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Central hospital Nursing Institute

Nilufa Yesmin
B.Sc. in Nursing (RANC)
Nursing Instructor(CHNI)
Interpersonal & Therapeutic
Definition of Interpersonal Communication

This form of communication describes the interactions of

two or more people. The most significant setting for
interpersonal communication is direct face to face
communication between two persons. An interview, a
conversation and intimate communications come under
this heading. It is more influential than any other type of
communication, for it involve the interplay of words and
gestures, the warmth of human closeness and in fact all
the senses. Feedback is the key word here.Feedback is
Functions of interpersonal
1. Functions of interpersonal communication are few
participants involved and consist of inquiring,
informing, persuading and entertaining.
2. During inquiring interpersonal communication
establishes good understanding each other.
3. There are in close physical interaction to each other.
4. There are many sensory channels used. So that
feedback is immediate.
5. Sharing ideas, feeling and contributes together to total
nursing care and treatment of the client or patient.

6. The major functions for the clients are “ to help” and

“heal”. Nurse is seeking to help and patient is seeking
to healing.
7. Helping relationship is occurring during interpersonal
communication .
8. It is facilitated by principles of presence intention and
purpose, empathy, guiding and spirituality.
Therapeutic Communication

Therapeutic communication, is defined as a
purposeful form conversation, serving as a point
of human contact between nurse and client and
allowing them to reach common health related
goals through participation in a focused
Functions of therapeutic communication:
It is a basic tool used in the helping relationships. It is a
purposeful form of conversation, serving as a point of
human contact, and interaction between nurse and client
and allowing them to reach common health-related goals
through anticipation in a focused relationship. The
following functions are:
1.The nurse and client work together to solve problems
centered on the client’s health care need.
2.The client’s feels cared for and understood.
3.The family or significant others are include in the care.
4. Health teaching is conducted.
5. Health promotion and prevention care is delivered.
6. To help client’s learn about their illness and how to cope
with it.
7. To comfort dying persons and to assure them that some
one is there to be with them, and ease their suffering.
8. To help makes illness bearable by reinforcing self-
9. To help makes supporting the mutual healing powers of a

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