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Python Training

Core & Advanced

What is python
Object Oriented


Fast-inbuild Libraries
Easy to Learn/Use


Rapid Development

Dynamically Typed


It consists of Third party libraries such as cherrypy and botto and many more
Software setup
Install python

Install java and eclipse

Install Pydev Eclipse plugin

Create a project


Single line comment

Multiline comment
Data types


Five Different ways
None Type

Numeric Type



Numeric type


Using J
Binary :0B1010

• Collections

 List

 Set

 Dictionary
Strings In-depth
current position of index


entire length of data

print 0 to 5

Starts from zero upto end.

Starts from zero upto in between.

jump every 2 character

last character is consider as -1 so on reverse direction -3

#total is -- char so its will move on reverse direction

want to go with reverse direction.

• Strip()

• lStrip()

• rStrip()
Some more methods for Strings





it is implemented to store the sequence of various type of data.
A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of
different types.
The items in the list are separated with the comma (,) and
enclosed with the square brackets [].
The indexing are processed in the same way as it happens with
the strings. 
The elements of the list can be accessed by using the slice
operator [].
Show List


display from 3rd position to 5th.


Entire length of data


Delete >>del>>default delete by using del() method by calling index>>del(list[2])






 It always start with ()
Tuple is used to store the sequence of immutable python
 value of the items stored in the list can be changed
 the tuple is immutable and the value of the items stored
in the tuple can not be changed.
 suppose we try to reassign the items of a tuple, we
would get an error as the tuple object doesn't support
the item assignment.
A tuple starts with a normal bracket and it ends with a normal bracket
as well.
It cannot be modified

We cannot use these all methods
Work with
 tpl=(10,)

Convert List to tuple

variable= tuple(list)
• The set in python can be defined as the unordered collection of various items
enclosed within the curly braces. 
•  The elements of the set can not be duplicate. 
• The elements of the python set must be immutable.
•  there is no index attached to the elements of the set, 
•  i.e., we cannot directly access any element of the set by the index.
• However, we can print them all together or we can get the list of elements by
looping through the set.
Set Types
Set consists of {}
Duplication,indexing,slicing and repitation wont work.

We can work with



Range type
• Range(value)

• Range(Fvalue,Lvalue)

• Range(Fvalue,Lvalue,JumpingValue)
Bytes & ByteArray
• bytes(list) >>once converted check only type,and cannot change

• bytearray(lst)>>we can add the index and check for type

• The collections of the key-value pairs are enclosed within the curly
braces {}.

• Dictionary is used to implement the key-value pair in python.

• Dictionary is the collection of key-value pairs where the value can be

any object whereas the keys are the immutable object, i.e., Numbers,
string or tuple.

• It can be created by using multiple key-value pairs enclosed with the

small brackets () and separated by the colon (:). 
• C={key:’one’,key:’two’}

• C.items

• C.keys

• C.values

• Index

• Del c[2]
Operators and Operands
• Arithmetic Operators
• ** power
• // Floor
Assignment Operators
• += //compound assignment
• -=
• *=
• /=
• %=
• **=
• //=
Comparison Operators
• ==
• !=
• <=
• >=
Logical Operators
• X and y = true(both should be true)
• X and y =true(any one true)
• Not x =true(it wil make it false)
• Sep=‘++’

• name='sandy'
• f=10.25
• print("my name is",name,"and",f)
• print("my name is %s and %f"%(name,f))
• print("my name is {} and {}".format(name,f))
• print("my name is {0} and {1}".format(name,f))
Input and Output Functions
• Input()
• String way
• Integer way with type
• Using[int(x) for x in input().split() ]
Problem solvings
• Student details
• Id
• Name
• Marks

• Average of three numbers

• Area of a circle
• Go import math
Control Statements
• Conditions
• If
• If else
• If..elif..else

• Looping
• While
• For

• Transfer
• Break,continue
• Pass,return
• Find even and odd using if else
• If else ladder using if..elif..else
• While loop
• Show even or odd numbers to print using min and max.
• Using loop print 30 to 50.
• Using loop print 5 to 50 and jump 5.
• List of numbers all should be multiplied.
• d Multiplication table for given value.
• Using break
• Using Continue //jump
• Assert
Command Line Arguments
Command Line Arguments
Display the command line arguments with index.

Display the Command line arguments lengths(obj).

Script/program Name>>int(l[1])*int(l[2])
Functions are the most important aspect of an application.
A function can be defined as the organized block of reusable code
which can be called whenever required.
Python allows us to divide a large program into the basic building
blocks known as function. 
 The function contains the set of programming statements enclosed by
A function can be called multiple times to provide reusability and
modularity to the python program.
By using functions, we can avoid rewriting same logic/code again and
again in a program.
• Average value of 2 numbers
• Using return.
• Arithmetic Operations using function
• Local and Global Variable
• Assign functions to variable
• Function inside another function.
• Returning a function
• Pass any type
• Factorial
•  The anonymous functions are declared by using lambda keyword.
•  Lambda functions can accept any number of arguments, but they can return only
one value in the form of expression.
•  The lambda function can be used as an argument to the higher order functions
as arguments.  
 filter() function is used to get filtered elements.
This function takes two arguments, first is a function and the second is iterable.
The filter function returns a sequence from those elements of iterable for which
function returns True.
list(filter(lambda x:x%2==0,l))
• Map
The map() function in Python takes in a function and a list as argument. 
The function is called with a lambda function and a list and a new list is returned
which contains all the lambda modified items returned by that function for each
list(map(lambda x:x*2,l))
 This is a part of functools module
It takes in a function and a list as argument. 
 The function is called with a lambda function and a list and a new reduced result
is returned. 
Lambdas simple
Lambdas addition
Lambdas Multiplication
Create a Lambda that will calculate the cube of a given Number
Create a Lambda that will return yes if the given number is even else and no if it
it odd
Retrive only even numbers from a given list using filters
using the map function double the value of each element in the list
Using reduce fuction add all the numbers
• A decorator is a design pattern that allows a user to add new functionality to an
existing object without modifying its structure.
• Decorators are usually called before the definition of a function you want to
• Create 2 different function with print
• Create a outer and inner function and with separate function and print
• Using @decor
• Using @decor ,use outer inner function with separate function show the strings
linking with functions.
• A generator function is defined like a normal function, but whenever it needs to
generate a value, it does so with the yield keyword rather than return.
•  If the body of a def contains yield, the function automatically becomes a
generator function.
• Yield can produce a sequence of values.
• customerGen using x and y,while and yield will be stored in memory by using

• Create a mymath module and use it. And use it in another script.
• Diff ways to import
• >calling as alies
• >calling as *
List comprehensions
• list comprehensions are a shortcut to create one list out of another by applying
the logic we want
• on the first list as well as we can also apply conditions on the right hand side only
if the condition
• is satisfied that item will be included in the resulting list.
• And this logic will be applied to each and every item in the list.
• Cube of numbers in a list using range of 10.
• Even numbers between 1 to 100 jump by 2 by if condition
• Products of numbers in list(2 arrays multiply).
• Common elements of two lists.

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