318 (567 – 337)
= 1.743 bbl/STB

Karen Boodoo 56
Useful Formulas

Karen Boodoo 57

Karen Boodoo 58
Bo, Rs and o are functions of Pressure
Pa Pbp Pi

Bo Pa –abandonment pressure

Pbp –bubble-point pressure

Pi –initial pressure


Low viscosity is good

High viscosity is bad

Karen Boodoo 59
Useful Formulas

Karen Boodoo 60
Useful Formulas

Karen Boodoo 61
Bo, Bt, Rs, co, μo, RF USING

Karen Boodoo 62

Karen Boodoo 63
Gas Solubility, Rs
 The amount of gas that will
come out of a sample of
reservoir crude oil as
pressure decreases.
 As pressure is dec’d from pi
to pb, no gas evolves from
the oil  Rs remains constant
at its max. value of Rsb.
 Below the pb, the solution gas
is liberated and the value of
Rs decreases with pressure.

Karen Boodoo 64
5 Correlations for Estimating Rs

Karen Boodoo 65
Standing’s (1947) Correlation (at or
below pb)
 Applications at or below pb of the crude oil.
 Rs is a function of pressure, gas specific
gravity, API gravity, and system pressure.
 The correlation was developed from 105
experimentally determined data points on 22
HC mixtures from California crude oils and
natural gases. 141.5
 API   131.5
 Average error = 4.8% o
 Specific Gravity of oil can be calc’d from:
Karen Boodoo 66
Standing’s (1947) Correlation (at or
below pb)
 p  x
Rs   g   1.4 10 
 18.2  
Where :
x  0.0125 API  0.00091 T  460 

T = Temperature, R  API 
 131.5
p = Bubble-point pressure, psia o
g = Solution gas specific gravity (no units)

Karen Boodoo 67
Example #6
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil systems are
available. Results are based on two-stage surface separation. Using
Standing’s correlation, estimate the gas solubility at the bubble-point
pressure and compare with the experimental value in terms of the absolute
average error (AAE).
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 Karen Boodooat 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Solution to Example #6 Predicted is calculated value.
Measured is measured value
in lab from core sample.
 p  x
Rs   g   1.4 10  Where : x  0.0125 API  0.00091 T  460
 18.2  
Predicted Measured
Oil # x 10x Rs, scf/STB Rs, scf/STB % Error
1 0.361 2.297 838 751 0=8.63
2 0.309 2.035 817 768 6.3
3 0.371 2.349 774 693 11.7
4 0.312 2.049 969 968 0.108
5 0.322 2.097 1012 943 7.3
6 0.177 1.505 998 807 23.7
Karen Boodoo 69
AAE, Absolute Average Error = (Predicted-Measured)/Predicted AAE = 10.1 %
The Vasquez-Beggs (1980)
The correlation was obtained by regression analysis using

5008 measured gas solubility data points with an AAE of

•Based on oil gravity.
•Based on two-stage separation:
•Stage 1 = Average Field separator conditions
•Stage 2 = Stock Tank

Coefficient API ≤ 30 API > 30

C1 0.0362 0.0178
C2 1.0937 1.1870
C3 25.7240 23.931
Karen Boodoo 70
The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation
  API 
Rs  C1 gs p C2
exp C3  
  T 
  p sep 
 gs 

  g 1  5.912 10  API  Tsep  460 log 
  114.7 
gs = corrected gas gravity at the reference separator pressure (no units)
(represents average field separator conditions)
g = gas gravity at the actual separator pressure of psep and Tsep (no units)
(the specific gravity of the gas, depends on the conditions under which
it is separated from the oil) 141.5
psep = actual separator pressure, psia  API   131.5
Tsep = actual separator temperature, oR
Karen Boodoo 71
Example #7
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the gas solubility using
Vasquez-Beggs correlation.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 72
Solution to Example #7
  p sep 
Rs  C1 gs p C2   API 
exp C3    gs   g 1  5.91210 5  API  Tsep  460 log 
  T    114.7 

Predicted Rs, Measured Rs,

Oil # gs scf/STB scf/STB % Error
1 0.8731 779 751 3.76
2 0.855 733 768 -4.58
3 0.911 702 693 1.36
4 0.850 820 968 15.2
5 0.814 947 943 0.43
6 0.834 841 807 4.30
Karen Boodoo 73
AAE = 4.9%
Glaso’s (1980) Correlation
 Developed from 45 North Sea crude oil reservoirs
 AAE = 1.28%
 Function of API gravity, pressure, temperature and gas
specific gravity.
 API 0.989
 
