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Chapters 13 -15

Dad Meets
Captain Nobody
This Captain Nobody, what should
I know about him?
I feel really super
amazing in this
ou@it. It's like
magic, Dad.

• When Newt gets home, he is excited to see his Dad's car is in the driveway.
• He is not sure of how his Dad would react when he sees him in Captain
Nobody ou@it. In the kitchen, Dad meets Captain Nobody for the first time.
• His Dad apologises to him for neglecting him. His Dad tells him that his
teachers think that he is so upset about his brother's condition that he has
'lost touch of the reality'.
• Newt explains to his Dad that he is just fine and wearing the ou@it has
made him feel 'super amazing'.
• His Dad feels relieved to know that he is still being himself and the Captain
Nobody ou@it is just helping him to be confident of himself.
page 91
• Dad takes a picture with Captain Nobody and
sends it to Mom.
• Mom finds it amusing and shows it to everyone at the
• Dad tells him that he can visit Chris when the situation
page 93
Ollie ollie oxen

• That night Newt dreams of the Big tackle again, but

this time Captain Nobody saves Chris from being
crushed. When he shouts "Ollie ollie oxen STOP!" all
players freeze and Chris walks off the field safely.
page 95
Certain Threats
Are Made
• At school the next morning, nobody is making So, here's what I want you to
fun of Mr. Nobody. do… I want you to call off
• At noon, when Newt, Cecil and JJ are at the your brother's friends and all
playground, a football hit Newt on his head. It those stupid football players
comes from Ricky Ratner, Reggie's cousin. who keep hasslin' my cousin,
• Ricky confronts Newt and wants him to tell because if you don't ……
everyone that it was not Reggie who had
caused Chris to be unconscious. He threatens
Newt and orders him to tell his brother's
friends to stop harassing Reggie.
• Cecil and JJ quickly confront Ricky and his
classmates, standing up for Newt. Later, the
rest of the fourth-­‐grade boys stand up for
Newt, Cecil and JJ.
• Before the crowd disperse, Ricky threatens
Newt again.
• Cecil makes a point that Captain Nobody has
made everyone in the fourth grade
becomes more courageous.
Captain Nobody, I need
your help!! This is an
emergency, I am not
kidding. Meet me
immediately in front of
Sullivan's Jewelry Store on
Duncan street. The most
horrible thing has
happened, and, oh, my god
… Nooo!!

• After school, JJ frantically calls Newt on his walkie-­‐talkie

telling him that she needs his help.
• She wants Captain Nobody to meet her at Sullivan Jewelry
Store immediately.
• However, the signal suddenly cuts off.
• Captain Nobody has no choice but to sprint off toward
Sullivan's Jewelry Store. pages 102-­‐103
Bad Spelling Leads to
Something Worse

• When Newt arrives at the Sullivan's, JJ is standing

with her face buried in her hands. She points to the
signboards at the Sullivan's windows.
• The words 'karat' and 'necklace' are wrongly spelt
as 'carrot' and 'neckless'. The errors really upset
• JJ insists Captain Nobody to talk to the owner
because when she talked to them before, they just
ignored her. page 105
Breathe one word about this,
I will hunt you down and I will
hurt you!!

• Captain Nobody steps into the store. He can see Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at the
far end with a badly dressed customer.
• As Newt points out the faulty grammar and spelling errors, he notices the
couple's eyes darting between him, the merchandise and the customer.
• Newt suddenly realises that the customer is holding a gun and is pointing it
at the couple.
• Mr. Sullivan reaches for a pen to write down Newt's suggestions for the
signage and he manages to press the hidden alarm under the desktop.
• When the alarm goes off, the customer sweeps a handful of jewelry and tries
to escape. However, he runs straight into Captain Nobody. The diamonds
and watches scatter all over the place.
• The robber grabs Newt and threatens him not to report the incident to the
police or something bad will happen to him.
• After being warned, Newt and JJ run away from the scene.
pages 109-­‐110

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