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Theories on the

Origin of Life
4 theories:

1. Spontaneous generation – life can come from

nonliving things.
2. Biogenesis – life only comes from other living
3. Cosmogenesis – life on Earth came from
another part of our solar system or galaxy
• Meteorites contain organic compounds
• Conditions necessary for life may have existed
on other planets or moons
4. Special creation – all religious beliefs
who have
contributed to the
theory of
1668-Francesco Redi
• Observed flies land on meat that later
develops maggots.
• Hypothesis: Maggots come from flies
• Experiment
control - jars with meat covered
experimental – jars with meat open
• Results: open jar had flies and maggots
• Conclusion: maggots come from flies
Critics said there were no maggots in the
closed jar because there was no air!

Redi redesigned his experiment and covered the

jar with netting.
Result: Flies and maggots were on the netting,
not in the jar. His hypothesis was correct!

First scientist to use a control group

1668 -Redi
1700’s - Spallanzani
Hypothesis: microbes do not come from broth
Flask with boiled gravy left open – microbes
Flask with boiled gravy sealed – no growth

Critics said “no air “– no redesign

1868 - Pasteur
• Redesigned Spallanzani’s experiment using a
swan-necked flask
• Flask was left open - no growth
Critics said “bad broth”

• Pasteur broke off the neck and growth began

Persevered and proved his point!
Pasteur’s swan-necked flask:

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