Rs   g   p
0.172  b 
  T  460  

p  10
Where: pb* is a correlating number.

x  2.8869  14.1811  3.3093 log p  


 API   131.5
Karen Boodoo
o 74
Example #8
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the gas solubility using Glaso’s
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 75
pb  10 x
Solution to Example #8 1.2255
 API 0.989
 
x  2.8869  14.1811  3.3093 log p  
Rs   g  p
0.172  b 
  T  460  

Predicted Measured
Oil # x pb* Rs, scf/STB Rs, scf/STB % Error
1 1.155 14.286 737 751 0=-1.84
2 1.196 15.687 714 768 -6.92
3 1.095 12.450 686 693 -0.90
4 1.237 17.243 843 968 -12.92
5 1.260 18.210 868 943 -7.95
6 1.413 25.883 842 807 4.34
Karen Boodoo 76
AAE = 5.8 %
Marhoun’s (1988) Correlation
 160 experimental saturation pressure data from the Middle
Eastern crude oil systems.

Rs  a  T p b
 e

 a    e
Rs b
g  T  p

 Where:
g = Gas specific gravity o = Stock-tank oil gravity
T = Temperature, R a = 185.843208
b = 1.877840 c = -3.1437  API   131.5
d = -1.32657 e = 1.398441 o
Karen Boodoo 77
 API   131.5
Example #9 o
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the gas solubility using
Marhoun’s correlation.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 78
Solution to Example #9
Predicted Rs, Measured Rs,
Oil # scf/STB scf/STB % Error
1 740 751 *100 =-1.43
2 792 768 3.09
3 729 693 5.21
4 1041 968 7.55
5 845 943 -10.37
6 1186 807 47.03
AAE = 12.4%

Karen Boodoo 79
The Petrosky-Farshad (1993)
 81 laboratory analyses from the Gulf of Mexico crude oil

 p  0.8439 x 
Rs    12.340  g 10 
 112.727  
x  7.916 10 4
 API  1.5410

 4.561 10 5
 T  460 1.3911

 Where:
p = Pressure, psia 141.5
 API   131.5
T = Temperature, R o

Karen Boodoo 80
Example #10
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the gas solubility using
Petrosky-Farshad correlation.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 81
Solution to Example #10
Predicted Rs, Measured
Oil # x scf/STB Rs, scf/STB % Error
1 0.2008 772 751 =2.86
2 0.1566 726 768 -5.46
3 0.2101 758 693 9.32
4 0.1579 875 968 -9.57
5 0.1900 865 943 -8.28
6 0.667 900 807 11.57
Karen Boodoo AAE = 7.84%

Karen Boodoo 83
Bubble-Point Pressure, Pb
 Highest pressure at which a bubble of gas is first liberated
from the oil.
 Measured experimentally for a crude oil system by conducting
a constant-composition expansion test.
 In the absence of the experimentally measured Pb,
correlations can be used.
 Pb is a strong function of gas solubility (Rs), gas gravity (g), oil
gravity (API), and Temperature (T).

pb  f  Rs ,  g , API , T   API 
 131.5

Karen Boodoo 84
5 Correlations for Estimating pb

Karen Boodoo 85
Standing’s (1947)Correlation

 Pb is a function of gas solubility, gas gravity,

oil, API gravity, and system temperature.
 The correlation was developed from 105
experimentally determined data points on 22
HC mixtures from California crude oils and
natural gases.
 Average error = 4.8%
 Should be used with caution if non-HC
components are present.
Karen Boodoo 86
Standing’s (1947) Correlation

 API   131.5
 o Karen Boodoo 87
Example #11
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil systems are
available. Results are based on two-stage surface separation. Using
Standing’s correlation, estimate the bubble-point pressure and compare with
the experimental value in terms of the absolute average error (AAE).

T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,

Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 Karen Boodooat 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Solution to Example #11

Karen Boodoo 89
The Vasquez-Beggs (1980)
Based on oil gravity.

