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Cascading Style Sheets

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

Cascading Style Sheets
 Are a standard set by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C)
 A simple mechanism for adding style (e.g.
fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents
 It is a way to separate the content from the
layout on web pages.

 Can be used for HTML, XHTML and XML

 The term “cascading” refers to the fact that
each different style declaration can be
“cascaded” under the one above it, forming a
parent-child relationship between the styles.
02/15/21 Zahid Aslam
Advantages of CSS
 Excellent addition to plain HTML
 Easily change the look
 Can save lot of work
 Offers much more detailed attributes
 Pages load faster

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

 These will only work on version 4 browsers or
 CSS1 support is at least partially available for
more than 96% of the current browser
population, with a good CSS2 support for
about 80% of today's browsers.

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

Rules and Style Sheets
 Rule: A rule is a statement about one stylistic
aspect of one or more elements.
 Style Sheet: A style sheet is a set of one or
more rules that apply to an HTML document.
Rules to follow
 Browser default
 External style sheets
 Internal style sheet (inside the head tag)
 Inline style sheets (inside html element)
(highest priority)
02/15/21 Zahid Aslam
Rules and Style Sheets
General form of a rule:

 selector { property: value }

selector { property1: value1;
property2: value2;
propertyN: valueN }

H1 { text-align: center;
color: red }

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

HTML Selector
 <HTML>
<style type="text/css">
<b>This is a customized headline style bold</b>

 This is a customized headline style bold color red

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

HTML Selector (grouping)
<style type="text/css">

02/15/21 Zahid Aslam

Class Selector
 you can define different styles for the same type of HTML element.
 .ClassSelector {Property:Value;}

 <HTML>
<style type="text/css">
.headline {font-family:arial; font-size:14px; color:red}
<b class="headline">This is a bold tag carrying the headline class</b>
<i class="headline">This is an italics tag carrying the headline class</i>
This is a bold tag carrying the headline class
This is an italics tag carrying the headline class

ID Selector
 used when you want to define a style relating to an object with a unique ID.
 There can only be one element with a given id in whole document
#IDSelector {Property:Value;}
<style type="text/css">
#layer1 {position:absolute; left:100;top:100; z-Index:0}
#layer2 {position:absolute; left:140;top:140; z-Index:1}
<div ID="layer1">
<table border="1" bgcolor="#FFCC00"><tr><td>THIS IS LAYER
1<br>POSITIONED AT 100,100</td></tr></table>
<div ID="layer2">
<table border="1" bgcolor="#00CCFF"><tr><td>THIS IS LAYER
2<br>POSITIONED AT 140,140</td></tr></table>
ID Selector

Where to place selectors
 Internal Style Sheet:
 <html>
<title>MY CSS PAGE</title>
<style type="text/css">
.headlines, .sublines, infotext {font-face:arial; color:black; background:yellow; font-
.headlines {font-size:14pt;}
.sublines {font-size:12pt;}
.infotext {font-size: 10pt;}
<span class="headlines">Welcome</span><br>
<div class="sublines">
This is an example page using CSS.<br>
The example is really simple,<br>
and doesn't even look good,<br>
but it shows the technique.
<table border="2"><tr><td class="sublines">
As you can see:<br>The styles even work on tables.
<div class="infotext">
Where to place selectors
 External Style Sheet:
 <html><head>
<title>MY CSS PAGE</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href="whatever.css" type="text/css"></head>
<span class="headlines">Welcome</span><br>
<div class="sublines">
This is an example of a page using CSS.<br>
The example is really simple,<br>
and doesn't even look good,<br>
but it shows the technique.
<table border="2"><tr><td class="sublines">
As you can see:<br>
The styles even work on tables.
<div class="infotext">Example for class presentation.</div>
External Style Sheets
 we added a reference to an external style sheet:

<link rel=stylesheet href="whatever.css"


 File: whatever.css
.headlines, .sublines, infotext {font-face:arial;
color:black; background:yellow; font-weight:bold;}
.headlines {font-size:14pt;}
.sublines {font-size:12pt;}
.infotext {font-size: 10pt;}

Visual Tour

 Through style sheets you can specify the
general formatting of HTML elements
 Use external style sheets to share styles across
all documents in the web site
 Class definitions allow you to define multiple
styles for an HTML element
 Not all styles supported by all browsers

Cascading Style sheets



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