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Genitourinary system


Dr. Thana’a M. Ibrahim

 Structure & function of genitourinary system
 Location, surface anatomy & gross structure of urinary system
 Urinary bladder, ureter & urethra
 Vascular supply
 Nephron unit
 Urine formation and flow
 The kidney is our water purification plant
 Even more, it is the chemical engineer of our
 Reproductive system produce the offspring
The urinary system (schematic presentation)

 Consist of
 Two kidneys
 Two ureters
 One urinary
 One urethra

 Kidneys are the

major organs of
urinary system.
Urinary system structure
 Kidneys: urine forming
 Urinary bladders: a
temporary storage
reservoir for urine
 Ureters & Urethra:
tube-like organs for
transportation of urine
Anatomical position of the urinary system
Gross anatomy of urinary system
Structure of the kidneys
 Each kidney has smooth ant. &
post. Surface covered with a
fibrous capsule
 Hilum of the kidney is on the
medial margin of the kidney.
 Internally, kidney consist of
outer pale renal cortex & inner
renal medulla
 renal pyramids: triangular
shaped tissue.
 Renal papilla: the apical
projection of the renal
pyramids surrounded by miner
 Several minor calices unite to
form major calyx, then renal
Structure of kidney
Functions of urinary system
1. Excretion:
 Kidneys filter 200 litters/day (fluid from the blood stream)
 Remove toxins, metabolic wastes & excess ions
 Retune needed substances to the blood like glucose.

2. Homeostatic regulation:
 of blood plasma volume and solute concentration
 Maintain the balance between water & salts
between acid & bases
3. Endocrine function:
 Produce Renin & Erythropoietin

4. Others:
 Gluconeogenesis
 Metobolising of vitamin D to its active form
Reproductive system
 Generally it includes
 Primary sex organs (gonads):
testes in ♂
ovaries in ♀
 Accessory reproductive
organs: ducts, glands &
external genitalia
Structure of reproductive system
 Male gonads (Testes): sperm-
producing organs
 Scrotum: a sac-like structure
 Epididymis, ductus deference,
ejaculatory duct, urethra: a
system of ducts through which
the sperm is delivered from the
testes to the exterior.
 Sex glands: seminal vesicles,
prostate & bulbouretheral glands.
 urethra opens to the outside at
the tip of the penis
Structure of reproductive system
(male ♂)
 External genitalia :
penis & scrotum
 Other ducts are
considered as the
internal genitalia.
Structure of reproductive system
(female ♀)
 Female gonads (ovaries):
produce ♀ gametes (ova) &
sex hormones
 Internal genitalia (Uterine
tubes, uterus & vagina):
ducts for transport or serve
the needs for developing
 External genitalia (monus
pubis, labia, clitoris &
structures associated with
the vestibule)
Reproductive system (female)
Internal structures of RS (female)
Internal structures of RS (female)
Reproductive System (female)
Function of reproductive system
 Gonads produce sex cells and sex hormones (steroid
 Major function of reproductive system is to produce offspring
 ♂ & ♀ have equal role in reproduction till fertilisation, then ♀
provides the productive environment in which the embryo
develop until birth.
 Sex hormones play vital role in the development & function of
reproductive organs and many other organs.
androgen in ♂
estrogens & progesterone in ♀
 Marieb, E.N. 2007. Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Ed,
Addison Wessley Longman Inc, New York.
 Ganong, W.F. 2005. Review of Medical Physiology, 20th Ed,
Appleton & Lange
 Martini. 2002. Fundamental of Anatomy and Physiology. 5th
edition. Prentice Hall International, Inc.
 Tortora, G.J. dan Grabowski, S.R. 2000. Principles of Anatomy
and Physiology, 9th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York
 Sherwood, L. 2001. Human Physiology – From Cells to
Systems. 6th edition. McGraw Hill.

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