•Based on two-stage separation:
•Stage 1 = Average Field separator conditions

•Stage 2 = Stock Tank

Coefficient API ≤ 30 API > 30

C1 27.624 56.18
C2 0.914328 0.84246
C3 11.172 10.393
 API   131.5
o Karen Boodoo 90
The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation

  p sep 
 gs 5

  g 1  5.912 10  API  Tsep  460 log 
  114.7 
psep = actual separator pressure, psia
Tsep = actual separator temperature, oR
 API   131.5
o Karen Boodoo 91
Example #12
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the pb using Vasquez-Beggs
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 92
Solution to Example #12

Karen Boodoo 93
Glaso’s (1980) Correlation
 Developed from 45 North Sea crude oil reservoirs

 API   131.5
Example #13
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the pb using Glaso’s
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 95
Solution to Example #13

Karen Boodoo 96
Marhoun’s (1988) Correlation
 160 experimental bubble-point pressure data from the Middle
Eastern crude oil systems.

 API   131.5

Karen Boodoo 97
Example #14
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the pb using Marhoun’s
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 98
Solution to Example #14

Karen Boodoo 99
The Petrosky-Farshad (1993)
81 laboratory analyses from the Gulf of Mexico crude oil

 AAE = 3.28%

x  7.916 10  4
 API  1.5410

 4.561 10 5
 T  460 1.3911

 API   131.5
o Karen Boodoo 100
Example #15
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the pb using Petrosky and
Farshad correlation.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 101
Solution to Example #15

Karen Boodoo 102

FACTOR, Bo (For reservoirs equal
to or below the bubble-point

Karen Boodoo 103

Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo
 Bo is defined as the ratio of the volume of oil (plus the gas in
solution), at the prevailing reservoir temperature and
pressure, to the volume of oil at standard conditions.
 Bo  1

Karen Boodoo 104

Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo


Karen Boodoo 105

5 Correlations for Estimating Bo at
pressures ≤ the bubble-point

Karen Boodoo 106

Standing’s (1947)Correlation
 Pb is a function of gas solubility, gas gravity,
oil API gravity, and reservoir temperature.
 The correlation was developed from 105
experimentally determined data points on 22
HC mixtures from California crude oils and
natural gases.
 Average error = 1.2%
 Specific Gravity of Oil can be found from:
 API   131.5
Karen Boodoo 107
Standing’s (1947) Correlation

Karen Boodoo 108

The Vasquez-Beggs (1980)
B is a function of R ,  ,  , and T.

o s o g
•Correlation based on regression analysis on 6000 measurements
of Bo at various pressures with an AAE of 4.7%.

 API   131.5
  p sep 
 gs 

  g 1  5.912 10  API  Tsep  460 log 
  114.7 
Karen Boodoo 109
The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation

Karen Boodoo 110

Glaso’s (1980) Correlation
 Developed from 45 North Sea crude oil reservoirs with an
AAE of -0.43% (under predicts Bo) and a std. dev. of 2.18%.

Karen Boodoo 111

Glaso’s (1980) Correlation

 API   131.5
Karen Boodoo 112
Marhoun’s (1988) Correlation
 160 experimental data points from 69 Middle Eastern oil
reserves  Non-linear multiple regression analysis.

 API   131.5

Karen Boodoo 113

The Petrosky-Farshad (1993)
81 laboratory analyses from the Gulf of Mexico crude oil
systems  Non-linear regression.

 API   131.5

Karen Boodoo 114

Example #16
The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Solve for the Bo at the pb using all 5
correlations and calculate the AAE.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 at 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Karen Boodoo 115
Solution to Example #16

Karen Boodoo 116


Karen Boodoo 117

Isothermal compressibility of Crude
Oil, co
 Required to solve:
 Reservoir engineering problems including
transient fluid flow problems
 Determination of the physical properties of the
undersaturated crude oil.
 By definition, the isothermal compressibility of
a substance is def’d mathematically by:
1  V 
c    
V  p T
Karen Boodoo 118
Definition of oil phase, co for
pressures above the bubble-point
 1  V 
c    
V  p 
  T Where:
co = isothermal compressibility, psi-1
ρo = oil density, lb/ft3
 1  Bo  Bo = oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
co    
 Bo  p T

 1   o 
co    
  o  p T
Karen Boodoo 119
Definition of oil phase, co for
pressures below the bubble-point
1 Bo B g Rs
co   
Bo p Bo p

co = isothermal compressibility, psi-1
Bo = oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Bg = gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
Rs = gas solubility, scf/STB
Karen Boodoo 120
Correlations for co at pressures above
the bubble-point pressure
 There are several correlations that are
developed to estimate the oil compressibility
at pressures above the bubble-point
pressure, i.e., the undersaturated crude oil
 Two of these are:
 The Vasquez-Beggs correlation
 The Petrosky-Farshad correlation

