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 Late part of the 20th.century

 Extension of Modernism
Some concepts and themes

 Decentralization
 Disintegration
 Instability
 Loss of coherence and meaning
 Unreliability of truth
 Unreliability of language
 Welcoming the absurd confusion
 Eclecticism
 Anti-elitism (mixing and blending high culture and pop culture)
 poststructuralism (no self-evident foundations that guarantee the validity of knowledge and truth)
Some prominent theoreticians and writers

 Fredrick Jameson
 Terry Eagleton
 Jacques Derrida
 Julia Kristeva
 Thomas Pynchon
 John Barth
 Kurt vonnegut
Some techniques

 Self-reflexivity
 Genre mixing
 Collage
 Magic realism
 Irony and pastiche (playfulness)

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