Karen Boodoo 121

The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation
 1433  5 Rsb  17.2 T  460   1180 gs  12.61o API
co 
10 5 p

 1433  (5)( Rsb )  (17.2) T  460  (1180)( gs )  (12.61)( o API )

co 
(10 5 )( p )
co = isothermal compressibility, psi-1
T = reservoir temperature, oR
p = pressure above the bubble-point pressure, psia
Rsb = gas solubility at the bubble-point pressure, scf/STB
gs = corrected gas gravity, no units (equation on next slide)

Karen Boodoo 122

The Vasquez-Beggs Correlation
  p sep 
 gs 

  g 1  5.912 10  API  Tsep  460 log 
  114.7 

gs = corrected gas gravity at the reference separator pressure (no units)
(represents average field separator conditions)
g = gas gravity at the actual separator pressure of psep and Tsep (no units)
(the specific gravity of the gas, depends on the conditions under which
it is separated from the oil)
psep = actual separator pressure, psia
Tsep = actual separator temperature, oR
Karen Boodoo 123
The Petrosky-Farshad Correlation
co  1.705  10 R 7 0.69357
sb  0.1885
g API 0.3272
 T  460 0.6729
p 0.5906

co  1.705  (10 7 )( Rsb0.69357 )( g0.1885 )( API 0.3272 ) T  460

( p 0.5906 )

co = isothermal compressibility, psi-1
T = reservoir temperature, oR
p = pressure above the bubble-point pressure, psia
Rsb = gas solubility at the bubble-point pressure, scf/STB

Karen Boodoo 124

Example #17, Part a)
 The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil systems
are available. Results are based on two-stage surface separation.
Estimate the undersaturated oil compressibility, using the Vasquez-Beggs
and the Petrosky-Farshad correlations.
T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,
Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 Karen Boodooat 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Solutions to Example #17, Part a)

co, psi-1
Measured co, Vasquez- Petrosky-
Oil # psi-1 p > pb Beggs Farshad
1 22.14*10-6 2689 23.03E-06 22.31E-06
2 18.75*10-6 2810 20.31E-06 19.33E-06
3 22.69*10-6 2526 23.97E-06 23.00E-06
4 21.51*10-6 2942 23.86E-06 23.40E-06
5 24.16*10-6 3273 20.26E-06 20.44E-06
6 11.65*10-6 4370 11.62E-06 11.80E-06
Karen Boodoo 126
Example #17, Part b)

 Determine the degree of accuracy (absolute

average error, AAE) of both the Vasquez-
Beggs and the Petrosky-Farshad

Karen Boodoo 127

Solutions to #17, Part b)

AAE = (Predicted-Measured)/Predicted
Where Predicted values are the ones calculated using the respective correlation
Measured values are the ones measured in the lab from a core sample.

The AAE shows the degree of accuracy of the calculated value using the  correlation as compared to the
actual lab measured value from a core sample (which is more accurate, but is expensive)

If AAE is:
+ve : Correlation shows an overestimation of the actual value
Karen Boodoo 128
-ve: Correlation shows an underestimation of the actual value
Correlations for co at reservoir
pressures below the bubble-point
 McCain (1988)
 g  g 

 Rs  
co   0.00014  Rs  1.25 T  460    B g 
Bo  0.83 p  21.75   o  o  

co = isothermal compressibility, psi-1
T = reservoir temperature, oR
p = reservoir pressure (below the bubble-point pressure), psia
Rs = gas solubility at pressure, p, scf/STB
Bo = oil formation volume factor at p, bbl/STB 141.5
 API   131.5
Bg = gas formation volume factor at p, bbl/scf o
o = specific gravity of the stock tank oil (no units)
g = specific gravity of the solution gas
Karen (no units)
Boodoo 129
 API   131.5
Example #18 o
 A crude oil system exists at 1665 psi and a temperature of
250ºF. Determine the oil compressibility if the system has
the following PVT properties:
API = 47.1 pb = 2377

Bo = 1.393 bbl/STB
o = 0.792 g = 0.851
Bg = 0.001936 bbl/scf

Rs = 515 scf/STB

Karen Boodoo 130

Solution to Example #18

 515 
 0.851  0.851 
co   0.00014 515  1.25 250    0.001936
1.393 0.831665  21.75  0.792  0.792  

co  424 10 6 psi 1

Karen Boodoo 131

FACTOR, Bo (For undersaturated

Karen Boodoo 132

Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo
 Bo is defined as the ratio of the volume of oil (plus the gas in
solution), at the prevailing reservoir temperature and
pressure, to the volume of oil at standard conditions.
 Bo  1

Karen Boodoo 133

Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo


Karen Boodoo 134

Estimating Boat pressures above pb

 With
above the
pb, the Bo
due to the
of oil.

Karen Boodoo 135

Estimating Boat pressures above pb
 To account for the effects of oil compression on Bo at the
pb is 1st calculated by using any of the methods
previously described.
 The calculated Bo is then adjusted to account for the
effect if increasing the pressure above the pb (in other
words, we work backwards).
 The adjustment step uses the co since:

Karen Boodoo 136

Estimating Boat pressures above pb
 Rearranging, and integrating this equation
now becomes:

Karen Boodoo 137

Estimating Boat pressures above pb
 Using this eq’n and Vasquez-Beggs’s expression for co and
integrating, we now have:

 API   131.5
o Karen Boodoo 138
Estimating Boat pressures above pb
 Using this eq’n and Petrosky-Farshad’s expression for co
and integrating, we now have:


(Pressure of interest above pb)

Karen Boodoo 139
Example #19  API   131.5
 A crude oil system exists at 5015 psi and a temperature of 250ºF. Calculate the
oil formation volume factor at 5015 psi using both Vasquez-Beggs’ and
Farshad-Petrosky’s correlations, if the system has the following PVT properties:

API = 47.1 pb = 2392 psi

Rsb = 751 scf/STB Bob = 1.528 bbl/STB

The experimentally measured Bo = 1.457 bbl/STB

g = 0.851 gs = 0.873

Karen Boodoo 140

Solution for Example #19

 Vasquez-Beggs’ correlation:

Karen Boodoo 141

Solution for Example #19

 Farshad-Petrosky’s correlation:

Karen Boodoo 142


Karen Boodoo 143

Total Formation Volume Factor, Bt
 Bt = f(p)
 Bt defines the total volume of a system regardless of the
no. of phases present.
 Bt = total volume of HC mixture (oil + gas) @ prevailing p
and T / per unit volume of the stock-tank oil @ std
conditions of p and T

Karen Boodoo 144

Total Formation Volume Factor, Bt
 Above pb, no free gas exists  (Vg)p, T = 0:

Bt = Bo above pb, because only ONE phase is present.

Karen Boodoo 145
Total Formation Volume Factor, Bt

Karen Boodoo 146

Total Formation Volume Factor, Bt

Karen Boodoo 147

3 Correlations for Estimating Bt

Karen Boodoo 148

Standing (1974) Correlation
 387 experimental data points to develop a graphical
correlation for predicting Bt with an AAE of 5%. The
proposed correlation used the following parameters:

Karen Boodoo 149

Standing (1974) Correlation

Karen Boodoo 150

Glaso’s (1980) Correlation
 The experimental data on 45 crude samples from the North
Sea were used in developing a generalized correlation for Bt
with a std. dev. of 6.54%
 He modified Standing’s correlating parameter A* and used
regression analysis to develop the following model:

 API   131.5

Karen Boodoo 151

Marhoun’s (1988) Correlation
 Based on 1556 experimentally det’d Bt
 Used nonlinear multiple-regression.
 AAE = 4.11%
 Std. Dev. = 4.94%

 API   131.5
o Karen Boodoo 152
Example #20
 Given the following PVT data:
pb = 2744 psia T = 600R
p = 2000 psia Bo = 1.1752 bbl/STB
g = 0.6744 o = 0.843 60/60
Rs = 444 scf/STB Rsb = 603 scf/STB

 Calculate Bt at 2000 psi by using:

a) Definition of Bt
b) Standing correlation
c) Glaso’s correlation
d) Marhoun’s correlation

Karen Boodoo 153

Solution to Example #20
a) Definition of Bt


Bg  0.00504 bbl / SCF

Karen Boodoo 154

Solution to Example #20
a) Definition of Bt
Use these equations, because g = 0.6744
 gHC  0.75
T pcHC  168  325 gHC  12.5 gHC

p pcHC  667  15.0 gHC  37.5 gHC


z Ppr = P / Ppc
 gHC  0.75
Tpr = T / Tpc
T pcHC  187  330 gHC  71.5 gHC

p pcHC  706  51.7 gHC  11 .1 gHC


Karen Boodoo 155

Solution to Example #20
a) Definition of Bt

Karen Boodoo 156

Solution to Example #20
a) Definition of Bt


Karen Boodoo 157

Solution to Example #20

Karen Boodoo 158

Solution to Example #20

Karen Boodoo 159

Solution to Example #20

Karen Boodoo 160

Solution to Example #20


Karen Boodoo 161

Solution to Example #20

Karen Boodoo 162


Karen Boodoo 163

Crude Oil Viscosity, o

 o controls and influences the flow of oil

through porous media and pipes.
 Def’n: Internal resistance of the fluid to flow.
 o = f (T, p, o, g, Rs)
 Lab measurements should be det’d at Tr and

Karen Boodoo 164

Crude Oil Viscosity, o

Karen Boodoo 165

Correlations for Estimating o
Correlations for Estimating o

Dead Oil Saturated Oil Undersaturated Oil

Beal’s corr. Vasquez-Beggs corr.

Beggs-Robinson corr.
Glaso’s corr.

Chew-Connally corr.
Beggs-Robinson corr.

Karen Boodoo 166

Dead Oil – Beal’s (1946) Correlation
 753 values for dead-oil viscosity and above 100F
 Dead-oil = f (T, API)

Karen Boodoo 167

Dead Oil – Beggs-Robinson (1975)
 460 dead oil viscosity measurements.
 AAE = -0.64%
 Std. Dev. = 13.53%

Karen Boodoo 168

Dead Oil – Glaso’s (1980)
26 crude oil samples
 Used within the ranges of:
 T = 50-300F
 API gravity = 20-48

Karen Boodoo 169

Saturated Oil Viscosity – Chew-
Connally (1959) Correlation
 457 crude oil samples

Karen Boodoo 170

Saturated Oil Viscosity – Chew-
Connally (1959) Correlation

Karen Boodoo 171

Saturated Oil Viscosity – Beggs-
Robinson (1975) Correlation
 2073 saturated oil measurements.
 AAE = -1.83%
 Std. dev. = 27.25%

Undersaturated Oil Viscosity –
Vasquez-Beggs (1980) Correlation
 3593 data points.
 AAE = -7.54 %

Karen Boodoo 173

Undersaturated Oil Viscosity –
Vasquez-Beggs (1980) Correlation
With data ranges:

Karen Boodoo 174

Example #21
 The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available. Results are based on two-stage surface

T, pb, Rs , Bo, ρo, co, psi-1 at psep, Tsep, API,

Oil # o
F psia scf/STB bbl/STB lb/ft3 p > pb psia o
F deg. g
1 250 2377 751 1.528 38.13 at 2689 150 60 47.1 0.851
2 220 2620 768 1.474 40.95 at 2810 100 75 40.7 0.855
3 260 2051 693 1.529 37.37 at 2526 100 72 48.6 0.911
4 237 2884 968 1.619 38.92 at 2942 60 120 40.5 0.898
5 218 3065 943 1.570 37.7 at 3273 200 60 44.2 0.781
6 180 4239 807 1.385 46.79 Karen Boodooat 4370 85 173 27.3 0.848
Example #21
 The following additional viscosity data is also available:
Oil # Dead Oil Saturated Oil Undersaturated Oil
od, cp @T ob, cp o, cp @p

1 0.765 @ 250F 0.224 0.281 @ 5000 psi

2 1.286 @ 220F 0.373 0.450 @ 5000 psi
3 0.686 @ 260F 0.221 0.292 @ 5000 psi
4 1.014 @ 237F 0.377 0.414 @ 6000 psi
5 1.009 @ 218F 0.305 0.394 @ 6000 psi
6 4.166 @ 180F 0.950 1.008 @ 5000 psi
 Using all the oil viscosity correlations, calculate:
a) od
b) ob
c) Viscosity of the undersaturated Oil
Karen Boodoo 176
Solution to Example #21

Karen Boodoo 177

Solution to Example #21

Karen Boodoo 178

Solution to Example #21

Karen Boodoo 179


Karen Boodoo 180

RF API Correlations
 Based on 312 case studies of natural depletion and water
drive reservoirs.

Karen Boodoo 181

Depletion or Solution Drive Oil
Reservoir @ pb
 API correlation for recovery efficiency for solution gas drive
reservoirs (sands, sandstones and carbonate rocks) is:

 1  S wi  
0.1611 0.0979 0.1741
 k   pb 
     S wi    
E R  41.815 
 B ob    ob   pa 
ER = recovery efficiency, % OOIP @ pb
 = porosity, fraction of bulk volume
Swi = Interstitial water saturation, fraction of pore space
Bob = oil formation volume factor at pb, rb/STB (bbl/STB)
k = absolute permeability, darcies
ob = viscosity of the oil @ pb, cp
pb = bubble-point pressure, psia
pa = abandonment pressure, psia
Karen Boodoo 182
Water Drive Oil Reservoir
 Recovery efficiency for water drive reservoirs (sands, and
sandstones) is:

 1  S wi  
0.0422 0.0770  0.2159
 k wi   pi 
  S wi 
 0.1903
E R  54.898       
Where:  Boi    oi   pa 
ER = recovery efficiency, % OOIP
Swi = Interstitial water saturation, fraction of pore space
Boi = initial oil formation volume factor @ pi, rb/STB (bbl/STB)
k = absolute permeability, darcies
oi = initial oil viscosity @ pi, cp
wi = initial water viscosity @ pi, cp
pi = initial reservoir pressure, psia
pa = abandonment pressure, psia
Karen Boodoo 183
Example #22

a) The following rock and fluid properties is for

a sandstone reservoir with solution gas
drive. Using API correlations, calculate oil
recovery efficiency below the bubble-point.
b) Assuming the same rock and fluid
properties, for a sandstone reservoir with
water drive, calculate the oil recovery
efficiency when the abandonment pressure
is 950 psia.

Karen Boodoo 184

Example #22
 = porosity, fraction of bulk volume 0.22
Swi = Interstitial water saturation, fraction of pore space 0.35
Boi = initial oil formation volume factor, rb/STB) 1.311
Bob = bubble-point oil formation volume factor, rb/STB 1.319
wi = initial water viscosity, cp 0.5
oi = initial oil viscosity, cp 1.032
ob = viscosity of the oil, cp 1.011
pi = initial reservoir pressure, psia 3450
pb = bubble-point pressure, psia 2805
pa = abandonment pressure, psia 500
co = oil compressibility, psi-1 1.24 x 10-5
cw = water compressibility, psi-1 3.00 x 10-6
cf = formation compressibility, psi-1 3.00 x 10-6
k = absolute permeability, millidarcies
Karen Boodoo 350 185
Solution to Example #22, Part a)

a) Solution gas drive below pb

 1  S wi  
0.1611 0.0979 0.1741
 k   pb 
     S wi    
E R  41.815 
 B ob    ob   pa 
 0.221  0.35 
0.1611 0.0979 0.1741
 0.35   2805 
E R  41.815    
 0.35  0.3722
 
 1.319   1.011   500 
E R  24.1%

Karen Boodoo 186

Solution to Example #22, Part b)

b) Water drive
  1  S wi  
0.0422 0.0770  0.2159
 k wi   0.1903  p i 
E R  54.898       S wi    
 B oi    oi   pa 
 0.221  0.35 
0.0422 0.0770  0.2159
 0.35  0.5   0.1903  3450 
E R  54.898      0.35  
 1.311  1.032   950 
E R  40.3%

As expected, oil recovery in a water drive reservoir tends to

be better than a solution gas drive reservoir.

Karen Boodoo 187

Karen Boodoo 188
Flash Vaporization
Flash and differential vaporization of a reservoir fluid in a PVT cell are
two familiar studies conducted in the laboratory to measure important fluid

Flash vaporization is also referred to as constant composition

The pressure of the sample fluid is gradually lowered in a confined cell,
causing expansion in the fluid volume; no change in overall fluid
composition is allowed. Any gas evolved during the process remains in
contact with the liquid phase until equilibrium between the two phases is

Objectives of flash vaporization include the determination of the following:

1.Bubblepoint or saturation pressure
2.Specific volume at saturation pressure
3.Coefficient of thermal expansion
4.Isothermal compressibility of the liquid above the bubblepoint
Karen Boodoo 189
Flash Vaporization
In a constant composition expansion study, a reservoir fluid sample or a
recombined sample obtained from a surface separator or stock tank is
used. This sample is introduced into a cell where the pressure is initially
higher than the reservoir pressure. Any changes occurring in the cell can
be monitored visually. The temperature of the cell is maintained to reflect
the reservoir conditions. The pressure acting on the confined fluid is
gradually lowered in a series of steps by withdrawing mercury from the cell.
The increment in the fluid volume is noted with the decrease in prevailing
pressure. At the end of each step, the vapor and liquid phases are allowed
to\ reach equilibrium. When the bubblepoint of the fluid system is reached,
a sharp change in slope is observed. The fluid volume begins to expand
markedly with pressure decline at and below the bubblepoint due to the
liberation of the vapor phase. No hydrocarbon component is withdrawn
from the experimental cell. Several recombined samples with varying
amounts of dissolved gas are usually employed to study the effect of the
gas/oil ratio on the bubblepoint. Vital information that can be obtained from
flash vaporization measurements includes the values of the formation
volume factor and the gas/oil ratioKaren
as Boodoo
a function of pressure. 190
Flash Vaporization

Karen Boodoo 191

Differential Vaporization Test
A differential vaporization test involves the immediate removal of the
vapor phase following its evolution from the crude oil under declining
pressure. This is viewed to emulate the processes occurring in porous
media more closely. Any gas evolved from the liquid phase is highly
mobile in porous media and is driven rapidly towards the wellbore, while
the oil phase lags behind.

Results of the study include the following:

1.Solution gas/oil ratio
2.Relative oil volume
3.Relative total volume
4.Density of the oil
5.Gas deviation factor
6.Gas formation volume factor
7.Incremental gas gravity
8.Fluid viscosity as a function of pressure

Karen Boodoo 192

Differential Vaporization Test
Differential vaporization involves the removal of the vapor phase from the
cell as soon as it is liberated at each step of reduction in pressure.

As a result, the composition of the hydrocarbon fluid components in the

experimental cells changes continuously due to the withdrawal of the gas
Differential vaporization studies involve measurements of liberated gas
volume as well as oil volume undergoing shrinkage as the cell pressure is

In turn, this leads to the determination of gas and oil formation volume
factors and solution gas volumes as a function of decreasing pressure
below the bubblepoint. Combined with knowledge of the oil formation
volume factor, the two-phase formation volume factors can be obtained as

Karen Boodoo 193

Differential Vaporization Test

Karen Boodoo 194

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Karen Boodoo 199
Example #23

 At a pressure of 5000 psia, and separator

conditions of 200 psig and 77F:
a) Determine the pb
b) Calculate the Bo
c) Calculate the Rso

Karen Boodoo 200

Solution to Example #23

pb = 2695 psigKaren Boodoo 201

Solution to Example #23
b) Calculate the Bo : Pressure of 5000 psi is
above pb of 2695 psi

R.V. = V/Vb (Table 6.3) @ p = 5000 psig = 0.9739

Bofb = Vb/Vr (Table 6.4) @ sep. press. = 200 psig = 1.337

Karen Boodoo 202

Solution to Example #23
c) Calculate the Rso: Pressure of 5000 psi is
above pb of 2695 psi
 For pressure > pb, Rso = Rsofb

 From Table 6.4,

 Separator Gas @ sep. press. = 200psig = 459 SCF/STB

 Stock Tank Gas @ sep. press. = 200psig = 98 SCF/STB

 Rso = Rsofb = Separator Gas + Stock Tank Gas

 Rso = 459 + 98 = 557 SCF/STB
Karen Boodoo 203
Example #24

 At a pressure of 2512 psig, a bubble-point

pressure of 2695 psig and separator
conditions of 200 psig and 77F:
a) Calculate the Bo
b) Calculate the Rso

p of 2512 psig < pb

Karen Boodoo 204

Solution to Example #24
a) Calculate the Bo

Bod = V/Vr (Table 6.3) @ p = 2512 psig = 1.373

Bofb = Vb/Vr (Table 6.4) @ sep. press. = 200 psig = 1.337
Bodb = FVF @ pb = 2695 psig (Table 6.3) = V/Vr = 1.391

Karen Boodoo 205

Solution to Example #24
b) Calculate the Rso

Rsofb = Separator Gas + Stock Tank Gas (both from Table 6.4 @ sep. press. = 200 psig)

Rsofb = 459 + 98 = 557 SCF/STB

Rsodb = value of Rsod at pb = 2695 psig (Table 6.3) = 638
Rsod = @ reservoir pressure = 2512 psig (Table 6.3) = 596
Bofb = Vb/Vr (Table 6.4) @ sep. press. = 200 psig = 1.337
Bodb = FVF @ pb = 2695 psig (Table 6.3) = V/Vr = 1.391

Karen Boodoo 206

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